the trip to New York

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It was never a choice to go to New York for leo but if his girlfriend is litterly dying there he's going to save her. He promised he would never let anything happen to her. And that's what sent leo to be in the airport. Of course it was a three hour wait but it was worth it. Leo waited in the line to bord the plane. Once he found his seat and got situated he looked out the window. Okay passengers while we are bording the plane please put your phone on airplane mode and once everyone is borded we'll prepare for take off. The flight attendant got off the speaker and helped everyone find their seat. A girl took the seat next to leo. He looked over at the girl. She had long blue hair and honey colored eyes. She sensed leo staring at her and she looked over. "Can I help you"? "Oh uh no sorry". "Wait aren't you leo"? "Yeah". "The leo"? "Yeah". "Oh my god it's actually you! Why are you on this plane are you preforming in New York"? "No I'm going to see my girlfriend". "Oh right your dating hoshina". Wow news spreads like a wild fire. Leo thought. He ran his fingers thourgh his orange hair and looked out the window. Everyone borded the plane and the flight attendant went back on the speaker and started to explain the directions. Okay everyone we are preparing for take off. Please tighten you seat belt.
The girl was shivering in her chair. "Are you okay"? Leo asked. "Yeah i-it's just I've never went flying before". "Oh I see". The plane began moving. She Closed her eyes. She looked at leo. "H-hey can I-I h-hold your hand"? The girl asked. "Oh uh sure". Leo held out his hand. The girl grabbed leo's hand and squeezed it tight. The plane lifted into the sky and the girl relaxed. "You can let go now". Leo said. The girl blushed. "S-sorry". "No worries". Leo looked outside.
Sagittarius was walking to school until he spotted pisces and gemini talking about something. "Good morning ladies". Pisces smiled. "Good morning saggy". Gemini blushed. "G-good morning Sagittarius". "Has anyone seen leo"? Sagittarius asked. "I heard he went to New York or something". Pisces said. "Really why"? "Libra told him something about utau". "Did something happen"? "Oh yeah your little sister is being abused". Gemini said. "SHE'S WHAT"!
Sagittarius walked into class looking stressed. "What's wrong"? Scorpio asked. "My sister-" "meowning"! Aquarius said cheerfully. Aquarius saw Sagittarius. "What's wrong"? "My sister-". "Hello bitches"! Libra yelled. "What happened why is everyone so quiet"? "My sister is being abused". Sagittarius said in a sad strained voice. "Oh I'm so sorry Sagittarius". Aquarius hugged him. "Oh yeah i heard about that"? Libra said. "How"? "I have my ways". Libra said. "Why didn't you tell anyone"? Sagittarius asked. "I did I notified leo". "Why didn't you tell her blood related brother"? "I'm sorry you never gave me your number". Sagittarius sighed.  "If only i never left her with my parents". Aquarius and scorpio looked at Sagittarius with sympathy.
Leo's plane landed in New York. He got off the plane. "Hey leo"! The girl yelled after him. "Yeah what's up"? "Hey thank you for letting me hold your hand". "Oh uh yeah you're welcome". "Do you have a phone"? "Yeah". "May I see it"? "Sure". The  girls began typing. "This is my number if you need anything call me by the way my name elisia." She kissed him. His eyes widened. The girl smirked and walked away. Leo was left stunned.
Utau was looking away from leo then she saw him walk out. "LEO"! utau ran up and hugged him. "Oh hey". Leo wrapped his arms around utau's back. She leaned up and kissed leo. Utau looked up. "Is something wrong"? "No nothing is wrong". utau became suspicious. "You sure"? Leo kissed her and smiled. "Positive". "Let's go to my place". Utau said happily. Leo arrived at her's dad's place. "I'm home"! She yelled. "Welcome home utau. Who is this"? He asked. "My boyfriend leo". "Nice to meet you mr.hoshina I mean tsukiyomi". Leo said bowing. The dad glared at leo then smirked. "Utau tomorrow you'll record another song". "But dad I don't have one prepared". "Don't talk back to me"! He said sternly. Utau grumbled and walked upstairs. Leo was about to follow her but her dad stopped him. "You and me need to talk". Leo nodded.
"Do you understand"? Her dad said. "Yes sir". Leo walked upstairs. "What did he want"? Utau asked. "He mostly talked about your brother". "I see".
"It's not like you could ever be a a famous violinist that's why your father left you"! Utau's stepfather yelled at the young Sagittarius. "He didn't leave me! When I graduate school I'm going to find him". Sagittarius said. The father slapped him in the face. "YOU'RE USELESS JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER"! "ONII-CHAN"! utau ran over to her brother. Their stepfather was about to slap utau but his hand came into contact with Sagittarius's cheek again. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING"! Sagittarius fell to the floor holding his cheek. "I don't care if if I get hurt but don't you ever touch utau in that way. She fragil and my only sister".
End of flash
"And like that when he turned 10 he ran away to find his father. I rather not have utau find out about any of this okay"? "Understood". "Good".
"What did he say about Sagittarius"? Utau asked. "Nothing really". Utau looked down. "Oh ok". Utau walked upstairs. "U-um utau"? "Yes"? "What's your relationship with your brother"?  "I miss him". "I'm sorry". "Don't be". Leo looked at her sympathetically. "I need to prepare a song for tomorrow". Utau walked away.
Utau was at the studio again with her father. "So utau you wanted to say something in recording about your song"? "Yes sir". Utau took a deep breath. "This song is deticated to both of the people I love in my whole entire life." The music began playing.
"Hiding the stars down in my eyes   
I alone am confused that I can’t do anything
Even holding hands somewhere is awkward
But I want us to laugh in our dreams
An echoing melody yonder at night      
Stirs my warm chest
Whispering Blue Moon, if I extend my hand
We’ll be able to reach it
You just always smile tenderly
But you won’t chase after me
A grain of sand glowing one second after another
I won’t forget to not let even a grain spill
The disappearing moon was not pleased
So I claw it out from your defenceless back
A scar that sweetly remains is deep
I embrace the proof of its carving
Fleeting Blue Moon
Why did I fall in love?     
It’s too sad of a story
As we pause in the same scene
Looking up Blue Moon, when I think of you
My time has come to a stop
The wailing of the Blue Moon doesn’t end   
It bathes in the depth of darkness
I love you, even if it can’t be fulfilled
Even if the heavens will also be torn someday
I think of you eternally".
Utau had tears falling.
"What are you trying to do"!? Her father asked. "No emotional songs". "I'm sorry but you said to have one prepared so I wrote what came to mind". "You worthless bitch". Her dad raised a hand to slap her. Instead of hitting her it came into contact with someone else. "Utau's eyes widened". What is this feeling? Something like this happened before. "LEO! ARE YOU OKAY"!? utau hugged him. Leo looked at him. "Don't you dare touch her in that way". That's right back then my brother did the same thing. "If you have the nerve to abuse your family then go die. That's why Sagittarius went to find his own dad". "You son of a bitch I told you to keep that a secret"! "Utau should know. Sagittarius left utau with you because you wouldn't let her go. He regrets it greatly and wants to cherish his only sister but cannot because of you that's why I'm taking utau back where she belongs".
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