the end of cancer's story

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Aries was walking during lunch and saw Sagittarius and scorpio sitting by the vending machines. "What are yiu guys doing? Let's go eat-" "SHUT UP ARIES"! Sagittarius yelled. "What's up with him. Hey scorpio let's go to the cafeteria". "Wait um". "COULD YOU STOP IT"! Aries sighed. "Hey cancer let's go isn't boring with them. Cancer"? Scorpio and Sagittarius looked up. "I just said something wierd didn't I". "You just said a girl's name say it again"! Sagittarius said. "Please Aries try to remember"! Scorpio begged. "I-I don't remember". "It's okay you were a good friend". Cancer handed him a starfish. "What is this a ninja star"? Aries walked off. It's seems nobody rembers cancer. Scorpio started crying. Sagittarius hugged her.
Sagittarius was walking home alone then he stopped at a bridge. He leaned over the railing looking at The crystal clear like water. "Do you remember this place". Sagittarius looked and saw Aquarius. "Yeah I do". "We used to play here. It was so much fun". Aquarius sighed and joined Sagittarius. Sagittarius looked back over the railing. "I wish life would just be perfect and go the way I wanted". Aquarius laughed. "That's a stupid dream". "How so"? Sagittarius rested his head on his hand. "Well you see if life was perfect in the way you wanted it would it be perfect just for you and no one eles". "I never thought of it like that". Sagittarius and Aquarius looked at each. Sagittarius leaned closer. Aquarius backed away. "We can't". "You're right. I'm sorry". "I have to head home. See ya". Sagittarius looked down. "Yeah". Aquarius ran off.
The next morning more and more people began to forget about cancer. Scorpio cried. Sagittarius patted her head. Cancer stood there asking people to accept her gift but nobody noticed her. Nobody in the school even knew she exsited on school grounds. Leo and libra didn't know she was here. Aquarius and arises forgot all about past incidents with cancer. Virgo didn't remember the encounter in the library. Everyone began to forget about her one, two, then three at once. Sagittarius felt tears fall down his face.
"Sagittarius"! Cancer said. "What's up"? "I had a dream about you". "Oh really? What was it about"?
"Oh Sagittarius"! "Libra"? "Hey me and Aquarius are going shopping tomorrow. Do you want to come along"? "Tomorrow is founder's festival". "Yeah but we decided to skip it. Not really in the mood to go". "I see". "Well bye bye".
Aquarius sighed. "I feel like we fought something". "Same. What do you think we forgot"? "A person". Aquarius said. "Hmm". Libra thought. "Well it shouldn't be important come on lets go".
"Sagittarius do you remember the dream I told you I had about you"? "Hmmmm"? "The one when you met me at the beach and asked me what I was doing while the starfish festival was going on". "Oh yeah you told me".
Scorpio sat on a bench crying in her hands. Leo saw her. "Hey what's wrong"? Scorpio looked at leo and wiped her tears back they kept pushing their way through. "It's nothing you wouldn't understand". "Do you need a hug". "Huh". "A hug". Scorpio looked confused. "Um sure"  she stood up and leo hugged her. "He pulled away. Sagittarius walked over. "Scorpio". Sagittarius noticed leo. "Hey". Leo waved. Sagittarius grabbed scorpio. "Let's go". Sagittarius pulled scorpio away.
The day of founders festival was here. Sagittarius and scorpio couldn't remember wgat they were forgetting but felt like they couldn't skip. They saw the principal painting a sign. It said; happy wedding! In big letters. "Wedding"? Sagittarius asked. The principal looked up. "Yes you said you wanted kelly lin's wedding to be held here right"? "Huh"? Scorpio asked. "It's very kind of you to hold a wedding for a teacher who was here 3 years ago. The principal walked away. Sagittarius felt warm liquid fall down his face. He touched his cheek. He was crying. But why? He looked over at scorpio who was also crying. "We forgot someone important didn't we Sagittarius". "No I remember". They looked at each other. "Cancer". Cancer looked at them. "So she was here all along". "Cancer". Scorpio cried. "Don't worry I'll always be with you". Cancer said. "I don't want to ever forget you again". Scorpio said.
Sagittarius walked around the school and saw everyone with a wooden starfish in their hands. He saw libra and Aquarius. "I thought you guys weren't coming"? "Yeah funny story i felt like whatever was happening today I couldn't miss it". "I just found this in my room". Aquarius said holding up the carved sculpture. Cancer's sister walked through the school gate with her husband. Cancer smiled. Kelly walked up to Sagittarius and scorpio. "thank you for letting me be able to hold my wedding here". Sagittarius and scorpio started crying. "Onee-chan". Kelly looked down and saw here sister. "Cancer"? Cancer gave her the last sculpture. "Onee-chan I want you to have a beautiful and happy life". Cancer was finally put to rest. Scorpio started to cry harder. "Cancer..." "Kelly". Sagittarius said. Kelly looked at him. "Your sister was a very good girl. She was loved by everyone. I hope you take good care of her until she wakes up". "Thank you".
The next day. "Sagittarius"? "Yes"? "Do you think we'll see cancer ever again"? "Yes I'm sure if it". Scorpio and Sagittarius looked up at the sky. See you soon cancer
I'll see you both again soon
That's it for now. How was it? Please vote and comment. I know this chapter is shorter than the others. But i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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