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Aries walked around the school. Where could she have gone? He walked in the school garden and saw Sagittarius with Aquarius. No please. Aquarius... tears stinged Aries eyes. He ran off.
Sagittarius saw someone run away. "Sagittarius"? "Yeah"? "I need to ask you a question and I want you to answer me honestly". "Okay sure. What is it"? "Do you think I gave Aries the idea that I was cheating on him"? Sagittarius shook his head. Aquarius sighed. "I didn't want to break up but it seems it was my only choice". Sagittarius looked to the side. "I'm sorry about that". "But leo said to tell Aries how I felt and..." "Aquarius when was it ever okay to take advice from leo"? Sagittarius said. "It was really good advice though". Aquarius said defensively. "I guess that idiot of a lion says something nice every once in a blue moon". Sagittarius said to himself. Aquarius buried her face in her knees and began crying. Sagittarius wrapped an arm around her. "I'm sorry that you feel this way". "T-thank Y-you". Aquarius said between sobs. Sagittarius smiled. "So what are you going to do about Aries. He is your date". Aquarius put a hand to her chest. "Can you help me with that"? "Huh what do you mean"? Sagittarius asked. Aquarius blushed
Aries sat in the library. It's useless to cry over Aquarius. She's going to stay with me no matter what. Aries balled his fists.
Leo walked around the school until he spotted gemini. "Hello gem". Gemini looked surprised. "H-hi lion boy". "What are you doing"? Gemini grabbed him and threw him towards the window. "Hey what-" "look"! Gemini pointed. "Oh it's Aquarius and Sagittarius". "Yes it is". "What about it"? "She's stealing him from me". Leo raised an eyebrow. "Um they're childhood friends you know that right"? "Huh"? Gemini said confused. "They are childhood friends so I'm pretty sure they have no feelings for each other". "You sure"? "Positive". Leo said. "SCORE"! Gemini ran down the hallway.
"I-I-Iwantyoutobemydatetohoco"! Aquarius said really fast. "Say that again. Aquarius sighed. "N-never mind it doesn't matter". "Yes it does. I want to hear what you said." "Sagittarius I want to go to hoco with you". Sagittarius blushed. "W-what"! "You don't want to. Okay I understand". "It's not that I don't want to. I wasn't planning on going". "You can still buy tickets though". "Aquarius I'm sorry". Aquarius looked down. "Um ok". Sagittarius grabbed her wrist. "I'll go if it makes you happy". "Really"? "Yeah". "Oh my god thank you Sagittarius". Aquarius linked her arms around Sagittarius and hugged him. Sagittarius smiled. "Thank you".
Aries walked out of the libray and saw Virgo sitting in on of the love seats. He walked over to her. She looked up to see Aries's red and swollen eyes. "Woah Aries was happened." "Aquarius broke up with me". "What why"? "I don't know I was such a good boyfriend". No you weren't! Yes I was! No you weren't! "I'm sorry that happened". "Will you go to hoco with me". Aries asked. Virgo blushed. "Sure".
Leo walked down the hall bumping into Aquarius. "Aqua"! Leo hugged her. "Leo what's wrong"? "Are you okay. How did it go with saggy did he give you the hard truth"? Aquarius pulled away from leo. "What are you talking about"? "I saw you guys talking". "yeah because I broke up with Aries and asked Sagittarius to be my date to homecoming". "Wait you guys broke up"? "Yeah leo I took your advice into account and arises didn't belive me he thought I was playing with him. Like oh my God aries is such an idiot". Leo titled his head. "Why did you break up"? I told you. "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID"! Aquarius stood back. "ARIES IS NOW GOING TO HURT YOU EVEN MORE"! "What do you mean"? "Aries can't handle breakups like a normal person. He will find revenge in the most harmful way". Aquarius laughed. "You're kidding. Right"? Leo shook his head fast. "Ah oh no". "It's okay Aquarius I'll protect you". Scorpio heard the convo and stepped in. "Leo don't lie to aqua". Aquarius pushed leo. "What you lied"? Leo chuckled. "Sorry". "You idiot you're so mean"! Leo laughed silently. "It's okay Aquarius Aries won't kill you if he does hell get a beating". Scorpio said.
Aries watched Aquarius from a far. "Hey aqua Aries is staring at you". Aquarius rolled her eyes. Libra titled her head. "Did something happen with you two"? "I don't want to talk about it". "Fine". Leo walked over to them. "Hi libra"! "Leo"! Aquarius sighed and got up. "Wait aqua where are you going"? "Somewhere to alone"!
Aquarius sat alone in the courtyard at one of the tables. She felt a hand on her shoulder. "Just a moment". She felt hot breath aginst her ear. She whipped around only to find aries. "What do you want"? She asked glaring. "To talk this over with you". "GO FUCK YOURSELF"! Aquarius got up. Aries grabbed her wrist. "Let go of me aries". "No you have to listen to me"! "I don't want to"! Aries pulled her into a hug. Aquarius tried to push him away but he just tightened his grip. "Aquarius listen to me I love you". Aquarius started crying. "Please Aries let me go". Aries loosened his grip but he didn't let go. "Aquarius please forgive me". "Aries I can't do that". "I'm sorry I was wrong to do that". "Aries..." he kissed her. Aquarius eyes widened widened.
Scorpio watched with sadness. "Sorry". Scorpio looked behind her and saw Sagittarius. "Why are you apologizing"? "Because you can't be with him". Sagittarius smiled. Scorpio rolled her eyes and walked past him.
Aquarius was walking home when Sagittarius grabbed her shoulder. "So are you and arises dating again"? "Why are you asking"? "Because i don't want to go to hoco". Aquarius laughed. "Yeah we are but I'm still afraid of this". "Why"? "Aries is just...Nevermind". "Um ok".
Virgo sat in the libray. "Virgo". Aries said grabbing her attention. "I'm not going". "What"? "Hoco I never planned to go but congratulations on getting your girlfriend back". "Actually Virgo I needed to ask you something". "What is it". "Do you think I deserve a second chance with her"? "Not my problem she's your girlfriend isn't she"? Aries sighed. "Nevermind then".
Leo woke up Saturday morning. His phone read 30 messages. He checked his phone. All from Libra. Dam this girl! Leo thought. He called her. "Hey Libra". "Did you get my messages"? "Y-yeah I did. Why"? "Why what"? "30 messages of the same question"? "Oh because today is hoco and I'm so excited". Leo sighed. "Oh well I didn't really read the text could you tell me what your question was"? Libra sighed. "Leo you'll never be able to save a relationship but you're lucky you're cute". Leo tiredly chuckled. "I was wondering if you could judge some different color makeup designs to match my dress"? "Yeah sure". Libra sent him a few pics. He looked through them. "I like the 4th one". "Ok thank you". Libra hung up. Leo was about to sleep again when his phone rang again. He check the caller ID. "Aquarius"? He picked up. "Hello"? "L-leo"? It sounded like she was on the verge of tears. "Hey you okay". "I-I dunno I think I just did something wrong". "What do you mean". "It's about Aries"! "I'll come over". "Wait but-" "is something wrong with me coming over"? "Yes this is something wrong with you coming over". "Why"? Suddenly a dial tone was heard. "Aqua"? "Aquarius"? "AQUARIUS"!
That's concludes this chapter. Please vote a comment~♡

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