homecoming and scorpio's reputation

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Pisces was walking to class when gemini stopped her in the hallway. "Hello fish". "Um hey can I help you". "I know you're little secret". "What secret". "Huh". "You like leo right"? "Yeah"? "I can get him to break up with libra if you help me". "But that would hurt Libra". "Excatly bitch that's the point". "Well then I refuse". "Fine then I'll tell libra you're trying to steal her boyfriend." "That's not true". "Either that or you could help me". "W-what it". "Ruin scorpio's reputation".
"Sagittarius are you sure you're not going to homecoming"? Sagittarius played with his hair. "I dunno". "Um actually i wanted to ask you a question". "Shoot". "Um earlier today leo and arises asked me about your cat ears. Is it okay if I tell them about it"? Sagittarius tensed up. "No Aquarius. This is just a secert between us". "What's the secert"? Aquarius and Sagittarius turned their heads. Leo and arises were standing there. "Spill it sag".
"Hahaha sagi lets go play in the lake"! "Don't wonder too far". Sagittarius followed his childhood friend to the creek next to the neighborhood. The creek that Aquarius enjoyed so much. It was shadowed by trees and Aquarius would call it the dark trail. Sagittarius sat on the bench while Aquarius chased ducks. Sagittarius suddenly saw a black cat with beautiful vibrant yellow eyes. The cat walked up to Sagittarius and started rubbing it's self aginst his legs. Sagittarius bent down to pet it. That night Aquarius mom let Sagittarius stay the night. As Sagittarius slept next to Aquarius's he felt something on his head then a furry this between his legs. He opened his eyes and saw a tail. He screamed. Aquarius opened her eyes. "What's wrong Sagi". Sagittarius truned on the lights. Aquarius gasped seeing cat ears and a tail. Sagittarius was only eight years old when this happened. To this day Sagittarius has no idea what power that cat gave gim and what is was for.
End of flash
"I see so you were like really little when this happened right" Leo asked. Sagittarius nodded. "The thing is since you were little you're kinda born with it". "Not really". Aquarius chimied in. "So Aquarius was the only one aware of this". Leo said. "Um your story doesn't add up. Yes I understand that it doesn't magically happened randomly but a cat makes even less sense. It's too super natural. I don't believe it". Aries said. "He is probably cosplaying". Aries added to his finished sentence. Sagittarius sprouted his cat ears and tail. "Here touch them don't pull too hard on them though". Aries was confused as well as leo but obeyed. He walked up to Sagittarius and touched his tail. If was like actual cat fur. He tugged on his. Sagittarius hissed. "Hey I told you not to pull"! Leo grabbed his ears and started scratching them. Sagittarius purred. "It's real"! Aries said. "I told you I wasn't lying." Sagittarius cat tail and ears dissapeared. Aquarius sighed. "Don't tell anyone about this okay? Aquarius warned Aries and leo. "We promise we won't tell anyone". "Okay good". Aquarius and Sagittarius left the court yard.
Gemini saw Aquarius and Sagittarius walking together. Gemini put on a cute act and walked up to them. "Hi Aquarius how are you". "Oh gemini I'm fine how are you". "Life could be better where are you guys headed". "Um we were just heading to AP world history". "Oh okay". They walked pass gemini. I will kill Aquarius and scorpio. But maybe I'll kill Aquarius first. For sure. Watch you're back aqua you won't be here tomorrow.
"PISCES"! Pisces yelled and saw gemini. "Any progress". "No". "Fine i don't care. Kill Aquarius afterschool". Gemini left the studies room. I can't kill aqua she's my best friend.
"Homecoming barf I'm not going". Scorpio said. "Neither am I". Sagittarius said. A few students walked but scorpio. Some boys made kissy faces at her then startes laughing. A group of boys came uo to her. "Hey scorpio do you take if from behind too"? "Tske what from.....oh....NO"! the boys began laughing their heads off. Pisces watched from the corner. Im sorry scorpio but I cant afford anybody hating me.
Scorpio was walking to class when a few girls pushed her to the ground. "Out of my way slut"! They giggled. Scorpio got up. Cap came over and helped her. "Are you okay". "I'm fine". "Please if anything bad happens tell me". "Thanks for your help cap". "No problem. I'm always happy to help. You are one of my friends of course". "Are you going to homecoming"? "I wasn't planning on it but n9w everyone hates me so I'm definitely not going". "I'm sorry you have to go through that". "Everything is fine". "I hope so. Don't give up scorpio".
"This is absolutely perfect pisces now all we have to do is kill Aquarius". Pisces stood up. "I can't do this I quit"!Gemini looked at pisces shocked. "I can't keep hurting people just because you're jealous. Scorpio did nothing wrong and Aquarius is my best friend". "Fine then I'll just tell libra and the entire school your secret". "Good"! Pisces left and slammed the door. Gemini huffed. Fine I'll just kill Aquarius myself.
Aquarius walked to her locker to switch out books. She. Found a note in her locker.
Hello aqua. Will you come meet me after school on the roof. I'd like to discuss something with you.
Sincerely anonymous.
Aquarius looked at the note confused. She shrugged and stuffed the note in her pocket.
Sagittarius spotted scorpio walking and came up to her. "Hey are you okay cap told me everything". "I'm fine". Scorpio felt a force on her back. "Ahg"! Scorpio looked at the person who bumped into her back. "Oh sorry leo". Leo didn't take his eyes off his phone. "Sorry". He walked away. "That's wierd". Sagittarius said. "Wait leo...he...i gottta talk to him". "Wait Sagittarius i still need to talk...and he's gone". Scorpio sighed. Scorpio got a text on her phone.
Hey come to the roof afterschool if you want to save your friend from dying.
Scorpio looked at the text worried.
"Hey"! Sagittarius grabbed leo's shoulder turning him around to face him. Leo looked up from his phone. "Sup". "Um do you remember when scorpio got thoes death threats"? "Yes i do". "Um do you know who sent them". "I only know a couple". "Tell me"! "Um...ok. Taurus and gemini". "Ok thank you". "No problem." Leo looked back at his phone. Then he got a text.
You like aqua right. Today afterschool on the roof top. she's going to die.
Leo stared at the text. Aquarius is going to die? No I can't let this happen.
Afterschool leo ran into scorpio. "Hey scorpio are you going to the roof top"? "Yeah same". "Let's go"!
Aquarius went to the roof. "Hello aqua I saw you got my note". "Yeah I did". "Well goodbye". Gemini charged towards Aquarius with a kinfe in het hands. "STOP"! gemini gasped.
That's the end of this chapter. ^_~

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