school comeback and the awful plan

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Sagittarius walked to scorpio's house. Man scorpio is tiny but scary. At least Aquarius is less scary than her. I have one girl who's not so scary. Sagittarius knocked on Scorpio's door. A boy opened it. "Who are you"? "Does scorpio live here"? "Yes but who are you". "Sagittarius". "Are you her friend"? "Partner actually". "Oh ok". "Onii-chan who's at the door". "Some boy". Scorpio came to the door holding her cat. "Oh you actually came". "Yeah you told me too". "Ok come in". Scorpio's brother walked away and let Sagittarius in. "So I actually have a question". "Yeah"? "Will you tell everyone that we aren't dating"? Sagittarius fell silent. "Scorpio I-" "wait so you're okay with this"!? "I-"
"Scorpio I think I might of-" Sagittarius's phone rang. He looked at it. "I have to take this". Sagittarius picked it up. "Hello"? "Hi". "Oh Aquarius what's up"? "Um I needed to ask you something are you free anytime this week". Sagittarius looked at scorpio. "Um I dunno how about Saturday". "Yeah okay". Sagittarius hung up. "Is that a date". "No". "Really"? "Scorpio I don't have feelings for my childhood friend". Scorpio raised an eyebrow. Sagittarius blushed. "Ok I might have small feelings for her".
Leo and aquarius were making something in the kitchen. Aries and pisces were playing speed. "Aquarius"? "Yeah"? "I really don't want to go back to school". "Why not"? "Thoes rumors, those death threats, it's just too much to handle". "I know". "Aquarius do you know how it feels". Aquarius looked down. "Yeah I do". "Really"? "Yeah. When I was in the 8th grade I had these three friends".
Flash back
"Omg Aquarius you're so beautiful. Why don't you have a boyfriend". "I'm not aloud. But Virgo you're way prettier than me". "Holly has a boyfriend".
End of flash back
"Everyone was getting into a relationship and finally the pressure was too much I finally got a boyfriend". "Aries right"? "No. I'm sad to say Aries wasn't me first. Anyways I got an online boyfriend. That summer he asked me to come I did. All he wanted was sex. He forcefully did it with me. Luckily I wasn't pregnant. After that summer word got around that I had sex. Rumors began to spread. They said I had a kid, that I was expecting, that I was a slut, that I was a whore. I started getting death threats. They were like 'go die' 'kill yourself' 'go cut yourself some more you little slut'. Eventually I did start get into cutting. But it all ended when I met Aries. I'm glad he found me when he did otherwise I would've been destroyed. I was so broken but he looked past that and loved me". Tears started to fall from her eyes. Leo stared at her. "I'm really sorry". Aquarius laughed sadly and wiped her tears. "It was so painful yet satisfying". "Who else knows about this". "Sagittarius". "Sagittarius. How long have you guys been together". "I met Sagittarius when I was two so he was five". "Oh right he's three years older than you". "Yeah". "Man childhood friends must be beneficial". "Leo it didn't use Sagittarius the way you used scorpio". Leo blushed. "Thank you though". Aquarius hugged him. "What are you thanking me for"? "Listening to my story". "Yeah of course anytime". Aquarius pulled away.
The next day leo returned to school. Everyone stared and started wishpering. Leo mentally sighed and walked through the hall. He walked into his geometry class. "Good morning leo". Aquarius smiled. "Morning aqua". Sagittarius walked in. "M-me- morning". "Yeah morning". Sagittarius wishpered in her ear. "Thanks for not making that cat sound". Then went to the back of the class just to talk to a few people before he had to go to calculus. Aries came in a sat next to his girlfriend. "Morning". Aries kissed her. "Yeah good morning". Hey aqua I have a question". "Yeah what's up"? "What dod Sagittarius say". "Nothing". "Are you sure". "Leo if he wishpered it it's a secret". "Then why does he sprout cat ears randomly". "I can't tell you that either". "I'm curious to". Aries said. Aquarius  frowned. The bell rang. Sagittarius ran to his. Class.
In algebra one scorpio bit her pencil it almost broke. Cap looked at her. "Hey you okay"? "Huh what yeah". "Really you sound unsure. "I'm totally fine". Scorpio hesitantly circled an answer on her test. The lunch bell rang. Everyone turned in their test. Pisces turned it in after scorpio. "Hey cap". "What's up scorp". "Can we eat lunch together". "Huh". "I wanted to ask you something". "Um sure".
"Hey did you guys hear about homecoming". Libra asked excited. "Yeah. I'm going with Aries". Aquarius said. "Obvi". Libra said. Then she turned to leo. "Leo do you wanna go to homecoming coming with me". Leo's mouth was full. "Oh sorry I'll wait for you to finish chewing". Leo swallowed his food. "Hungry much". "I didn't eat for a week". Leo said. "Why starve yourself". Aquarius asked worried. "Sorry". "Promise me you wont starve yourself". "Promise". "Are you going sag"? "Nah". "Why not"? "Not my type". "But it's your last year here". "Yeah I know". Leo was stuffing his mouth again. "Leo chill don't choke yourself." "At least some of the attention been taken off him". Aquarius said to herself.
"So what did you want to talk about"? Cap asked taking a huge bite out of his sandwich. "If a guy kisses you does he like you". "It depends. He could be in love with you ir he could be playing you". Cap took another bite out of his sandwich. "But what if word gets around that you guys kissed and the entire school thinks you're dating and he doesn't want to do anything to change it"? Cap thought hard about that question. "Well there is a possibility that he loves you". Scorpio blushed but thought, he can't love me. Sagittarius love me? No way. "I hope I helped you". "Yeah you did thanks". Scorpio hugged him. Cap blushed surprised by scorpio hugging him. Scorpio was scary not loving.
Pisces was walking to class when gemini stopped her in the hallway. "Hello fish". "Um hey can I help you". "I know you're little secret". "What secret". "Huh". "You like leo right"? "Yeah"? "I can get him to break up with libra if you help me". "But that would hurt Libra". "Excatly bitch that's the point". "Well then I refuse". "Fine then I'll tell libra you're trying to steal her boyfriend." "That's not true". "Either that or you could help me". "W-what it". "Ruin scorpio's reputation".
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