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Leo woke up Saturday morning. His phone read 30 messages. He checked his phone. All from Libra. Dam this girl! Leo thought. He called her. "Hey Libra". "Did you get my messages"? "Y-yeah I did. Why"? "Why what"? "30 messages of the same question"? "Oh because today is hoco and I'm so excited". Leo sighed. "Oh well I didn't really read the text could you tell me what your question was"? Libra sighed. "Leo you'll never be able to save a relationship but you're lucky you're cute". Leo tiredly chuckled. "I was wondering if you could judge some different color makeup designs to match my dress"? "Yeah sure". Libra sent him a few pics. He looked through them. "I like the 4th one". "Ok thank you". Libra hung up. Leo was about to sleep again when his phone rang again. He check the caller ID. "Aquarius"? He picked up. "Hello"? "L-leo"? It sounded like she was on the verge of tears. "Hey you okay". "I-I dunno I think I just did something wrong". "What do you mean". "It's about Aries"! "I'll come over". "Wait but-" "is something wrong with me coming over"? "Yes this is something wrong with you coming over". "Why"? Suddenly a dial tone was heard. "Aqua"? "Aquarius"? "AQUARIUS"!
Leo got dressed quickly (ignoring Aquarius tell him not to come over) and arrived at her house. He knocked on the door. Instead of seeing Aquarius like he expected he saw aries. "Hey Aries is Aquarius here"? "Yeah..." "can I see her". "No". "Is something wrong though"? "Nothing is wrong". Aries said. Leo looked confused then he heard crying. He pushed past Aries and opened Aquarius's door. his eyes widened.
Scorpio looked at the clock then at her phone. She looked back at the clock. I have about 6 hours to get my makeup and hair done. She thought. She searched up numbers for a hair salon. She called one. She sighed. Everyone she tried seemed like unreasonable amount of money. "You know what fuck it"! She called cap. "Hello Scorpio". "Oh hey cap is your sister home"? "Yes she is". "May I talk to her"? "Yeah sure". Silence filled the other line then Capricorn answered. "Yes who is it"? "Oh it's scorpio". "Hi it's rare that you call us". "Well yes but your brother is my date and I was wondering if you could do my hair or at least your mom could do it. She's a hair dresser." "Sure I'll ask her". Scorpio waited for her answer. "She said yes. Can you come around 5 or so"? "Yeah".
Aquarius was sprawled out on her bed crying. He face was covered in smeared makeup. "What happened to you"? Leo said. "I not pretty enough with or without makeup". "That's not true". Leo tried removing her smeared lipstick. Aquarius moved her face away from leo. Aries sighed. "Leo don't touch Aqua." Aries said walking over to his girlfriend and started to clean her face up. "Hey libra's getting her makeup done"! Leo said. "Why don't you do that"? "Leo I can't afford that. My stepfather cut me off". Stepfather? "Who cares I'll pay for you". Leo said grabbing her wrist and dragging her out of the house. Leo pushed her in the passenger seat. "Hey leo stop that". Leo than dragged Aries into the backseat. "Hey what ate doing"? "You're going to pick your girlfriend's makeup". Aquarius and arises groned.
Scorpio reached Capricorn's house at 5. Scorpio was about to knock but cap opened the the door with a wide grin stretched across his face. He kissed her. Scorpio's eyes widened. She pushed him back stunned. "W-what are you doing"? "Cap who's at the door"? Capricorn asked walking up to her brother. "Oh hi scorpio my mom's in my bathroom so you can go there she's just setting up." Scorpio nodded a little stunned by cap's actions. Cap smirked. "What happened"? Capricorn asked. "Oh nothing"? Cap said.
Leo brought Aquarius and arises to the salon downtown. "Omg it's leo"! The girl squealed. Aquarius and arises look at each other in confusion. "Hello everyone this is my hair dresser lisa." "Yes nice to meet you I've been styling leo's hair since the day he was born". "Why you must have a lot of connections". Aries said. "I expected a more rich looking place". Aquarius commented. "Please follow me this way." Lisa brought Aquarius to her hair desk. "Here are some ideas for makeup and hair styles. You can pick anything and since you are leo's friends I'll give it to you free"! Leo laughed. "Wow she's seems to friendly did you date her"? Aries asked. "No she's 6 years older than me. I think my dad dated her for a while". "I see..."
Scorpio walked into the bathroom. "Hello welcome I'm Capricorn's mother. I heard my son is taking you to the dance correct"? "Yeah he is". "Oh cap finally found someone". Scorpio blushed. To me he's just a friend I already like someone it's two people actually. Wait what I can't be thinking about Sagittarius! aries is my only crush not sag! Plus he'd be better off with aqua. Capricorn started working on Scorpio's hair.
Lisa began to do the style aqua wanted. Aquarius stared at her self in the mirror. "So pretty". She said. "You're welcome". "Thank you so much Lisa". Lisa smiled. "Anything for leo's friends." They left the salon. "Thanks leo". "No problem". Aries sat in the backseat crossing his arms. "What's wrong"? Leo looked up in the review mirror. "Oh nothing". Aries said. "Aquarius looks beautiful though". Aries said. Aquarius blushed even though he was her boyfriend. Leo stopped at Aquarius's house. "I'll see you guys at hoco". He drove off. "That lion". Aries said. "Well let's get ready". Aquarius said dragging her boyfriend inside.
"All done"! Scorpio looked at herself in the mirror. Her makeup was perfect and her hair was curled in long beautiful black locks. "Thank you". She said. Capricorn's mother smiled. "You're welcome any time". "Hey scorpio want to hoco together". "Yeah sure I'm going home to get dressed". "Ok my brother will pick you up around 7:00."
The school was ready and decorated. People began to pile in one by one. Soon the school was filled with students and their dates. People just danced, ate, and took pictures. Aquarius sighed and walked around with Aries. "Aquarius do want to take pictures". "I don't know whatever you want". Aries looked at his girlfriend. "You okay"? "Yeah sorry do I look wired". "No you look scared". "Oh do I"? "AQUARIUS"! Aquarius screamed. "Wow jumpy". "Oh it's just you leo". Aquarius looked at libra. "You look gorgeous". "Thank you. You as well look like a princess". "Thanks". Leo and arises looked at their dates. "Hey let's take a group picture"! Leo said. "Okay". They all agreed. They all grabbed props and stuff. And took a couple of pictures at the photo booth and then parted their ways.
Scorpio and cap spent most of their time just sitting and chatting with other students. "Um cap can I ask you something"? "Yup". "Why did you ask me out to hoco". "Because I love you". "Wait are you serious". Cap smiled. "I'm serious." "You're not kidding". "100% telling the truth". Scorpio blushed. "I'm sorry cap but I don't...I think of you as a friend." Cap smiled sadly. "It's fine. I knew I was no match against to began with". "But we can be friends". "Yeah maybe". Cap said disappointed even though he expected scorpio to have no feelings for him. "Attention boys and girls we will announce the king and queen for your homecoming dance"! Everyone gathered in the cafeteria. "And your homecoming queen is...SCORPIO"! "What the hell"! Scorpio walked on stage. The teacher crowned her. "And your homecoming king is...LEO"! Fuck! Scorpio thought. Leo walked on stage. The teacher crowned him. "Now make room for the king and queen dance". "Wait there's a dance"? "Yes a slow dance". Leo and scorpio looked at each other and smiled awkwardly. "Hmmm I wonder how you got prom queen you're scary as shit". "I don't know how you got prom king your so fucking arrogant". "Hey I'm loyal"! "Are you really leo"? The reached the middle of the dance floor. Leo pulled her roughly close to him. Scorpio blushed. "Wait leo this is obviously way to close". "Just bear with me here". Scorpio nodded a put her free hand on his shoulder. "Omg so cute!~♡" "I ship". "They should totally kiss"! "What a perfect match". Leo listen to the wishperes around him. Ugh rumors why did it have to be scorpio. Leo and scorpio looked at each other. Thoes eyes. Really pretty. "Leo"? "Huh"? "Is something wrong". "No". "Um okay". I'm dating libra. Remember leo your Loyal don't start like other girls but why does ot have to be scorpio. Yeah we're friends but just friends Nothing more. Right. She's better off dating someone better than me like Sagittarius or cap. Scorpio deserves better. Leo looked down at scorpio. "Hey scorp"? "Yeah"? "Do you like cap"? "No". "How about Sagittarius"? She hesitated. "No I mean I can't". "Why not"? "Well don't think he'd be better off with aqua". "Aqua is dating". "Yes I know but Aries isn't right for her." "True Aquarius deserves someone better like Sagittarius but this is Aquarius's choice". The song ended. Leo let go of scorpio and started to leve but she caught the bottom of his suite jacket. "Truth is...leo I...."
That's the end how was it. Please vote and comment!

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