fake boyfriend

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Leo looked at his computer's blank screen. His sister brought him dinner. "Hey leo. Here's your dinner". Brittany laid it on the bed next to him and left the room.
"Did you actually like her"? "I dunno". "Help me with aries and I'll help you with Aquarius". "Deal"
End of flash back
Leo sighed. What the hell is going on? His phone vibrated.
Aquarius: hey can we meet
Leo stared at the screen.
Leo: sure where do you wanna meet
Aquarius: the park
Leo: ok
Aquarius: ok see ya!
Leo pulled on his jacket and walked to the park. He saw Aquarius sitting on the bench. "Hey". Aquarius smiled. "Hey thanks for showing up". "So what's up". "I got hurt today by a few girls". "Oh um are you okay"? "I'm fine but I just thought of a plan and if you're not comfortable with it then you don't have to do it". "What's the plan". "Be my fake boyfriend". "W-what"?
"Fake boyfriend huh"? Sagittarius said looking at Aquarius who was looking infront of the mirror. "You know leo is your fake boyfriend so he won't care what you look like". "Yeah but people won't believe me if I don't look beautiful". Sagittarius walked up behind her and undid the ribbon from her hair. "Let you hair down". Sagittarius fixed her hair. "There now you look Beautiful". Aquarius looked at herself and blushed. Sagittarius hugged her from behind. "Sagittarius what are you doing"? "Nothing". "This is uncomfortable though". Aquarius squirmed. Sagittarius kissed her cheek. Aquarius felt the blood rush to her cheeks. Sagittarius chuckled and jumped out the window. "Ugh can't he leave like a normal person". She watched Sagittarius jump from roof to roof. Stupid cat powers. She heard a honk outside. She looked down and saw leo's car. Aquarius sighed and grabbed her bag and got in leo's car. "So what do we do to make this believable"? Aquarius thought about it. "Maybe playful teasing, passionate kissing and cuddling". "I'll do that except the passionate kiss part". "Ok so no kissing". "Maybe a peck but nothing eles". Leo said. Aquarius nodded in agreement. Leo drove to school.
Leo and aquarius walked inside the school. "It's them". Aquarius pointed to the group of girls that beat her up yesterday. Leo grabbed her hand. "I won't let them hurt you as long as I'm your fake boyfriend". Aquarius squeezed his hand. "Thank you". "Hey slut what are you doing to leo. Before Aquarius could open her mouth leo put an arm around her shoulders. "Slut? She's my girlfriend." "Wait what"? "I thought you knew? Everyone knew". The girls glared. "We don't belive you". The leader said smirking. "Why not"? "Have you had sex"? "N-" "yes five times". "Leo"! Aquarius wishpered loudly. "Bear with me". Leo smiled. The girls knew they were going to loes this fight but they weren't going to back out so easily. "How many times have you kissed". "A lot". Leo answered. "Ok,Aquarius how does leo make you feel"? Aquarius looked at leo. "H-he makes me feel like I matter". "Hahaha so cliché." Aquarius glared. She grabbed leo's collar and kissed him. She pulled away after 5 seconds. Leo looked at her. "I thou-" "shhh". Leo nodded. The girls gave up and walked off. "Sorry". Leo looked at her. "It's cool". Aquarius  grabbed leo's hand. "Come on. Let's go to class".
During lunch Aquarius and leo were sitting in the courtyard. Leo pulled out his bento and opened it. "Wow you made this"? Aquarius asked. "Yeah". "That's alot". "Because it's for the both of us". "Leo you didn't-" "I wanted to do it". "Here". Leo handed her a rice ball. "Wow it's so good"! "I'm glad". "We should get married because I'd eat your food everyday." Leo laughed. "Thank you but I don't know if I want to get married". Aquarius chuckled. "Hey feed me something". "Hmm ok. Lets see". Leo stabbed a pice of chicken. "Here. Say ah"! Aquarius bit it. "Did you do this with utau"? Leo looked down. "No. Actually utau was always so busy". "Oh sorry". "It's ok". Leo smiled. The bell rang. "Oh lunch is over already"? Leo grabbed Aquarius's hand and walked to geography class with her.
Afterschool leo and Aquarius walked home together. After they left campus leo and Aquarius let go of each other's hands. "Thank you leo". "No problem". "I'll see you tomorrow". Aquarius was going to walk in her house. "Wait". Leo called. "Yeah"? Aquarius said turning around. "Um I have soccer practice tomorrow so I'm going to come earlier than usual." "Oh um ok". "See ya". "Yeah bye". Aquarius walked into her house. "Awwww I wish I was your fake boyfriend". Aquarius sighed. "What are you doing here Sagittarius"? "I dunno". Sagittarius smirked. "So did it work"? "I dunno...I think so". Sagittarius ate pocky. "Hey where is my pocky"? Sagittarius's eyes widened. "Hey saggy have you"- Aquarius turned around and saw Sagittarius eating her pocky. "You'll never take me alive"! "Sagittarius"! Sagittarius laughed running upstairs. Sagittarius ran to Aquarius's room and locked the door. Aquarius banged on the door. Sagittarius opened it and Aquarius fell into his arms. He hugged her. "Hey let me go! This isn't funny"! Sagittarius stepped back on the bed and pulled her down as he cuddled with her. "I can do better than leo". "What are you talking about"? "Do you still want him"? "Sagittarius we are fake dating and second I picked him because he's the person I kissed". Sagittarius got on top of Aquarius. "Do you not notice my feelings"? "What"? "I told you so many times I love you but you never come around." Aquarius started to feel guilty but she still wasn't going to give in. Sagittarius is her friend and that's final. "I've already said this but I'll say this again, Sagittarius, I'm sorry but I'm just not into you like that. I think you should let me go...so goodbye". Sagittarius felt his heart shatter. Sagittarius got off Aquarius and sat there stunned.
That's it! Please vote and comment. Poor saggy.

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