letting libra go?

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Leo looked among the crowd. Instead of seeing his girlfriend smiling or at least blushing like he expected he saw a shocked expression. The boy pulled her away. "Leo we failed right"? "No it's not over yet..."
Aquarius arrived to pick up leo and the rest of the band. "How'd did it go"? "She didn't respond how I expected she would". Leo said looking down. Aquarius looked at leo. "It's fine you have to keep trying". She tried to encourage him. Leo nodded and looked up. "It's not over yet".
The next morning leo was walking to school when he spotted gemini and pisces talking about something. "Hi ladies". Pisces blushed and gemini glared at him. "Morning leo". Pisces said shyly. "Go die lion". Gemini said. Leo looked confused. "Did I do something"? "No you did everything". "Um okay"? Leo walked away. He saw libra and that boy making out. Leo watched for a few seconds and scoffed and walked off.
During lunch leo sat at an isolated table. Aquarius walked towards him. "What's up"? "Nothing". Aquarius looked at him. "you sure". "No. I dunno. Aquarius I don't want to do this. Maybe we broke up for a good reason". Aquarius kissed leo. "Was that for a good reason"? "Huh"? Aquarius wiped her lips. "I'm trying to make a point leo". Leo looked at his food. "I think I should just let libra go". Aries walked over. "Hey lion how'd it go"? Leo go up and left. Aquarius and Arises called after him.
Leo buried his face in his pillow and tucked himself under the covers. "Onii-chan"? Brittany yelled. "Go away"! Leo yelled. She sighed. "Come eat"! "I'm not hungry"! "Ugh". Leo closed his eyes and drifted into a deep sleep. I don't love libra right? I don't love her. Maybe I should give up on her. Leo woke up. His phone was going crazy. He picked it up and a bunch of text filled the screen. They were from Aquarius.
"So you wanted to meet me here because...?" Aquarius smiled. "Make libra want you". "Here". Aquarius held out her head. "Let's go find you a new girlfriend". Leo took her hand. Aquarius went to a coffee shop. "Lots of girls hang out here. You should find one girl at least". "None of them seem like my type". Leo whined. Aquarius sighed. "You don't know that. Over there. Try her". Aquarius pointed to a girl in a black Lolita dress with two long blond pigtails and violet eyes. She was invest in a book and sipping tea. "Fine". Leo walked over to her. "Hey". Leo said. The girl looked up. "Hey". She went back to her book. "Can I sit here"? "Yeah I don't care". "What's your name". She closed her book. "Can you stop". "Fine bitch". Leo got up. "Wait". Leo looked back. "Why are you talking to me". "Because I want to". "Out of all these other pretty girls". "Your pretty as well not gonna lie". The girl stood up. "I'm utau". "Nice...I'm leo". "Oh right I've heard of you". "Same here hoshina". (Anybody get the shugo chara reference) "so you've heard of me". "yup". "Here give me your phone". "Ok". Leo handed it over. "She put here contact info in". "Text me whenever". "Ok". "See ya". Leo walked back. "Well...?" "Got her number". "Highfive"!
Leo texted the girl. "She texted back".
Utau: leo hi what's up!
Leo: hey i was wondering if your free. I know you're busy with your singing career and all...
Utau: how's Friday
Leo: yeah so date?
Utau: yeah where is it
Leo: anywhere you want take the lead
Utau: kay!
Leo sighed with smile on his face.
Leo walked to school with a huge smile stretched across his face. He saw libra and that guy but ignored it because of course he had a date.
During lunch libra noticed leo looking extra happy. Libra walked up to him. "Hey leo". Leo looked up. "Um hey libra". "You look happy did something good happen". "Yeah something did". "Really what is it"? "I'm going on a date"! Libra looked taked aback. "Date"? Leo nodded happily. "I see". Libra walked away.
"Oh really he got another girlfriend". "I didn't except him to move on so quickly but again he broke up with me". "But you still love him." "I do not". "Libra don't run away from it. If you love him no problem". Libra looked down.
Leo stood at the subway station. Where is she. Ive been here for 2 hours. He then heard footsteps and heavy breathing. He turned around. Utau hunched over her knees. "Sorry I'm late. Something came up last minute at the studio so I hade to take care of that. I'm so sorry". "That's okay. At least you made it". "Yeah". Leo smiled. "So where do you want to go". Utau smiled mischievously.
"Ramen"? Leo asked. "Can you beat me in a ramen eating contest". That fired leo up. "You're on". Leo said. It resulted in utau winning. "Thanks i had fun today leo". "Yeah me too". Utau leaned in for a kiss. Leo looked at surprised but he leaned down and kissed her. Libra saw this. She ran away tears flying from her eyes. Why would leo do this. Wait I shouldn't be crying. We broke up. Why am I crying.
Leo said bye to the girl. Suddenly it started to rain. Well he expected it. It was cloudy. Leo arrived at his house he kicked off his shoes. There was a knock on the door. He opened it. "Libra". She was soaked head to toe. "Libra what's wrong"? Libra smashed her lips onto leo's. Leo's eyes widened. He pushed Libra off. "W-what are you doing"!? "Leo I love you"! She again kissed leo. Leo pushed her off and held her shoulders so she stayed in place. "Stop libra"! "I love you" "Really if you loved me you wouldn't have date the other boy". "I'm sorry it was wrong but now I want to be with you". "Libra I-"
That's it. How should leo respond. Yes or no? And who's really fault here. Vote and comment.

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