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Leo woke up to sunlight being poured on his face. He rubbed his eyes and saw Brittany sleeping next to him. He got out of bed and decided to eat breakfast. There wasn't any school but he decided to walk around town. He got dressed and left the house.
Sagittarius walked into the living room and saw his sister sitting on one of the couch going thourgh her phone. "Good morning utau". "Morning". She said bluntly. "Is everything alright". "I'm leaving for new york tomorrow". "I see". "I don't want to go". "You should be happy". "But leo". Utau looked down. "I have to leave him". "That's okay you'll be able to see him again after you're video shoot". "No Sagittarius I'm not coming back". "What"? "Dad wants me to live with him".
Leo walked around town and he walked into a coffe shop. He didn't expect to run into scorpio there. "Hi leo". "H-hey I didn't except to see you". "Can I talk to you for a moment leo"? Leo sat at a table with scorpio. "You know how Aquarius is avoiding me and Sagittarius? I was just wondering if you could tell her the truth"? Leo looked down at his red cup. "Um scorpio. She wouldn't believe me. Even if I told her she wouldn't listen". "Yeah but-" "Listen scorpio I have my own personal problem"! Leo snapped. Scorpio looked at him shocked but began laughing. "Let me guess you're not looking your best today"? Leo glared at scorpio. "No I recently lost my mom". Scorpio instantly felt guilty. "I'm sorry leo. I-I didn't know". Leo up and left.
Night fell and Aquarius got out of the shower. She put on a shirt and some shorts. She slipped under the covers and started to drift into sleep. As she was in deep sleep she felt her self being lifted off the bed. She thought it was a dream until she felt a rope around her wrist and ankles and duct tape over her mouth. WHAT THE HELL! She was put into the backseat of a car. Her eyes shot open. She saw a flash of blue hair and the car began driving away from her house. Her eyes adjusted to male driving the car. What? Sagittarius? Is he seriously kidnapping me!? "MMMMMM!" "Good evening Aquarius how was your day"? Aquarius glared. "Mmmm"! "Glad to hear that. What do you want for dinner"? "Mmmmm"! "Pizza? Sounds great"! Aquarius started struggling trying to undo the ropes but Sagittarius knoted them pretty good. Aquarius began licking to duct tape to get it off her. Sagittarius parked to pickup the pizza but ripped the duct tape off her mouth. Aquarius bit her lip to stop from screaming. After Sagittarius came back Aquarius started screaming at him. "SAGITTARIUS ARE YOU SERIOUSLY KIDNAPPING ME"! "Basically". "W-why"! "Because I want you to accept my apology". Aquarius scoffed. "So kidnapping me is necessary"? "Let's go to my apartment"! "N-no I wanna go home"! Aquarius whined. Sagittarius laughed and started driving with a smile stretched out on his face. He felt successful in capturing his victim. "This is crime sag". "Aww your using my nickname". Aquarius glared. "I WILL MURDER YOU"! Aquarius yelled. They stopped at the apartment. He brought the pizza up then came back and picked up Aquarius. He sat her down on the couch. "Do you want a shower". "I already took one". Sagittarius buried his face in the side of her neck. Aquarius blushed. He pulled back. "You smell really good". Sagittarius said. "YOU PERVERT"! Sagittarius started laughing. He started untying her. He gave her a plate with 2 pieces of pizza. Aquarius took a bite. The cheese created a string. Aquarius tried to break it. "Hahaha you haven't changed a bit". Aquarius blushed and looked away still trying to break the cheese. She eventually gave up. Sagittarius sperated the string and held it so Aquarius could eat it. "Sagittarius I can-" Sagittarius stuffed it in her mouth. Aquarius let a squeak out. "You're as cute as ever". Sagittarius said. "Stop it". Aquarius said. Sagittarius looked at her and hugged her. "I'm sorry". Aquarius rested her hands on Sagittarius's arm. "Just say want you wanted to say and  take me home". Sagittarius rested his head on her shoulder. "I know what you saw that night and I apologize for it. If you could listen to me. Aquarius I'm not one to get drunk easily but I had one too many glasses of wine. I had a high sex drive without knowing it. So I tried to take over scorpio's body". "Wine isn't an excuse sag. You should've been more responsible". "I know. I'm sorry. Will you forgive me". "No." "What why". "You freaking kidnapped me are you crazy"! Sagittarius laughed nervously. "Sorry about that". Aquarius sighed. "Take me home". "How about you stay the night? Does that sound good"? "I guess but If you try anything I will murder you". Sagittarius set up the guest room. Aquarius never liked sleeping by herself when Sagittarius was there. She always felt safe next to him. She wanted to sleep next to him. But he just freaking kidnapped her. She walked in and slipped under the covers. "Do you want me to be here". Sagittarius asked. "Huh"? "I know you hate sleeping alone". Aquarius looked at the covers. "Yeah but if you try anything I will hurt you". Sagittarius laughed.
The next morning Aquarius woke up on Sagittarius's chest. She slowly got up but and hand pulled her down on the bed. She squeaked. She looked over and saw dark midnight blue eyes staring at her. "Don't leave". Sagittarius said. "We have school". "Fuck school. Lets skip". Aquarius frowned. "The responsible kitty cat wants to skip school. I don't think so. Hurry up and get dressed and take me home." Aquarius demand. "UGH BUZZ KILL"! Sagittarius said closing his eyes again. "Wake up"! "No just walk it's not that far". "I live fucking 20 miles from your house". Sagittarius rolled his eyes. "Then skip with me". "Ugh you irresponsible adult"!
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