Brittany's end?????

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Leo walked into Brittany's room. "Hey how are you feeling"? "I feel fine".  Leo touch her forehead. "You're still pretty hot. I'll call your school. Get some rest okay"? Brittany nodded and closed her eyes. Leo sighed and called her school.
"Hinata"! "Here"! "Brittany! Brittany? Oh right she's absent with a cold". Hinta looked at the empty desk and frowned.
Leo arrived at school and saw Aquarius waiting for him. "So did you ask about the dream"? "Yeah". "What did she say"? "She said she was being chased and then the building collapsed and she fell through the floor". "I see". "Do you know the ability"? "I can't be sure but it might be collapse in other words she destroys anything that becomes a target". "I see". "I'll warn you though. Don't get too relaxed. Out of the abilities this is the most dangerous one". The bell rang. "I have to go". Aquarius ran off.
During lunch Aquarius and Sagittarius were hanging out on the roof. "So Brittany might be one of the very few". Aquarius looked down with a focused face. "Leo might have one as well". "Really"? "I can't be sure but if he does I wanted him to take our powers away". "Why"? "Do you want to be captured and because something studied in a lab? The same thing happened to my sister"! Sagittarius was shocked. "Your sister"? "My sister had the ability of telepathy. She could talk to anyone by just being near them. Scientists found out about it and used her as a test subject and locked her up in an assylem. She's crazy now. She can't use her power anymore. That power is still inside her but she can't use it at all". "I see". "I don't want that to happen to us". Sagittarius nodded in understanding. "But I don't want to lose my power so soon". "Obvi. We can't because we still have work to do". The bell rang. Aquarius sighed. "We'll discuss this later". Aquarius left the roof. Sagittarius sat on the railing and sighed.
Leo came home and checked on Brittany who was sleeping. He felt her forehead. Her fever went down. Leo was making some chicken broth. Brittany came down stairs. "Welcome home Onii-chan. How was your day ah"! Brittany missed a step. Leo rushed and caught her. "A-are you okay"? Brittany nodded and stepped away from her brother and began walking towards the table. Leo poured some chicken broth in a bowl and gave it to Brittany. "Drink this okay"? Brittany nodded. After drinking the broth leo gave her medicine and a glass of water then tucked her in. "Rest okay"? Brittany nodded. Leo kissed her forehead.
The next morning leo woke up and saw his sister awake. "How are you feeling. "I feel great"! Brittany jumped up. "Do you have a fever"? "Nope". "Still I think you should stay home one more day just to be safe". "Nooooo I don't want to stay in bed if I'm not sick"! "I'll call your school".
After leo was gone Brittany got dressed in her school uniform and snuck out of the house. She made it to school by 3rd period.
"What she went to school"! Leo asked. "Yes she made it by 3rd period." I told her not to go! Why didn't she listen? I have to find Aquarius!
"What"! Aquarius said. "I told her not to come to school but she did anyways"! "That means her utau I'll get Sagittarius"!
"Hey Brittany". "Oh hi hinata". "I see you're back". "Yeah". "I was wondering if you don't have anything afterschool do you want to go to a cafe with me". "No I'm ok". "Wait but-" the boy felt himself being slammed against the wall. "T-tomoyo"! "Don't you get it? She already rejected you once. She's. Not. Intrested." "Thank you tomoyo". Brittany ran off. "Wait Brittany come back"! Hinata yelled
"Aquarius what are you doing"? Aquarius was climbing the gate. "Short cut"!
"Brittany". Brittany turned around. "Oh sakura". "Why did you come"? "Huh"? "Why did you come to school"? "Huh"? "Do you know how much I'm in love with hinata? But you had to come and take that all away from me! He used eat lunch with me every day  but now he only PAYS ATTENTION TO YOU"! "What". Sakura pulled out a box cutter. "What please put the box cutter away". Brittany said. "It's all your fault. It's all your fault." Brittany backed away then ran upstairs and tried to open one of the classrooms. "It's all your fault. That's why...THAT'S WHY YOUR GOING TO SEE SOME PAIN"! Sakura raised the box cutter.
Aquarius and the others were running towards the middle school. Please Brittany. Please be okay. Please be safe. Leo thought. Suddenly the saw the entire building collapse.
"Please someone help. SOMEBODY HELP"! Brittany screamed. the floor  started to crack. Sakura terrified tried to escape. The floor broke burying Brittany underneath.
Leo looked at the collapsed building. "We're too late"! Aquarius said. Leo's eyes widened and filled with tears. "BRITTANY"! Leo ran towards the collapsed building. "Wait leo don't go! You'll get looped into it too"! Aquarius yelled after him. Leo started digging thourgh rocks trying to find her. "Evacuate the school"! The teacher instructed. He spotted leo. "Hey you get away from there". He yelled. "Brittany where are you. Come on! Where are you"!? "Leo look out"! And huge rock fell onto leo.
Leo woke on the hospital with a bandge around his head and entire body. How did I get here? Leo thought. The nurse walked in. "Oh your awake". A few people came in. "Excuse me are you leo". "Where is my sister! Where is she"? "I'm sorry but she has passed away". "What"! "Hello I'm the detective. We're not sure what caused her death but we ate still trying to find answers". Leo started crying.
"I know this is hard but sometimes we just have to move on". Leo sat in the funeral home. He took her picture and set it down on her desk. He fell on his knees crying.
That's the end. Sorry for the sad ending. Over all how was it. Please vote and comment.

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