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Aquarius sighed at the sleeping boy. It bothered her. "Sagittarius you can't just skip school and expect everything to be okay". Sagittarius turned over and looked at her. Aquarius looked down at him. Sagittarius sat up. "I'm not going to school today". Aquarius sighed. "Fine but we have to go tomorrow. Can you at least take me home". Sagittarius smirked. "What kinda of kidnapper takes his victim home". Aquarius growled and punched him. "Ow ow I'm sorry".
Aquarius sat in the passenger's seat. "Hey Sagittarius do you like scorpio"? "Yeah, as a friend". Aquarius looked out the window. "Aquarius will you forgive me"? "I dunno. I don't think I can be friends with you right now". Sagittarius stopped in front of her house.  "Bye". Sagittarius grabbed her wrist. "Wait"! Aquarius looked back at him. "What"? "Think about it okay"? Aquarius nodded and walked out of the car. Sagittarius looked at bit disappointed but drove off. Aquarius watched his car dissapear. She sighed. She walked into her house and fell on her bed.  Sagittarius when will you understand that people just can't get over things quickly? Aquarius looked over at her phone.
Leo: where are you? Are you okay?
Leo: aquarius?
Leo: hello?
Aquarius put her phone on her night stand and decided to go to sleep.
Aries sat with everyone at lunch. "What's wrong"? Scorpio asked. "Aquarius isnt here". "Sagittarius isn't either". Libra pointed out. "Is she cheating"! Aries said a bit scared. "Probably not". Libra answered. Leo looked down. His phone buzzed.
Aquarius: Sagittarius kidnapped me and wouldn't let me go. He took me home but I'm skipping today.
Leo put his phone back in his pocket. "Who was that"? Scorpio asked. "Aquarius". "WHAT GIVE ME THE PHONE"! Aries lunged at leo. Capricorn and virgo held him back. "Calm down"! Capricorn said. "Yeah cool it a little". Virgo said. "Deep breaths aries deep breaths". Gemini said. Aries took a couple of deep breaths and relaxed. "As long as she's okay I'm fine". Aries said.
Afterschool leo walked over to Aquarius's house only to get a call half way there. "Hello"? "Hi leo". "Oh hey utau what's up"? "I'm going to new York today". "Congratulations"! "I'm not coming back". "WHAT"! "My flight is leaving at 7:00 am". "No please don't leave". Leo pleaded. "I'm sorry I don't have a choice". Utau hung up. Leo sighed. He proceeded to Aquarius's house. He knocked on the door. Aquarius opened it. She saw leo. "Hey what's up"? " wanted to". Aquarius nodded. "Ok". "So can I come in"? "Yeah". Aquarius moved aside and leo walked in. Leo sat on the couch arcoss from the one Aquarius was sitting on. "What's up"? "Well first of all why did Sagittarius kidnap you to began with"?  "Oh something about forgiveness"."did you forgive him"? "Well no. He kidnapped me". Aquarius laughed. "I see". "Well our little lion seems to be down in the dumps. What's wrong"? "Well my mom died and my girlfriend is moving to new york forever". "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that". Aquarius said. "Well Sagittarius kidnapped you last night".  "Well yeah but it's like whatever I'm over it". "So will you forgive him?" "No he fricken kidnapped me! He needs help"! Leo nodded. "Listen leo if you need anything please tell me". "Yeah thank you I will". Leo left her house.
Leo woke up and his phone vibrated like crazy.
Utau: hey leo I just wanted to tell you I'm leaving.
Leo's eyes widened. He threw on his school uniform. He ran to the airport. Please utau. Please don't leave. Leo by this point was sprinting. He felt that his lungs would burst any moment. He arrived at the airport and saw utau getting ready to bord the plan. "UTAU!" Leo yelled and ran towards her. Utau hearing her name turned her head and saw leo running in her direction. Leo crashed into her hugging her tightly. "DON'T GO PLEASE DON'T GO"! Leo started crying. Utau's eyes welled up. "I DON'T WANT TO GO EITHER"! Leo pulled back a little at looked at utau and without warning kissed her passionately. They both kissed each other with tears flowing down there cheeks. "Cancel it". Leo said. "Huh". "Can you cancel it"? Utau stepped back from leo. "I-I can't I'm sorry". Leo looked confused. "It's not like I have a choice so I'm sorry". Utau borded the plane. Leo sunk to the floor. The plane began leaving. Leo watched through the window as the plane left. Tears ran down leo's face.
"Huh a breakup"? Utau's plane landed in new York just as she getting off the plane and called her brother. "It's not like I had time to explain anything. I think that's the idea he got"? "So why couldn't you tell him"? Sagittarius asked. "Well I dunno he would totally call the cops on my father". "True. stay safe". "Yes Onii-chan I'll talk to you later"? "UTAU-CHAN"! Utau saw her father running up to her with open arms. He engulfed her in a hug. "You're late". He said in her ear. "I know I'm sorry". "You'll be severely punished for that". "I understand father". "Lets go make your song mor popular shall we"? Utau was being pulled away by he father. She reluctantly obeyed and followed him.
Aquarius finished her shower. She was drying her hair. Unfortunately it was raining really hard. She heard a banging on her door. She walked over to it and opened it. She saw a soked Sagittarius at her door step. "Can I help you"? She saw crossing her arms looking completely pissed. "If you're here to bother me leave". Sagittarius grabbed her wrist. "Hey what are you doing"? Sagittarius walked foward and Aquarius stepped back. Her back hit the wall creating a loud sound. Sagittarius pinned her hands above her head. He looked at her revealing his tear stained cheeks and saddened eyes. "Please accept my apology"! Aquarius began to get annoyed. She kicked Sagittarius in the chest making him let go. "Can't you give up I will never forgive you"! Sagittarius walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Aquarius slapped his face but that didn't stop his next movement. Sagittarius pressed his lips against her's pulling her into a deep kiss. Aquarius started crying. She grabbed his shoulders trying to get him away from her but to know avail. Matters became worse when...
I want to leave a cliff hanger because if I randomly add something in this scene it probably won't make and sense so that's how I'm ending it here. Please vote and comment.

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