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Aquarius flipped her high ponytail to the side and it rested on her shoulder. Leo stared at her. "Can I help you"? "Rival". He replied. "What"? She asked confused. "You're ffff- really pretty". He explained. "Oh thank you". "BUT NOBODY CAN RESIT ME". Aquarius made a face. O-O. "Typical lion". Aries said and took his seat next to aquarius. "I much rather prefer you to not bother my girlfriend with your compliments". Leo stared at Aries quizzically. "Oh come on I was just being nice". He walked over to aquarius's desk. He leaned over it to the point where they faces were centimeters away from each other. "You know pretty face..." he lifted her face closer to his. "I wouldn't mind if we went on a date". Aries blood was boiling. "Ah"! Aries punched leo in the face causing leo to grab his cheek. "You could've ruined my beautiful face". Leo whined while pulling out his mirror to check his swollen cheek. "ARIES"! Aquarius scolded. "What he deserved it". "But still". Leo went to the nurse to get an ice pack which left both Aries and Leo to be thrown into detention. During lunch gemini looked around for sagittarius since he was the only one willing to be her friend. She spotted him but she saw him surrounded by a bunch of other people. Gemini walked over. The only open seat was next to a girl with long black hair almost brown. "Mind if I sit here"? The girl looked up. Gemini smiled nervously. "Sure". She said totally unemotional. Gemini sat across from sagittarius. "Hi gem"! He said. "Hello". Gemini looked around nevorsly. "Hey sagi why don't you introduce this pretty girl"? Cap asked running fingers through his blonde hair. "Everyone thinks is gemini. Gemini this is everyone". "H-hi". Gemini said hiding her blush. "I'm scorpio". The girl next to her said. "N-nice to meet you" gemini said shyly.

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