moving on but never letting go

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Leo said bye to the girl. Suddenly it started to rain. Well he expected it. It was cloudy. Leo arrived at his house he kicked off his shoes. There was a knock on the door. He opened it. "Libra". She was soaked head to toe. "Libra what's wrong"? Libra smashed her lips onto leo's. Leo's eyes widened. He pushed Libra off. "W-what are you doing"!? "Leo I love you"! She again kissed leo. Leo pushed her off and held her shoulders so she stayed in place. "Stop libra"! "I love you" "Really if you loved me you wouldn't have dated that other boy". "I'm sorry it was wrong but now I want to be with you". "Libra I-"
"Libra I can't". Libra started crying. Please leo let's get back together. I promise I'll do better next time". "Listen libra...I was in love with you but you broke up with me and moved on and I found someone I really love. Libra I've moved on. You need to do the same and stay with him". Libra fell to the floor in a crying mess. She looked up at leo and glared. "I won't give up on you leo. I will make you beg for me".
"I see so your ex hasn't given up". "God she's so annoying"! Leo sighed. Utau smiled. "Hey stop thinking about her and focus on our date. Oh look ice cream lets get some"! Utau dragged leo along. They arrived at the ice cream stand. Utau ordered chocolate and leo ordered vanilla. Leo sat down and sighed. "Aww leo don't look so depressed". Utau said. Leo looked at utau. "I don't even know why I'm acting like this". Leo took a bite of his ice cream and shivered. "Ah forget my teeth are sensitive". Leo closed his eyes tight trying to get to cold away. "Leo I think maybe you're still in love with libra." "NO WAY"! Leo yelled gaining attention from bystanders. "Libra needs to let go"! Leo said lowering his tone a bit. Utau kissed him. Leo dropped his ice cream out of surprise. Leo wrapped his arms around her waist. Since utau finished her ice cream she deepened the kiss by snaking her arms around his neck. It lasted for awhile until their lungs were screaming for air. Leo pulled away from utau. They started breathing hard. "So who's better libra or me"? That question caught leo off guard. "Um you expect me to answer that?" "Well of course. Aren't we dating?" "Well yeah...but-" "so shut up about libra and think about me". Leo sighed. "Utau I don't think you get it". Utau rolled her eyes. "You know libra cheated on you". "She didn't cheat she broke up well more like I broke it off". Leo's phone rang. "One sec". He pick it up. "Hello?" "Where are you"? "Brittany I told you I was going on a date with Utau". "No you didn't". "Yes I did". Utau watched him intently. Leo hung up. "Sorry about that. My sister is clingy". Utau sighed. "Whatever. I have to go. My brother is probably worried". "Oh I'll walk you home". "Oh no need". "But it's the least I can do". "No it's okay. I don't want my brother to meet you". "Why"? "He's like protective". "Um ok". "See ya". Leo waved and started walking in the opposite direction.
The next day at school Aquarius walked up to him. "How was the date"? "It was good until Brittany called". "I see". "Where's Aries". "Oh my boyfriend went on a trip. He'll be back soon". Leo nodded in understanding. "So how's your girlfriend". "Oh she said something about her brother and left it at that". "Really". Sagittarius walked by. He seemed busy with a phone call. "I won't be home till later okay". Leo looked at Sagittarius until he heard his girlfriend's name come out of his mouth. Leo's eyes widened at Sagittarius. Sagittarius finally finished the phone call. Sagittarius looked at leo. "Hey sup". Aquarius looked at leo and Sagittarius. "Um I should go". Aquarius ran off. "Who's utau"? Leo said with a glare. "What are you talking about"? "Well for your information utau and I are dating". "Wait you're dating my sister"? "Your sister"? "Yeah idiot lion". "How was I supposed to know". "Well you should've asked her". "Do you live together"? "We don't". "But you-" "She's just worried". Sagittarius looked down and smiled. "Sorry". Leo said shuffling his feet. "It's fine".
It's rained again that night. Libra cried and went thourgh her old texts with leo.
Leo😘: I love you
Leo😘: you're amazing
Leo😘: I couldn't love anybody else
Leo😘: of course my dreams are filled with you
Leo😘: I'll stay with you forever
Leo😘: forever and always. I'll never leave you
Libra bawled at the last text. Why did leo leave? You chaeated. I didn't. Why would leo love you if you were nearly having sex with that dude? I wasn't. You sure? You were grinding into him". Libra wiped her tears and sniffed. She put her phone on the charger. I'll dream about you leo. Only you and no one eles. Libra closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Afterschool libra was walking home (since exams were coming up and she had to study) when she spotted utau and leo making out in front of his house. Libra's eyes teared up. "I Love you leo". "I love you too utau". Libra finally ran Away crying. He really did move on. Why? WHY!? why would he do this to me? Because you're a slut. Libra made it to her house. She grabbed a kife a slit her arm. Blood dripped to the floor. Stop hurting yourself that won't bring leo back. Will me living bring him back. Yes now stop it! Libra slid to her knees and began crying. The blood was still dripping from her arm.
Leo didn't know why he kissed utau infront of libra. He smirked. Yeah of  course he knew libra was there. He didn't do it to make libra jealous. He was over libra. Way over libra. All that filled his mind was utau. He wanted utau. He didn't care rather it was a kiss or a hug. Whenever he was around utau he felt lust and wanted it bad. But of course he wouldn't since he has Sagittarius pulling at his tail. But as long utau was there he was happy.
That's all. Should leo and libra get back together or should leo stay with utau.

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