bruises,cut,and hospitality

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Utau walked out the dressing room fully dressed. She saw leo and his group of friends hanging out and laughing and talking. Her eyes saddened a little. She wish she could have fun like them. Leo looked back and saw utau staring at them. He walked over to her. "Great performance". Leo said. Utau slightly smiled. "Do you wanna hang out with us"? "I-" "utau come on let's go". Utau saw her manger yelling with a hand motion. "Sorry I have to go". Utau left. Leo walked back to the group. "She's busy". "Hey let's go to Sagittarius's apartment and see if he's okay"? Scorpio suggested. "Why wouldn't he be okay"? Leo asked. "I dunno". Scorpio said. Aquarius looked down. "Aquarius why are you looking down with a frown"? "I'm not frowning". "Yeah you are. You know something we don't know don't you"?
They arrived at Sagittarius's apartment. They walked up the stairs. They found Sagittarius collapsed infront of his door. "SAGITTARIUS"! Aquarius panicked kneeling down next to him. Sagittarius slightly opened his eyes and saw Aquarius kneeling over him. "Sagittarius! Are you okay"? "A-aquarius what are you doing here"? Sagittarius strained out. They helped Sagittarius into his apartment. They laided him on the couch. "Are you injured anywhere"? Aquarius asked worried. Sagittarius shook his head. Aquarius unbuttoned his shirt to see blue and purple bruises covering his entire body. "Leo give me the bruise cream from the bathroom cabinet". Leo nodded and went to the bathroom. "Scorpio please get me some ice". "Okay". Leo came back with the cream and scorpio came with a bucket of ice. Aquarius applied the cream and Sagittarius hissed in pain. "I know it hurts". Aquarius put a bag of ice on him. "It's cold!" "I know but you have to hold it there". Aquarius said. "Lets just call the hospital"! "Why would we call the hospital"? Scorpio asked. "Well we have no idea how long he's been laying unconscious". "Aries is right". Aquarius said.
Aquarius sat in a chair next to Sagittarius's bed. "Aquarius I'm going to take scorpio and arises home". Leo said. "Ok". "I'll be back". Aquarius nodded. Leo left the room. Aquarius looked at the hospital bed. She held his hand. "I hate this about you. Putting others before yourself not caring about your own health". Aquarius cried.
"I feel so bad". Scorpio said. "Well aren't we lucky we found him though"? Aries said. "Yeah. I guess". Scorpio said. Leo dropped them both off. He drove back to the hospital.
Leo walked in the room and saw Aquarius asleep holding Sagittarius's hand. Leo slowly walked over and shook her. "Hey aqua". He wishpered. Aquarius opened her eyes and rubed them. She let go of Sagittarius's hand. "What is it"? She asked yawning. "I'm going to take you home". "But someone should stay with Sagittarius". Aquarius said. "He'll be fine. Just go to the waiting room I'll be there." Aquarius nodded. Leo looked at Sagittarius sleeping body. "Why does Aquarius care about you so much? I hate that about you! But I guess no matter what I say nothing with change the fact that you can't stay away from her". Leo left the room With a loud slam of the door. He found Aquarius sitting in the waiting room. "Let's go". He grabbed Aquarius wrist. "Wait leo this hurts let go"! Leo dragged Aquarius outside the hospital. "Leo let go"! Aquarius escaped his grip. Leo looked at Aquarius. "What the hell"! Leo pressed her against the car door and pressed his lips hard against hers. Aquarius tried to push his off. "Mmph...Leo now...mmph...not...the time...mph. STOP"! Aquarius pushed him off. Leo looked at her. He pinned Aquarius's wrists to the car. "Stop thinking about Sagittarius". Aquarius looked at leo speechless. "Aquarius I love you". Aquarius looked down. "I know. I love you too". "Then do this for me once". Leo felt tears roll down his cheeks. "Leo please don't cry". He hugged Aquarius.
Utau sat in her hotel room expecting her brother to say goodbye one last time before she left but he didn't show up. Utau got a call early in the morning that her brother was in the hospital. She rushed over there right away. She saw Sagittarius in the bed reading a book. "Onii-chan". Sagittarius saw his sister walking towards him. "Oh good morning utau. Great performance". Utau started crying. "Idiot"! Utau walked over to him. "Why didn't you tell me"? "Because I don't want to see tears ruin my sister's cute face". "I'm serious Sagittarius"! His sister used his name which was a sign she was mad."Because I didn't want you to get involved". "So you get into fights like an ally cat and not let people know"?! "Because if I told you the reason you'd get mad at me"! Utau hugged her brother. "Baka"! "Utau..." "a big one"! "I know". "I'm going back to Japan today but promise me...if something happens let your friends know". Sagittarius nodded. "Goodbye utau have a safe flight." "I will. Goodbye Sagittarius". Utau kissed her brother on the cheek and left for her flight.
Aquarius and scorpio went to the hospital but they didn't stay for long. Small talk was made but other thsn that nothing more. Aquarius sat in the waiting room. "You okay"? Scorpio asked. "I dunno. It's like what leo said last night".
Flash back
"Stop thinking about Sagittarius"
End of flash back
"He's probably just jelly". Scorpio said handing her a soda can. Aquarius looked at the soda can in her hands. "I love leo but Sagittarius is in the hospital and I can't forget about him. "It's okay". Scorpio said. "Well leo said it's not". "Who cares what leo says"? "I care! He's my boyfriend"! Aquarius's hand tighten around the soda can crushing it. "You shouldn't let your boyfriend control you". "Actually scorpio, I felt like leo had a reason". "Of course everyone-" "But I felt like it was a good reason". "It's because he's jelly". Aquarius rolled her eyes. "Leo isn't jealous". "Whatever you tell yourself".
That's the end. Please vote and comment.

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