apologies and forgiveness

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Aries walked over to his girlfriend's house and relized the door was locked. He used his spare key and opened the door. That's when he saw Sagittarius kissing his girlfriend. Aquarius on the other hand was crying. "Sagittarius what are you doing"! Sagittarius disconnected himself from Aquarius. He saw aries in shock. Aquarius fell to the floor crying.
Aries sighed as he looked at the two signs sitting on the same couch trying to keep a good amount of distance between them. "Mind telling me what happened". Aquarius and Sagittarius looked at each other. "How about you go first Sagittarius"? Sagittarius sighed. "Well I um...I wanted Aquarius to accept my apology but she wouldn't and so I went to her house and she kicked me. So I grabbed her but without thinking I kissed her". Actually I'm not sure why I kissed her but lying will do for now. "Ok Aquarius"? "First of all this dusebag kidnapped me and now he came to my house about some stupid forgiveness and fucking kisses me"! Aquarius yelled crossing her arms. "Ok". Aries said understanding both sides. "Why don't you two make up? Your childhood friends". Sagittarius moved closer to Aquarius. Aquarius looked at him. "Hug"? "Ha as if duse"! Aquarius stomped up stairs. Sagittarius sighed in defeat.
Aries talked to Sagittarius outside. "Sorry about my girlfriend's behavior. She gets like this easily." Aries explained. "That's fine she has every right to be angry with me". Sagittarius looked down. "I understand I'll see you at school". "Yeah". Sagittarius got in his car and drove away. Aries frowned. Why does Aquarius hate him. I mean it was an accident.
While in new York utau was recording a ridiculous number of songs. During her time in new York utau was loosing her appetite and got less sleep then usual. Her dad began bash her with hurtful comments saying she was worthless and she didn't matter. Utau cried herself to sleep every night. Utau didn't only get hurt with comments her dad sometimes got physical on her. There was really nothing she could do save herself.
Leo laid on his bed looking at the ceiling. His phone buzzed. He answered. "Hello"? "Hey lion". "Who is this"? "Libra". "Ok I'm hang-" "wait don't you want to her hear about utau"? "What!? What happened to utau"? "She's not eating and she's being abused physically and verbally". "What"? "I think it's best you go to New York a see her. Please it will be the best choice for both you and her". Libra abruptly hung up. Leo was stunned. Utau's being abused? I'm such an idiot!
Afterschool Aquarius was walking alone since her boyfriend got detention. "Hey aqua wait"! Sagittarius ran after her. Aquarius noticed this and started running. "Wait"! Sagittarius grabbed her wrist. "Hmph"! "Hey come on look at me". "Hmmph"! "Wanna have so fun"! "Hmph"! "Hey use words"! "Hmph"! She's totally mad at me. Sagittarius dragged Aquarius to the mall. "Hey aqua how about you try on this dress". Aquarius looked away a once again, "hmph"! How long is she going to keep this up. "Wanna go out for ice cream"? Sagittarius grabbed her and bought to and ice cream parlor. "Any flavor my treat". "Um vanilla". "Ok". Sagittarius reached in his wallet and pulled out a couple of dollars. "One vanilla please". Aquarius sat across from him in one of the booths. She licked the ice cream and her face lit up. Looks like her mood improve. Aquarius stood up to grab a napkin but the ice cream fell out of her hands and smashed to the floor. Aquarius's eyes became watery. Don't tell me she's gonna cry. Aquarius looked at Sagittarius and crossed her arms looking away. "Hmph"! "Hey don't blame that on me"! Sagittarius said.
"I still won't forgive you". Aquarius said. "I figured". Sagittarius said laughing nervously. Aquarius's glared faltered. Aquarius looked at Sagittarius like she wanted to say something but decided to keep it a secret. "I-I"ll see you tomorrow". Aquarius's stuttered out. "Yeah". Sagittarius started walking away. Aquarius watched him start to get futher away from her. She then gave up. "Sagittarius wait". Sagittarius stopped. He looked back at her. "I need to tell you something. It's a secret I've been keeping inside me for so long and I think I should tell you." Aquarius took a deep breath. "S-scorpio i-is m...my second cousin. She's younger than you. Well you already knew she was way younger than you but the point is I worry. You're an adult and..." Aquarius started wiping her eyes. "Sorry i got a little emotional. I guess it doesn't matter". Sagittarius pulled her into an embrace. "It's okay I understand. I'm sorry". "Stupid why are you apologizing I should be I'm tge one who walked in on you". "None of that matters now that I know the truth". Sagittarius let go of Aquarius. Aquarius smiled. "Thank you".
Leo debated whether to go to New York and save her or call the police. He felt like it was wrong to interfere with family matters but if what libra said was true he should at least do something. Leo texted utau.
Leo: hey how are you?
It took 10 minutes for utau to text back.
Utau: sorry what? Oh yeah I'm fine.
Hmmmm sounds suspicious. Leo thought.
Leo: hey what me to come to newyork
Utau: NO! I mean...I DUNNO!
Leo: no need to use all caps. I get you don't want me around.
Leo: you and your caps huh
Leo: why ca-
Utau: sorry forgot I had caps on. Look I have to go. Call me if you come. I'll greet you.
Leo was confused about the conversation that just happened but dropped it.
"So she forgave you"? Scorpio asked
Sagittarius nodded. "Oh that's great. I can't wait to see her again"! Sagittarius smiled. "Yeah I guess".
It's done now I'll foucus on leo's story. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment.

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