Zodiac story contest entry

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This story is called she was pretty. This story is for the contest on September 16. Z_White
Aquarius pov:
I walked the halls of my high school while boys fawned over me ajpnond girls squealed. But why? I wasn't rich, I wasn't popular. I was normal. But things just come to you unexpectedly.
Leo's pov:
You hear that? That's the sound of girls trying to get my autograph. WHAT THE HELL! The minute I walk out of school they see my super star face. I ducked into the alley way and hid. "Lion where are you"? I heard one of the girls yell. "I saw him go that way"? "What really"? I sighed. "I lost them". "Lost who"? "S-Sagittarius"!?
Sagittarius pov:
"Oh tiger I want you're autograph"! "Me too"! "Oh i want one"! "Ladies ladies you'll het one at the concert"! I explained as I walked away. The girls squealed. I sighed. I hated attention but I couldn't be a dick about it. More girls approached me but there was one girl in particular who stood out from the crowd. She was wearing cosplay kitty ears, she had long black wavy hair, and piercing blue eyes. Dam she was pretty but the boys began to fawn over her and the girls began to squeal. The peculiar thing she wasn't rich or popular...she was...normal but beautiful. I left school and ducked behind the alley way but I was alone. "I lost them". I heard a voice say. I saw emerald green eyes. It was leo. "Lost who"? "S-Sagittarius"!? He yelled.
No one's pov:
"What are you doing here"!? Leo glared at Sagittarius. Sagittarius played with his bangs. "I could ask you the same thing". Sagittarius said. "I-I'm hidding from my fans". Leo said blushing. "Same"! "Yeah I didn't think you were still famous after you left me". Leo glared. "But you're still a big hit". Sagittarius explained. "Yeah I guess you're right". Leo looked down. Sagittarius looked reluctantly at leo regretting what he said. "Do you want to you know join again"? "Huh"? "The band". Leo said. "No". Leo stood back. "I like being solo". Leo nodded in understanding. "I really miss having you in the band". Leo said. "Aww sweet you're thinking about me". Leo looked away blushing after Sagittarius's comment. "By the way leo...I saw this really pretty girl". "Im sick of girls". Leo exclaimed a bit angry. "She's different. She doesn't fangirl". "What does she look like"? "Long wavy hair, piercing blue eyes". "That's Aquarius"! Leo yelled. "Stay away from her she is mine"! Leo yelled. "Do you even know her"? Sagittarius said. "I had my eye Aquarius before you so don't think you can just come and lay your hands all over her". Sagittarius smirked. "How about I strike a bet with you"? "A bet"? Leo asked. "Whoever can write the prettiest song to make her fall in love wins. Whoever she doesn't choose after hearing that song looses". "Sagittarius that's not fair! I have to produce an album next week. I can't just make up a song in a week"! "Oh well i guess you don't love her then". "That's not..." "I'll just take her". "No"! "Then deal"? "Deal".
Aquarius pov:
My eyes watered as I yawned. My class was quiet as they worked on their test. I closed my eyes until i felt eyes on me. I opened them. Emerald eyes. They're pretty but they're glaring at me. "Hey you"! The teacher called. The boy looked up. "Leo I know Aquarius is beautiful but quit staring and get back to work"! He blushed and went back to his test. Why was he staring at me? I thought. The bell rang and kids ran out of the classroom.
Libra's pov:
"Um excuse me please accept this". "No thank you". Sagittarius said. I got the impression of rudeness. "Hey you could take one not shove it back in my hands"! I yelled at him. He glared at me. A person was walking towards us in the hallway. "Oh please accept this". The person took the sheet and walked off. "I have no interest in going to a petty little dance". "Petty"? Sagittarius left me in the hallway.
No one's pov:
"Hey did you get one"? Leo asked Aries. Aries looked at the sheet in leo's hand. "Yeah Libra was handing them out in the hallway". "I'm not going". "But I heard Aquarius might go". Aries said. Leo stopped what he was doing. "I-I suppose I could pencil it in". Leo said. "I said might". Aires stated a bit rudely. "Hmm a masquerade ball". Leo stared off into space.
Aries pov:
To be burtly honest I really had no idea os Aquarius was going to be there yet I just said it. But leo seems to really like her so why not tease him about it. He's such an idiot. He thinks just because he's in school nobody knows he's famous but everyone know they just don't make a big deal about it until afterschool but aqua...she's different. I'm not sure why she's even here. It's not like she doesn't belong but she just is really different.
Aquarius pov:
"You should go"! My friend Libra shouted shoving the sheet in my face. "A masquerade ball". I read out loud. "Looks like fun". I answered. Libra smiled. "But I don't think I'm going". Her face dropped. She started to cry. "WHHHHY!?" "Because I have to get all dressed up in a fancy reveling dress and find a mask to cover my face". Libra asked at me in the eye. "Poo you're no fun". She said. I already have a lot of boys going to ask me out to the dance. I've never been to a masquerade ball so I might go. I stood up abruptly. "I'VE DECIDED"! I shouted. Libra looked at bot startled. "D-decided W-what"? "I'm going"! Libra claped happily. "Yay"!
Part 2
Leo's pov:
Day after day I worked on a song that would make Aquarius's heart beat 2x's faster. I filled my trash up with paper. I checked my phone. 5am. I passed out on my desk. I missed school that day. I looked at the sheet pinned to my desk wall.
Flash back:
"Um,please accept this".
End of flash back
I rested my chin on my desk. "I DON'T EVEN WANT TO GO ANYMORE"! I yelled. "GHA"! I banged my head on the table. "Aqua why? Why must I fall in love"? "Because you're afraid"! "SHUT UP"! I cleared my desk with a violent swip of my arm. "Why are you here? How did you get in here sag"!?
Sagittarius pov:
"Because you're afraid". "SHUT UP"!! Leo threw his stuff to the ground. I stepped back startled by his sudden action. He held his head and laced his fingers threw his hair pulling at it. I almost felt bad for him but I was in love with Aquarius and i couldn't this feeling go. "Aquarius is everything to me". I heard him say. I heard him trying to keep his voice steady as possible. Tears escaped his eyes hitting the desk. He began to speak again. "Aquarius is my world, my love interest, my everything but you just have to come a take that away from me! I love Aquarius". I almost cried due to leo's negative energy. He was really in love with Aquarius. "I'm sorry leo but I won't give her up". I left his room slipping out the window".
Aquarius pov:
Libra took me too the mall after criticizing my taste in dresses because they were all black.
Flash back:
"Aqua why is everything you have black"? Libra asked. "Black goes with everything". I explained. Libra looked me up and and down. "You could totally pull off a red dress". Libra said.
End of flash back
Libra dragged me into a nearby store. Once she pulled me in she buried me in a pile of vibrant color dresses. I tried on most of them. The others were too reveling or just plain ugly. Some of them were yelling: you want much more if you wear me. I looked at the red dress that was long with a slit in the leg. I let my hair spill down my back. I walked out and showed Libra. She squealed and said; "We're buying the dress." We bought the dress then me and libra headed to the costume shop.
Aries pov:
I texted leo all day but he won't respond. Even when I called him he won't pick up his phone. "Bastered". I muttered. I called again. He finally answered. I heard a shaky voice followed by a "Hello"? "Leo what happened are you okay"? Silence. "Leo?" "Aries..." he took a long pause. Then I heard him take a deep breath over the phone. "I'm fine". Fury got to me. "IF YOU WERE FINE THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER THE GOD DAM PHONE"! I heard a small laugh over the phone. "I'm sorry aries". I sighed. "I'm coming over leo"!
Libra's pov:
I went to Aquarius's house since she said she had a dress at home that she was going to wear. Once I got there she was wearing a short black dress. "Eww what are you wearing"? "What's wrong"? "All you have is black". "Black goes with everything". I looked her up and down. "You could totally pull off a red dress". I told and dragged her to the mall. I picked up a pile of vibrant color dresses and threw aqua in the dressing room. After waiting 30 minutes Aquarius came out in a beautiful long read dress with a slit in the leg. I claped my hands. We're buying the dress". I said. After buying the dress me and Aquarius went to a costume shop to look for a mask.
Leo's pov:
Aries arrived at my house. He looked around my messy room. "What happened here? It looks like cyclone hit this place". I didn't answer because I didn't trust my voice at the moment. "Is this about Sagittarius"? I felt a hitch in my throat. "I heard about it". He explained. He looked at my notebook. "In order to reach a girls heart thorough and song...you must be honest". I laughed. "I can't believe you're giving me advice". After 2 hours of working I wrote 2 songs for aqua. The first song I wrote was "I'd do anything and the second one was named "honey honey". I called Libra since her number was in my phone and asked if she'd be interested in helping me sing a song. She agreed. "Yes"!
Sagittarius pov:
I thought of song lryics to catch a girls heart. I would be lying though my straight teeth if I didn't say leo gad a better chance at winning. Leo was good at everything but it didn't come from the heart but now he's serious. I finally came up with a song and I named it "Because I miss you"! "Aquarius please fall in love with me".
Libra's pov:
Me Aquarius arrived at the costume shop. Leo called me. I excused myself and picked it up. "Hello"? "Libra"! "What's up"? "You know how I'm preforming a series of songs at the dance and I need your help with one will you help me"? I thought about it. "Yes sir"! I returned back to the counter of masks. Aquarius scanned over the masks. They were really pretty. Aquarius seemed to notice it too because she looked at it. It was blue and silver with glitter covering the blue design. "Excuse me ma'am id like to buy that one". The lady nodded and took the mask out of the glass. She packed it and put it in the bag and then she handed it to us.
Leo's pov:
After getting my tuxs out I pulled my mask out and laid it on the desk. My mask was green and silver and shiny. Aries sat on my bed swinging his legs back and forth. I put a list of songs in my tuxs pocket and aries made a face. "Leo if Aquarius falls in love with you what do you plan on doing"? I didn't really know but I kept silent.
Sagittarius pov:
I pulled out my dark blue tuxs and laid it on the bed. I put my mask on the night stand. My mask was mostly white and gold with blue around the eyes. It wasn't glittery. I had a plan. If Aquarius picked me it would be on the weekend not the day after the dance
No one's pov:
The day of the dance was finally here. Leo was setting up everything on stage. His mask was surcured around the upper part of his face. His green emerald eyes glowing. Aquarius was at home getting ready. Her red dress and heels were laid out ready to be worn. She curled her hair and did her makeup and applied fake eyelashes to enhance her eyes. She than got dressed and surcured her mask around her face. She applied pink lipstick and smiled. Libra walked in wearing a pink glittery dress with pink heels and a glittery pink mask. Sagittarius waited at the school pond watching the water show and the colors change reflecting off the lake. His mask was on his face. He took it off and laid it on the ground. He sighed. He watched the sky change a pink and orange/yellow color. Pafter watching the sky being painted a different color he reapplied his mask and stood up walking towards the entrance. Aries was wearing a grey suit not and tuxs. His mask was a solid silver color with no glitter. It was on his face. He watched leo set up on stage. Night fell making the skiy pitch black. Libra drove and Aquarius sat in the passenger seat watching the scenery pass by her. "Libra..."? "Yeah what's up"? "Um I don't know about this". "Aqua trust me. It's highschool make memories". Aquarius sighed. Leo played with the lights. "Hey leo about your album". "I recorded it early this morning". He replied. Aries nodded and teachers began getting things ready. By 8:00 kids started piling in. "Oh god no". Aquarius said when Libra pulled up to the school. "It's okay Aquarius we can do this". Libra walked inside the school and purchased their tickets at the door. They walked into the cafeteria full of blaring music. "I have to go back stage have fun"! Libra said. Aquarius nodded. Aquarius romed around the school alone. She walked outside towards the pond,took her shoes off and dipped her feet in the pond. "Hello". Aquarius looked behind her and was met with blue eyes. "Excuse me how are you"? The boy smiled. "I would love to tell such a pretty girl my name but I'm afraid it's against the rules."
Sagittarius pov:
Just as I thought. This dance is lame. I walked out towards the pond but it seems someone jas already beat me there. I saw a girl with long curly hair. "Hello". I said. She looked at me. At that moment I fell in love. I didn't know the girl under the mask but she was beautiful. "Excuse me who are you"? She asked in her sweet Angelic voice. "I would love to tell such a pretty girl my name but I'm afraid it's against the rules". I heard a slow song start to play inside the school. "May I have this dance"? I held out my hand. She took it. I pulled her close. We started to dance. Her blue eyes stared into my dark blue midnight one's. I was falling in love more and more by the second. At that moment I kissed her. The fountain in the pond began to change color. Her first reaction was shock but soon she kissed back. We made out for about a minute and a half and then she pulled away. We were both breathing heavily. "Oh I'm sorry". I said realizing what I did. She covered her mouth and her eyes widened. She ran away.
Aquarius pov:
I danced with the midnight blue eyed man. I was entranced by his eyes. So beautiful. I looked at his lips. They were beautiful and I thought: what would it feel like if I kissed him? As soon as I thought that he kissed my lips. I was shocked but than i kissed back. His Cologne was intoxicating. He pulled away. I just realized what happened and covered my lips and eyes widened. He looked at me. "Oh I'm sorry". I ran away. I had to find Libra. I ran into the cafeteria. I ran back stage. I fell on someone. I looked down. Pink/red eyes. "WHAT THE HELL"! he yelled. "I'm sorry I was looking for my friend". I got off him and sat down. He sat up. He fixed his blonde hair. "Im looking for a orange haired idiot have you seen him"? He asked. "No". "Hey a-" I looked behind me. I saw thoes emerald eyes. The same beautiful eyes that glared at me. "Wow you're pretty". He said. "Would you care to dance". He extended his hand. I took it. He led me too the dance floor. Everyone began to stare at us. I felt uncomfortable with all the attention on me and this mysterious person. "I feel like I know you". "Huh"? The emerald green eyed man broke my thoughts. "Oh um you're a senior right"? "Yes and you"? "Um...a junior".
Leo's pov:
I heard Aries yell "WHAT THE HELL"! and I rushed over to see what happened. I saw a girl sitting on the floor infront of Aries. "Hey a-" the girl looked at me. God dam. She's beautiful. "Wow you're pretty" I said. "Would you care to dance". I extended my hand. She took it. I led her to the dance floor. She seemed uncomfortable with all the attention on us. I was excited. I started dancing with her. "I feel like I know you". "Huh"? I chuckled. "Oh um you're a senior right"? She asked. "Yes and you"? "Um...a junior". "Really"? " yes but I take senior classes". She comed her fingers thourgh her long black curled locks. I was so entranced by her beauty I didn't notice my lips locked with her's until her arms snaked around my neck. I pulled her closer. It truned into a full make out session. The clock struck midnight. I secretly untied her mask from her face. It hit the floor. I pulled my face away. I was shocked but it was quickly masked over with victory. "Aquarius". I smirked.
Aquarius pov:
"Aquarius". The man smirked. "How did you-" I looked down. I spotted my mask on the floor and picked it up. Everyone began to remove their mask. The boy too the mask from me. I reached for my mask but he held it above his head. I accidentally swiped his mask off. "Leo"?
No one's pov:
They stared at each other. Leo quickly kissed her and ran off. Aquarius stared at the mask in her hands. Leo got on stage and announced his speech. "Hello everyone. I have a song dedicated to aqua"! He looked at Aquarius and crouched down to her level. "Now baby if you want your mask back stay for the concert." He smirked. Then he began to sing.
"Another day is going by
I'm thinking about you all the time
But you're out there
And I'm here waiting
And I wrote this letter in my head
Cuz so many things were left unsaid
But now you're gone
And I can't think straight
This could be the one last chance
To make you understand
I'd do anything
Just to hold you in my arms
To try to make you laugh
Cuz somehow I can't put you in the past
I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
Will you remember me?
Cuz I know
I won't forget you
Together we broke all the rules
Dreaming of dropping out of school
And leave this place
To never come back
So now maybe after all these years
If you miss me have no fear
I'll be here
I'll be waiting
This could be the one last chance to make you understand
And I just can't let you leave me once again
I'd do anything
Just to hold you in my arms
To try to make you laugh
Cuz somehow I can't put you in the past
I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
Will you remember me?
Cuz I know
I won't forget you
I close my eyes
And all I see is you
I close my eyes
I try to sleep
I can't forget you
Nanana (....)
And I'd do anything for you
Nanana (....)
I'd do anything
Just to hold you in my arms
To try to make you laugh
Cuz somehow I can't put you in the past
I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
Will you remember me?
Cuz I know
I won't forget you
I'd do anything
To fall asleep with you
I'd do anything
There's nothing I won't do
I'd do anything
To fall asleep with you
I'd do anything
Cuz I know
I won't forget you".
Aquarius was glaring but a mask of horror crossed her face. She saw her best friend on stage with leo singing a duet with him deticated to her.
"My lady, please let me see you again in my dream today.
My honey, please let me say "I'm lovin'!" again and again.
Then, I'll accept everything, and build a rainbow bridge to your place.
It'd be great if I can meet you again tonight.
Everyday, when you're with me, I feel I could melt because of happiness,
and I'd enjoy my work, play, and study a lot more than usual!
(You're in love, right?) Seriously? I see, so this is what they call "love", seriously!
I really like your everything; you're better than any idol or model out there.
I like your just-right height, your eyes, your hands, and your hair's scent.
But above all, I want more than anything else to stay with you for the rest of my life.
Your mellow voice makes me mellow for you. Your piercing gaze is rather sexy to me.
My love for you almost makes me melt. I can't leave you! I won't leave you! Hold on!
My lady, please let me see you again in my dream today.
My honey, please let me say "I'm lovin'!" again and again.
Then, I'll accept everything, and build a rainbow bridge to your place.
It'd be great if I can meet you again tonight.
I like you so much. Both your outward appearance and inward beauty are to my liking.
This feeling of mine rapidly accelerates, stimulating my instincts into the love-love mode.
As you glance up at me, you look very bewitching and charming, just like a female spy!
I won't be tricked! Even if you act spoiled...actually, I feel like I want be tricked.
You're the apple of my eyes, and I won't need to worry as long as you're with me.
My existence escorts your existence. I will be salvaged by your existence.
When the moon rises up, as long as I have your love, my bliss will also rise.
So, with just us two, let's have a dream together. Oh baby, you're like a gem in my hand.
My lady, please let me see you again in my dream today.
My honey, please let me say "I'm lovin'!" again and again.
Then, I'll accept everything, and build a rainbow bridge to your place.
It'd be great if I can meet you again tonight.
A nice girl for a nice boy. A nice boy for a nice girl.
A nice girl for a nice boy. A nice boy for a nice girl.
It looks like an equivalent trade, but it's not, for I want to love you more.
We met just yesterday, but (You want to meet again?) I want to see you again!
This final love wagon is already in motion, and it's my modern poetry collection.
To say "My one-and-only girl in the universe is the best!" is one of my talents!
I think about you in my head while counting the stars,
wishing that one day the two of us may meet again in our dream.
Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, a year later, or until much later,
let's always, always, tightly hold our hands together.
My lady, please let me see you again in my dream today.
My baby, please say "I'm lovin'!" to me again and again.
Then, I'll accept everything, and build a rainbow bridge to your place.
It'd be great if we can meet again tonight."
She wanted to cry. Leo jumped off the stage. Girls rushed towards him. He moved thourgh the sea of girls and grabbed Aquarius wrist. Aquarius yelped. "Hey follow me"! Leo ran out of the school with Aquarius.
Sagittarius pov:
"She ran away". I didn't want her to run away. Maybe I should apologize to her properly. I walked into the school but I saw her in the arms of another man. He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She didn't do that to me. Everyone stared at them as they made out. My blood boiled. The boy removed her mask and the clock stroke midnight. I saw who she was. Aquarius. The grabbed the mask from her. She went to grab it but swiped his mask off and it was leo. He got on stage and started singing to Aquarius. She didn't look very happy about it. After preforming he grabbed Aquarius and ran out of the school. I've seen enough. I went home.
Aquarius pov:
I struggled against his grip. "Get in the car". "What"? "Just trust me get in". He smiled. I reluctantly obeyed and got in. "Where are we going your house? I don't wanna-" "who said we were going to my house"? He said cutting me off. He was still smiling. "My mask"? "Not yet"! I layed his mask down and stared out the window. "We're here"! My eyes widened in amazement. Water shot out of the ground. And the lights in the ground lit up. I walked out of the car and went onto the bridge to watch the show. Leo followed me. "Do you like it"? "Yeah I do"! I said happily. I took my shoes off and ran towards the fountains. Leo ran after me. "Aquarius wait"! "THIS IS SO MUCH FUN"! I yelled. Leo stopped at the edge, crouched down and smiled. I pulled leo towards the middle. He freaked out because the water was touching him. I wrapped my arm around his neck. Leo looked at me. "Thank you". I kissed him.
Leo's pov:
Aquarius walked out of the car and went onto the bridge. I followed after her. "Do you like it"? I asked her. "Yeah I do"! I said happily. She took off her shoes and ran towards the fountains. "Aquarius wait"! I ran after her. "THIS IS SO MUCH FUN"! she yelled. She played with the water. I crouched down and smiled. Aquarius pulled me towards the middle. I freaked out because I was getting wet. I felt her snake her arms around my neck. I looked at her. She kissed me.
                            Part 3
Sagittarius pov:
"Hi Aquarius"! I found her sitting on a bench reading a book. She looked up. "Sagittarius"? "Whatcha reading"? "Beastly". "What's it about"? "Well basically it's about a hot guy named kyel Kingsbury but he only cares about looks ans so the witch turns him into a beast and he has 2 years to find someone to love him or he dies. He finds a girl named lindy and..." she trailed off. "Hey Aquarius I wrote a song for a girl I like will you judge it"? "Sure". "Okay here I go". I pulled my gutair out of my case.
"Always under exactly the same sky, always exactly the same day
Other than your not being here, there’s nothing different at all
I just want to smile, want to forget everything
Just like absolutely nothing has happened, smiling to live my days
Miss you, miss you so much, because I miss you so much
Everyday all by myself, calling and calling you
Want to see you, want to see you, because I want to see you so much
Now it’s like I have this habit, keep calling out your name
It’s the same today
I thought I’d let go, not leaving anything behind
No, no, now I still can’t let you go
Miss you, miss you so much, because I miss you so much
Everyday all by myself, calling and calling you
Want to see you, want to see you, because I want to see you so much
Now it’s like I have this habit, keep calling out your name
It’s the same today
Everyday, everyday, it feels like I’m gonna die, what should I do?
Love you, love you, I love you
I hadn’t even spoken the words, I just let you go
Sorry, sorry, do you hear my words
My late confession, can you hear it
I love you"
"Wow that's beautiful. Who's the lucky girl"? "She's right infront of me". Aquarius looked around. "Me"? I nodded. "Im sorry. I don't know yet". She got up. "Wait"! I started playing another song. She stopped.
Aquarius pov:
I blushed. I ran off. It's been 2 weeks since that incident. Libra called me too meet her at the park. Once I got there I saw two guys. Wait leo and Sagittarius. Libra arrived. "Libra what the hell"! "I'm sorry but I feel like you should make a choice. Sagittarius and leo both stared at me. I sighed. "Leo".
No one's pov:
"Oh I see." Sagittarius walked off. Libra followed him. "Wait"! She called after him. "Sag I'm so sorry but if you don't mind I'm still single." Sagittarius laughed. "Thank you". "So are you going to go out with me"? "I dunno". "Hey sag wait"!
Aquarius and leo special ending extra
Graduation rolled around. Everyone was excited to move on. Leo looked for Aquarius but couldn't find her. He sighed and drove home while his parents took an uber. (Don't ask) on his way home he stopped by the fountains that he took Aquarius to that one night. He walked onto the bridge. Leo found a graduation gown draped over the rail with the hat on the ground and red heels next to it. He looked over and saw a girl standing in the middle of the fountains with a red dress. "Wait... AQUARIUS"! he took off his gown,hat, and shoes. "Aquarius". "Leo"? Leo hugged her. "I'm so glad I found you"! "Leo do you remember this place"? Leo nodded. Aquarius smiled. "I love you aqua". "I love you too". They kissed.
Sorry this is really late. Tell me how it is. ^_^ ^_~

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