the last oatmeal rice

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leo was walking around town. Of course he was still crazy. He found a man taking drugs. "Well that looks fun". Leo said with a creepy smirk plastered on his face. The man looking behind him and dropped the durg and ran off. Leo looked down at the drug. Hmm cocaine? Could that help me? Leo sat down on the ground and sprinkled some on paper and was about to take in when someone high kicked it out of his hands. Leo growled and looked up but his eyes widened seeing who it was. "Aquarius"? "What are you doing"!? Leo looked the other way. "Why would it matter to you at all"? "Do want to stop being human"? "Human"? "You're a monster right now. You could actually turn into a monster"! Leo looked down defeated. "How about we grab a bite to eat and you can back to school". Aquarius said. "No I don't really like people". Leo said. "just one bite And then we'll never see each other again." Aquarius pulled out her phone. "Hello kyle? Yes I want you to arrange something".
Aquarius and leo arrived at the house. "Are there people there"? "Nobody's here so rest assured". "Please watch some TV or something. I'll make something to eat". "What are you going to make me eat"? "That's a surprise for you to see when it's done". Leo laid on the couch watching the comedy channel. He watched Aquarius working in the kitchen. His eyes blurred and the imaged changed to his sister. Leo fell asleep. "Here, it's ready"! Leo eyes shot open. "Here you go". Aquarius gestered to the plate in front of him. Leo looked down at the plate. It was oatmeal rice with secret with a heart next to it written in ketchup. Leo took a bite. "It's the same taste". "That makes me glad". Aquarius said. "How..."? "Your mother left behind a notebook of recipes. I took the liberty of borrowing it. The page with the oatmeal rice was the only one with a big flowery circle on it. Most likely, it was your favorite food in the past". Leo looked at the title. Secert sauce-have a good day leo. "Brittany, after your mother was no longer around, saw that, and was probably recreating this taste for all this time". Leo's eyes welled and and tears ran down his face. A flash back ran through his mind when his sister made oatmeal rice for his lunch and wrote good thing on the front. So that was...the last oatmeal rice... more tears began to escape his eyes as he stuffed the oatmeal rice in his mouth.'s sweet,and taste horrible...but what is this? "It's not healthy for you to scarf down food. Please eat it slowly". Aquarius said. "Yeah..." the pizza sauce sat on the counter.
"Here, have some tea and take this too". Aquarius said handing him a handkerchief. Leo put the cloth over his eyes. "Hey aqua..." "yes". "What should I do from here on..."? "How about you return to school once again"? "But you and I...we promised we would never have anything to do with each other again". "What are you talking about"? "After I ate said that would happen". "You didn't eat just one bite. You ate it all. I watched thinking: 'wow you really want to have something to do with me'..." leo smirked and laughed. "Nothing less from you...fine I'll go back to school." Leo smiled. "I'm glad". Aquarius smiled. Leo smiled back.
"So leo did have an ability after all"? Sagittarius asked. Aquarius ate a rice ball. "Mhm". She said. "What's the ability"? Aquarius swallowed her food. "Possession". Aquarius said. "How does it work"? "Leo looks into the person's eyes and his soul takes over their body but his body falls lifeless". "There should be a concenquence for abilities". "There are. For example timeloop you become blind everythime you travel back in time to the point where you can no longer see nor travel back in time anymore." "I see". "Well are you ready for your power to be taken"? Aquarius looked at Sagittarius. Sagittarius looked down. "I don't think I can give up my power aqua". Sagittarius went down the stairs from the roof. Aquarius packed up her lunch. Sagittarius thoes powers will leave you once you graduate.
"W-what? I-I can't do that". Leo said. Aquarius sighed. "Doubting yourself is a bad habit". "Good morning". Scorpio said walking towards leo and Aquarius. "Good morning". Aquarius said. "Hey guys I got two tickets to a post-rock concert who wants to go". "Why don't you ask sag"? Leo asked. "He said it's not his type". "I'm not into post-rock". Aquarius said. Scorpio looked at leo hopefully. "Sorry but no". "No you're coming to the concert li-" "my boyfriend's into post-rock ask him". "WHAT"!? leo and scorpio said in sync.
Scorpio walked into school blushing and saw aries at his locker. She shyly walked over to him. "H-hey Aries". Aries heard his name in a small faint voice. He pulled his books out and turned around. "Oh it's scorpio. What do you want"? Aries sighed. "well I got these tickets to a post-rock concert and-" "post-rock"? "Yes. Do you maybe want to go with me"? "Yes. I love post-rock". Scorpio gave Aries his ticket. "Don't be late otherwise I won't get any merchandise".
It was Saturday afternoon and aries was getting ready for the concert. He tried on different out fits. Wait why am I getting so dressed up? She's not my girlfriend. Aries arrived in a white t-shirt with a blue jacket and blue jeans. Aries saw scorpio and his heart nearly stopped. Scorpio was wearing a short light pink shirt with a petty coat and a bright pink shirt that tied around her neck and had an tie on the chest. She had a white undershirt underneath. Her long hair was tied in a pony tail. Aries walked closer. "Oh good afternoon Aries"  Scorpio said. "Y-yeah good afternoon". "Now hurry Im going to buy merchandise". Scorpio ran ahead. "Wait scorpio-". Scorpio fell flat on her face. "Um are you okay". Scorpio stood up in embarrassment and brushed of her skirt. "I'm fine. Let's go".
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