homecoming week

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"Hey sag". Sagittarius heard his name being called. "Scorpio". "I heard you rejected Aquarius's garter. Why?" "It doesn't apply to you". Scorpio glared. Sagittarius you shouldn't...you were just rude. Sagittarius rolled his eyes. "At least im not dateless". Scorpio blushed. "S-shut up"! Cap came and hugged scorpio. "Will you be my date homecoming"? He held a poster in front of her.
Scorpio stared at the poster he held in front of her. Cap looked at her waiting for an answer. "Yeah sure". "YES SUCCESS". cap shoved the poster in her hands and ran off. Scorpio sighed. She looked up and began to speak but Sagittarius walked off. Scorpio sighed.
"Onii-chan guess what". Brittany yelled. Leo stretched on his bed. "What's up"? Leo asked. "I GOT ASKED OUT TO HOCO"! "Cool". "You don't look impressed". "Because it's obvious anyone would ask you out. You have all of mom's genetics". At least I don't have her drinking problem. Brittany thought. Leo grabbed his phone and started going through some feed on insta. "Hey could you go dress shopping with me". Leo eyed his sister. "Sure why not". Leo said.
Aquarius was walking to the park and saw her boyfriend. "Ah! Aries"! She ran over to him. "Oh aqua"! "Hey what are you doing here"? "Maybe we should break up". "What"?
Gemini finally got released from jail and she decided to finish what she started. To destroy Aquarius's perfect life.
Flash back
"Hey Aries"! Gemini came running up to him. "Oh gem you're back"? "Yeah i needed to tell you something though". "What is it"? "You're girlfriend. I saw her kissing leo". "What"? "And she seemed to be really enjoying it". Aries was shocked. "Ok then I'll talk to her about it". "No you shouldn't she told leo she was inlove with him all along and she only just using you to get his heart".
End of flash back
She saw Aries talking to Aquarius. Perfect she thought.
"We need to break up". "What? I don't think I'm getting it". "I can't let you cheat on me anymore". "What the hell are you talking about! Im not cheating on you aries!" Aquarius raised her voice. "Then why did you kiss leo"! "I was only getting memories back". Aquarius lowered her voice. "Huh". "I'm sorry. I must be the worst girlfriend ever". Aquarius said sadly. "N-no I'm sorry I misunderstood. Gemini-" "Gemini?" Aries nodded. "Gemini tried to kill me; Why would you belive her"? Aries stood back. Gemini watched as her plan started to fall apart. No that fucking bitch Aquarius! Gemini thought. For sure I'll murder her this time. "I'm sorry Aquarius i didn't know but that's not all i wanted to say". Gemini heard this a stood back. "Um i found this on the ground". Aries pulled out a garter. "Yeah what about it". "Why did you make Sagittarius a garter". "Well i just thought I'd be nice and give him one since he's not going to homecoming and it would be nice to have one." "Aquarius i want to request something". "Yeah what is it"? "Will you stop spending time with so many other boys. I want you to only pay attention to me. From now on don't talk to leo, Sagittarius or Cap".
Leo was walking around the mall looking at hoco dresses for Brittany. Brittany tried on countless dresses. Leo only showed interest to one of the dresses out of the thousands she tried on. "Oh hey leo". Leo looked up into brown eyes. "Scorpio..." "what are you doing here leo"? "Mm my sis". Leo said totally bored. "Oh that's cool". "How about you? Did someone ask you out"? "Yes someone did"! Scorpio smiled. "Who asked you was it Sagittarius"? Scorpio blushed. "No no it wasn't. Cap asked me". "Oh...good luck then". "ONII-CHAN"! Brittany ran and hooked her arms around her brother's neck. "Which dress should I get"! "The two piece black one". Leo answered. Scorpio laughed. Brittany looked at scorpio. "Is she your date"? Brittany asked. "Mmm no this is scorpio". "Hey nice to meet you". Brittany moved closer to her brother. "She's scary". Brittany said. "No scorpio isn't harmful; she's a nice beautiful lady". Leo said. "Wow mr.playboy I'm flattered". Scorpio said. Leo chuckled. Scorpio smiled. "See you at hoco". "Yeah see ya". Scorpio walked into the dressing room. "Let's go leo. I wanna go home"! Leo sighed and payed for the dress and took his sister home.
Libra called leo. "Hey leo". Leo replied in a tired voice. "Hello libra how are you". "I'm fine but I was just wondering what color tie are you wearing"? "Oh i don't know yet...um...what color dress are you wearing?" "Well I was going to get a dress to match the color of your tie". "Well whatever dress you wear I'll buy a matching tie, unless it's black". "Ha ha ok leo! How about pink"? "Yes that could work". "Ok Bye". "Bye bye"!
Leo sighed. "Hey Onii-chan make some dinner please". "Ok. What do you want Brittany"? "Hmmn anything". "K".
"Will you stop spending time with so many other boys. I want you to only pay attention to me. From now on don't talk to leo, Sagittarius or Cap".
Thoes words replayed in Aquarius's head. Why would aries say that? I can't bear to stay away from them. Well if that's what aries wants i guess i could aviod them. Aquarius laid on her back on the bed. Aquarius felt tears pressing on her eyes. Why am i crying. Ha i shouldn't be crying. I'm sorry leo, Sagittarius, and cap I'm no longer allowed to talk to you. Aquarius grabbed her phone and deleted all three numbers and cried.
Sagittarius laid on his back decided to call Aquarius to apologize. She didn't answer. Why isn't she answering? Sagittarius texted her. No answer. What the hell? Did I really hurt her?
Sagittarius decided to ask her at school. While he walked the halls he the halls he spotted Aquarius. "HEY AQUARIUS"! Aquarius's eyes widened. She turned around and started walking away. "WAIT"! Sagittarius ran after her. Aquarius started running. "Wait"! Sagittarius caught her wrist. "What's wrong? If this about the garter I'm sorry". "It's not that". "Then what is it"? Sagittarius asked. "I'm not allowed to talk to you". "What do you mean". "Aries told me to aviod you, and leo, and cap". Sagittarius heard tears in Aquarius's voice. She turned around. She was actually crying. "Let go of me. Let go"! Sagittarius let go of her. Aquarius ran away leaving Sagittarius alone in the corridor.
That's it! How was it. Please vote and comment. I love you all!!!!~♡

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