Chapter 21

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I woke up with a very bad feeling. My head hurts so much. Wait, how did I even get here? The last thing I remembered was Manu and I were at the tree house and—

I was startled when my door opened. I saw mom with a hot tub and a towel. She smiled and sat beside me. She touched my forehead as if she was checking for my temperature. What happened?

"Are feeling okay, sweetie?" Mom asked me. I gave her a questioning look.

"Yes, mom. What happened? Where's Manu?" I asked her. She gave me a sad smile and caressed my shoulder. Seriously, what is happening?

"He's gone." I was shocked of what mom said. No way, she's kidding! I covered my eyes with my hands and sobbed. This can't be happening. He just confessed to me last night! Was that his way of saying that he'll be gone? As in gone?

"Hey, Kirby. Why are you crying?" Mom asked. She was alarmed when I started crying.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I cried.

"He didn't?" I shook my head. "I thought he told you he's going back to Madrid?"


"E-eh?" I stopped crying and looked at mom.

"That's not what I meant when I said that he's gone. What I meant was, he went back to Madrid already." Mom laughed. I just stared at her. You're so OA, Kirby. You could've been sad, but no, you had to cry! Ugh.

I wiped my tears and smiled. "Oh, you could've said so earlier, mom."

Mom chuckled. "Nah, I enjoyed seeing you cry."

My eyes widened. Seriously, mom?! She laughed as I glared at her. Mom's always making fun of me.

"Why did he not wake me up?" I asked. She started rubbing me with the wet towel to lessen my hotness. I mean, I have a fever! Lol, double meaning. Haha.

"You're sick, Kirby. It's okay, he went here two hours ago. Don't be embarrassed, but I think you were snoring when he went inside your room to check on you." Mom laughed again.

"Mom! Ugh. That was so embarrassing." I covered my face with my hands.

"It's okay, he loves your little things." She winked at me and smiled.

What did she mean by that? I suddenly remembered Manu's confession last night and I can't help, but smile again.

"Awe, my baby's in love." She hugged me, but I stopped her.

"Mom! I am not, okay?" I looked away. Ugh. Why can't I remember what happened last night?

"How did I get home?" I asked mom.

"Gavin fetched you."

"What?!" I shouted. Mom was shocked with my expression. Of all people, why Gavin?!

"Why? Manu texted him because he couldn't let you ride on his motorcycle since you passed out because of your fever." Mom explained. I nodded and chewed the side of my lip.

"Oh, I have to thank Gavin personally." I said.

"Not now, honey. You're still sick." Mom said. I nodded and laid down again.

"I'm going to the kitchen and prepare your breakfast, okay?" She smiled at me.

"You don't have to, mom. I can go downstairs." I said. She shook her head and mouthed an 'it's okay'. I had no choice, but to nod.

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