Leo put his guitar up and laid down on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling. Suddenly he heard a knock on his window. Wait he was on the second floor. He opened his window when a pebble hit him in the face. "AH! ow ow"! He heard laugher. He looked over at his neighbor who's widow was across from his. She was throwing pebbles. "What the hell Madison"! Leo scowled. "Aw leo don't scowl you'll get wrinkles"! "Why did you throw a pebble at my face? You saw i was clearly opening the window"! "Oh boy." Madison said sarcastically. "Im sorry then". Not only was Madison leo's next door neighbor but she was leo's ex-girlfriend. "Anyways leo i heard music. Who's the song for your next girl friend you man whore"! Leo scowled and threw a chemistry book from off his table. But due to gravity the book hit the house and decended to the ground. "Don't call me that Madison". Leo said clearly pissed and Angry. "This happens to be for a girl named Aquarius". "I knew it was for a girl you damn man whore". "I told you to stop calling me that bitch." Madison screamed in frustration and slammed her window shut. Leo did the same and closed his curtains. Suddenly his phone rang. "Hello"! Leo said letting an annoyed sigh out. "Woah calm down big boy it's me Taurus do you wanna grab coffee"? "Taurus! Coffee? Yeah sounds good"!
"So what's up"? "Nothing much". Leo was squirming in his seat looking around. Taurus kicked him under the table. "Ow"! Leo hissed. "quit it you look like your about to pee you're pants". "Sorry im just really uncomfortable". "Uncomfortable? With me"? "No taurus you're not the problem it's my ex. I want to grab her by her curly golden locks and rip her head of her body". Taurus shuddered at the image leo created in his head for her to imagine. "Sorry you have to put up with my rant". "It's okay leo". Taurus munched on her muffin. She eyed leo's brownie. "Taurus you're looking at my brownie". Taurus looked away and blushed. "Do you want it"! "Really"! "Yeah". "Thanks"!
"Tonight we are victorious
Champagne pouring over us
All my friends were glorious
Tonight we are victorious
Oh-oh-oh-oh, victorious
"No no stop you guys are doing it wrong". Leo said. Jason slammed his sticks down. "Leo it doesn't have to be perfect"! He complained. "Yes it does. If we loes against Madison our lives are over"!
Flash back
"Leo I'll see you at the concert and i will win and if i win your whole band will be my slave for a whole month".
End of flash back
Eric truned his base around so that it rested on his back. "Jason leo is right. If Madison wins we might as well burn in hell". "Well what do we get out of it"? Jason asked showing his greedy side. "Madison out of our lives and possibility 300 dollars each back that she stole". "Your fault for dating her". Jason said. "But if money is involved im in"! "Let's practice". Leo truned around and spotted Libra walking on the side walk across from them. Leo decided to call out to her. "YO LIBRA"! Libra looked in the direction of her name being called. Leo? Libra walked over to them. "Hey leo what's up"? "Nothing practicing for our up coming concert". "Oh where are you guy preforming"? "Hopefully water creeks". "That's cool i can't wait to see it". "Do you maybe want to help us practice"? "You want my help"? "Yeah". "Ok". Libra sat on one of the couches in the garage. "Ok I'll tell you if i need help". Libra nodded. "Hey baby". Jason said. Libra scoffed. "You better help us practice and help us practice real good". Jason said hinting something sexual which made libra internally gag. Now for a little back story. Jason lives across from Libra. For years jason has been trying to flirt with her ever since the second grade. Libra became fed up with it that she rarely left the house. "Ok 1 2, 1 2 3 4".
"Makes sense". Virgo said staring at her text book. "Dam you Aries". Virgo pulled her book down and saw scorpio cursing Aries's name. "Hey scorpio". Scorpio looked at virgo sitting across from her. "Hey". "What's wrong"? "Nothing aries spilled his drink on my skirt". Scorpio stared at it. "I said I was sorry". Scorpio truned around and saw aries looming over her. Scorpio stood up and left the library. Aries sat next to virgo. "Hey so how are you"? "Im okay". "How about Aquarius"? "Meh we haven't spent much time together. She's been do busy. I kinda miss my girlfriend." "Maybe she's cheating on you". "Aquarius would never do that. If she was i wouldn't found out sooner or later"? Virgo nodded in agreement. Aries opened a novel and began to read.
"Hey guys we need a girl singer". Leo confessed. "It used to be Madison". Dylan leaned against the wall. Leo looked at libra. "What about you libra can you sing"? "Yes but I'm not that good". Leo started to think of something else. "How about Aquarius". Libra offered. "Aqua"? Leo asked. "Yes she's really good". "Um-" "I'll call her"! "No no no-" "hey aqua come over to Jason's house it this address...". Leo cried. "What's wrong with this girl is she ugly"? Jason asked. "No she's FUCKING SEXY" leo said emphasizing the last two words. "DAMN I'M GONNA GET SOME TONIGHT!" Jason cheered. Libra scoffed. "The only thing you're get is a fucking NO shoved up your own ass". "Come on baby don't be that way". Eric laughed. "Man libra be a savage"! Suddenly a car pulled up. A girl with long black hair pulled up in a bow and a beautiful radiant smiled walked out. "Aquarius is looking dam sexy"! Libra teased leo. Leo relized where his eyes were focused and turned away. "Leo"? "Aquarius". Leo stared at her (kissable only to him) lips. "Leo? Earth to leo"? "Huh oh yeah what's up". Aquarius laughed. Man her laugh is fucking adorable! "Are you the leader". "Uh yes". "Cool what do you need"? "Can you sing"?
Well that's it. Really long. Took me a week. PLZ PLZ PLZ COMMENT! I SWEAR ILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! next chapter will be interesting. Stay tuned until next time!

Zodiac Life
Ficción GeneralThis is a story about the life of zodiacs and how they interact with each other. There with be love drama ect. Btw this story is not my best.