Love confession or rejection

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"I really don't think you should tell her". Scorpio said. "I mean what would Aries do"? Sagittarius looked at him desk. "Well I mean I can't keep bottling up my feelings". Scorpio sighed. "I won't save you if Aries comes to get you". Scorpio said.
"You have to"! Aries whined. Aquarius covered her ears. "I don't care if god asked you"! Aquarius sighed. "Sagittarius is my childhood friend and I want to talk to him". Aries kissed Aquarius passionately. "Fine but promise me. You have to walk home with me tomorrow." "Promise". Aquarius linked her pinky with her boyfriend's. "Pinky promise".
The next day Aquarius was eating in the courtyard. She looked around. She was pretty much the only one here so she relaxed. She liked being alone. She was about to relax until she heard an angry voice. "Get off me libra". She looked behind her and saw leo running away from Libra. He ran into the courtyard. "Oh Aquarius I'm so glad you are here. Let me hide under your feet"! "What"? "Just let me". Leo crawled under the table positioned himself in a sitting position infront of Aquarius's knees. Libra walked into the courtyard. "Hello Aquarius did you by chance see leo". "No". Leo sighed in relief. "But he might be on the soccer field. They have a game comming up. Practice makes perfect." "Thank you Aquarius". Libra ran off. "Thank you so much Aquarius". Leo got out from under the table a sat next to her.  "No problem". Leo smiled. "Oh speaking of which wanna see a movie with me this weekend"? "What movie"? "Your name". "What about your girlfriend"? "Oh yeah about that". Leo laughed nervously.
Flash back
"Aw leo I would love to but unfortunately I'm booked for the week. Sorry. Maybe next time".
End of flash back
"That sucks". "Yeah I know". "I'll look into it". "Cool text me when you have an answer". Leo ran out of the courtyard. "LEO I LOVE YOU~♡"! "SHIT SHE FOUND ME"! Aquarius laughed. The bell rang indicating that lunch was over. Aquarius got up and headed to class.
Afterschool Aquarius headed to the roof and found Sagittarius looked out the fence that surrounded the border of the roof. "Hey Sagittarius". Aquarius said. Sagittarius turned around with a serious face. Aquarius I need to ask you something important." "Okay". "It's a love question". "Oh did you find someone. I'm so happy for you". "No I didn't okay! I don't know who I love". "Oh I can't do much about that". Aquarius turned to leave but Sagittarius caught her wrist. Aquarius looked back. "Um what is it"? "Aquarius the person I fell in love with is you". Aquarius blushed. "Huh. Oh um I'm flattered but-". "Shut up and listen. Um Aquarius when I was little i fell inlove with you the minute I laid eyes on you. And I thought something was wrong with me. How could a six year old be inlove with some half the age of me. Utau seemed intrested in you and from the beginning she knew I fell in love. I always was alone. But that day you gave a flower crown. It was stupid but it made me really happy. Then you held my hands. As years progressed I fell more and more in love. Then we grew apart when I reached highschool. Then you told me about aries. I hated it. I didn't want him to have something that should be mine. Then he asked you out and you said yes. You looked so happy. I was heartbroken. I was jealous of the way he made you feel jealous of the way he made you smile. I could never do that. Then I met scorpio. I don't know what made me like her. She's so cool and cold but one you see her and get to know her she's a really soft person. I don't know who I love right now but..." Sagittarius leaned down and kissed Aquarius. Aquarius's eyes widened. "I love you". Aquarius looked down. Her bangs covered her face. Sagittarius let go of her wrist making it drop to her side. "Sagittarius I...I dunno." "You don't have to give me an answer at all". "No I want to give you one. Um Sagittarius remember that promise back then when I said I'd marry you. My perspective hasn't changed but i had to let go. You are moving on to adult hood. I can't keep holding you back so you need to let go. Good bye Sagittarius". Aquarius walked away. Sagittarius looked down rejected. "How could she fall on love with that kiddie king. DAM IT!" Sagittarius punched the fence making it rattle. "I'm the idiot here". Sagittarius looked  over the edge. "Why did I tell her"?
Aquarius laid on her bed. She buried herself under the covers. "I hurt him didn't I. I'm sorry Sagittarius". Aquarius felt like crying. "I can't even return his feelings". Aquarius snuggled her pillow. She felt herself crying. Why am I crying? I'm a bitch aren't I? Im so weak.
Leo and aquarius were going to the movies. "Hey leo"? "Sup"? "Um about Sagittarius..." "yeah"? "Does he get hurt easily"? "Hmm most people would say no but when you look at him he has hidden sadness in his eyes. Just because a person doesn't look sad doesn't mean they aren't. Just like lupus". Aquarius looked down. "I think I broke him hard". "How so"? "He confessed and..." "you rejected"? "Well not right away". "Then what did you say"? "I said I was letting go and that he should too". Aquarius and leo walked inside the movie theater. "Look Aquarius it's okay". Leo hugged her. "Leo, Sagittarius and I have been friends since childhood and I didn't want to break that friendship. We were so close but I can't fall in love with a boy who doesn't know who he loves. Also I'm happy with aries so that's why he needs to let go". Leo fiddled with his hands in his pockets. "I get it". "Leo what should I do"?
That's the end. Please vote and comment. What should Aquarius do to repair the friendship and was she really ment to be with aries?

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