Zodiac Christmas special

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What would you expect from pisces. Of course she would invite everyone to a Christmas party no matter how busy they were. If they didn't go then pisces would be mad and that's not a good sign. Pisces looked at the inavations on the table. First invitation was for cancer. Cancer and pisces have been friends forever. Next one was for leo. Truth is pisces had no idea if leo would be back from his trip to new york but she hoped at least he would make time to drop by that's if he's back. Next was Taurus. Of course she would show up because who would want to miss a Christmas feast. Next was Sagittarius. Sagittarius usally went to Japan with his sister on Christmas so she wasn't sure if he had time. Next Aquarius. Aquarius is a very busy person but she's like an older sister to pisces and of course Aquarius would try to pencil in pisces party. Next was gemini. Yes of course she had to invite her. She was the life of the party. Somehow she would make it way more fun then it was meant to be. Next was aries. Aries was a hot head but if his girlfriend's going then of course he would have to go. Next was virgo. Virgo usaully didn't socialize with people. It seems with her books were he only friends even though it's not true. She needed to be social once it a while. Next was Capricorn and her brother. Capricorn was chill but cap was wild. Total opposite but both make it entertaining to watch. Next person who came to mind was scorpio. She's scary but I mean she had her ways of being fun. Last was libra. She was in London. Pisces didn't know if she would be back in time but she hoped for the best. All the invitations were done. Pisces went to her friends house and put them in their mailboxes. After that she went to go buy stuff for the party. Leo was the first to notice his invitation. He came back from new York and pulled his suite case out of the trunk and opened the mailbox to check if he got something. He noticed a pink envelope. He opened it.
Dear leo,
Would you like to come to my Christmas party. I know it's last minute but please make time if you can
Sincerely pisces
Ps. How was new York
Leo raised an eyebrow but decided he would go since he was invited. He was about to closed it when something fell out.
Secret santa
Your person
Aquarius and virgo
Leo sighed. He was tired but now he had to by a gift for two people.
Next person to recive her's was libra. She also just came back from London and was unpacking. She went to check the mail after she finished. She opened her mailbox to see a pink envelope stuffed in it with a bunch of magazines she ordered.
Dear libra,
Please come my Christmas party. I mean if you have time. Also tell me about your trip to London.
Sincerely pisces
Libra smiled. She found a small paper inside.
Secert Santa your person
Libra nodded at the paper. She stuffed it in her pocket and went to take a nap. Next person was Sagittarius. He just bought dinner and was packing for Japan. He found a pink envolpe on his floor. He picked up the envelope and set the groceries down. He opened it.
Dear saggy,
When are you going to Japan. If your not going anytime soon could you come to my party. Oh and once you get back tell me how it went.
Sincerely pisces
He pulled out a paper
Secret santa your person
Sagittarius sighed. Scorpio got her's next. She was sleeping. She opened her door to see mail. A pink envolpe rested on the top. She opened it.
Dear scorpio,
Please come to my party. I'd appreciate it if you did. So please come to my party.
Sincerely pisces
Scorpio sighed then she pulled out the slip of paper
Secret santa your person
Next one was Aries. He was shuffling through mail until he found a pink envolpe buried in the middle.
Dear Aries,
Would like to come to my party. Please do if you are not busy. I would love for you to show up.
Sincerely pisces.
Aries raised an eyebrow. Then a slip of paper fell out. He picked it up and groned.
Secert Santa your person
Aquarius got back from taking a walk around the neighborhood. She found a pink envolpe on the patio. She picked it up and opened it.
Dear Aquarius,
Would you make time to come to my party. I want you to be there so please come.
Sincerely pisces
Aquarius found a slip of paper
You're secert Santa
Cap and Capricorn got their's next. Cap got it out of the mailbox and brought it to his sister. They both read it.
Dear cap and Capricorn,
Please show up to my Christmas party. I would really enjoy it if you did.
Sincerely pisces
A slip of paper was inside
Your secert Santa
Libra and gemini
They both looked at each other. "I'll take libra". Cap said. "Ok so gemini is mine then". Gemini got her's next. She opened her mailbox and pulled out a pink envolpe. She slowly opened it.
Dear gemini,
If you are willing to come to my Christmas party please make it. It will be lots of fun.
Sincerely pisces
She sighed and grabbed the pice of paper that came with it.
Your secret santa Taurus.
Taurus got her's but she grabbed the slip of paper first.
Your secert santa Capricorn
She opened the letter
Dear Taurus,
Please come to my Christmas party. It will be fun and there will be lots of food. Hope you can make it.
Sincerely pisces.
Taurus decided to go not just for the food but for her friends and for the secert Santa. cancer received her's next. She found a pink envolpe stuck in the very back of her mailbox. She reached and grabbed it. She opened it.
Dear cancer,
Thank you so much for being my best friend. For that will you please come to my party.
Sincerely pisces
Cancer found a slip of paper
Your secert Santa
Last to recive her's was virgo. She was organizing her mail when a pink envolpe fell off the table. She picked it up and opened it. It came with a slip of paper.
Dear virgo,
Will you please come to my Christmas party? Pleases ot will be a lot of fun.
Sincerely pisces
Virgo thought maybe about going. She began reading the slip of paper
Your secert Santa
Pisces waited for her friends to arrive. It was eight o'clock and nobody showed up. Pisces was about to go to bed but before she could walk up stairs a knock came at her door. She opened the door. She saw leo and cancer. "Miss me"? Leo chuckled. "Hi pisces". Cancer said. Pisces eyes watered. Leo's face faltered. "I was kidding I'm sorry". Cancer looked surprised as well. "It's not that I'm just really happy I thought no one would show up". They heard a women's voice behind them. It didn't sound very happy either. "Ugh great idiot lion and crab are blocking the entrance". Leo and cancer walked in irritated by the voice. Apparently that voice belonged to scorpio. "SCORPIO"! Pisces squealed and tackled her. "Okay your hugging me please get off"! Pisces detached herself from scorpio. Aquarius and Sagittarius showed up at the same time by coincidence. "Hello pisces". Aquarius said smiling brightly. "Merry Christmas pi". Sagittarius said. Also smiling. Aries came in holding his present. He looked around and saw only 5 people arrived. "Hey Aries". Pisces said happily. "Oh merry Christmas pisces where do I put theses"? Aries said holding up 3 bags. "Under the tree". Pisces pointed to the tree that was huge and so tall it nearly reached the ceiling. Aries put the presents under the tree with the rest and walked over to his girlfriend who was talking to Sagittarius about something. Next person was libra. She expected to show up fashionably late but she was the 7th person to arrive. She put her presents under the tree and sat on the couch next to leo who was on his phone making a virtual to do list for new years which he fails to always do (because the only thing he dan do is take selfies in the gym. Jk jk do hurt me!) Cancer and pisces were eating some cookies. Taurus showed up next and made way to the appetizers and started mingling with the other 7 people. Then cap and Capricorn showed up with virgo appearing behind them. They started to do their own thing. Gemini was the last one to show up. As soon she saw Sagittarius she ran over and clung on to Sagittarius's arm. Sagittarius was surprised and then he started getting uncomfortable and tried to detach himself from her but to no avail. After about an a hour of people doing whatever it was time for dinner. Everyone filled their plates and started hanging out in different places. Aquarius,libra and scorpio were up stairs in the media room talking about girl stuff until scorpio decided to turn things onto the dark side and started freaking the girls out. Leo,Virgo, and Capricorn were in the bedroom upstairs (nothing dirty) it was quiet the only the sound was the ticking of the grandfather clock that was on the wall. Leo felt an eerie feeling in this room but he suffered thourgh it. Sagittarius was in the living room up stairs sitting on the couch with gemini clinged to her arm and it was making it really hard for him to eat. Cap was on the couch next to him. Gemini used one hand to eat her food because her arm was linked with saggy's. Pisces was down stairs with cancer and Taurus while aries decided to join the group of girls upstairs in the media room because he figured scorpio was doing something to scare them and that was the only thing him and scorpio agreed on.  Aries walked in he saw his girlfriend and libra hugging each other huddled in the corner. Scorpio put on a Japanese horror movie. Scorpio was smirking and focused on the subtitles. "Sweet"! Aries yelled and plopped down next to her. "Aries!" Aquarius whined. Aries smirked at his girlfriend. Aquarius pouted. They heard pisces yelling that it was time for secert Santa to start. Everyone walked down stairs and sat around the living room. "Okay let's see aries you go first". "Okay I got a gift for my girlfriend, sagittarius and of course pisces for holding an awesome party". Aquarius looked at her present. She gasped. "You got mekakucity actors manga so cool". Sagittarius opened his. "Hmm tickets to new york". "Aww I wanna go"! Aquarius said. Pisces opened hers. "A dream journal. Thank you". "Okay Taurus you next". "Okay Capricorn and pisces". Taurus handed one to Capricorn and the other one to pisces. "Omg this is smash box newest make up"! Pisces looked at hers. "Wow this blanket. So soft". "Okay gemini yiur turn. Gemini detached her self from Sagittarius's arm. Sagittarius relaxed. She picked up two gifts from under the tree. She handed one to Taurus and one to pisces and went back to hugging Sagittarius. Taurus opened her gift. "Wait I thought theses tickets were sold out". Aquarius looked over. "Wow panic at the disco tickets". Pisces opened hers. "Gingerbread sented candles". Next was cancer. She got pisces. Cancer gave pisces her gift. Pisces opened it. She saw paint supplies and a starfish with pisces name etched on the front. It gave pisces the choice to paint it or not. Next was leo. He gave his gift to Aquarius snd one to pisces. Aquarius opened her. She hugged leo. "How did you know I wanted this". She said opening the set of jewelery. "I guessed". "Why don't I get a hug". Aries wined. Aquarius laughed. Because you get a kiss. Aquarius kissed her boyfriend passionately. Pisces looked at her gift. "I thought these macaroons weren't available here". Leo picked up the last gift he bought. "Here you are virgo". Virgo reached into her bag and pulled out a black skirt with a pink bow around the waist and pink lining around the hem. It looked nicely pleated. "Did you make this leo". Leo nodded. "Wow impressive. I see that you measured about 3.4 centimeters-"  "ok ok enough". Leo interrupted her. "Who's next". "That would be me". Virgo said. "I believe I got you pisces". She handed pisces a gift. Pisces pulled out a chained necklace. It had a fish charm. "Aww it's so cute". "Next. That would be..." "ME"! Libra yelled. "I got cap"! She gave cap a bag. "Awsome beats". "And pisces". She gave pisces and medium sized bag. "A ticket to seoul and the k-pop concert there". Libra winked. "Thank you so much"! "Ok next is scorpio". Scorpio picked up 2 gifts and shoved the present into Aries hands blushing and handed pisces her present. Aries opened his gift. "Nice I got a watch. Thanks scorp". Scorpio blushed. Pisces opened hers. "You got me the new book of my favorite series. Thank you". Next was Sagittarius. Sagittarius tried to detach himself from from gem but to know avail so he pointed to pisces present. Pisces found earrings. "thank you". Sagittarius looked at scorpio. "Well were is mine"? Sagittarius pulled out a slip of paper out of his back pocket and handed it to scorpio". Scorpio read it. I'll take you somewhere keep this a secert though. Scorpio blushed. "Okaaaay? Who's next"? "Me". Cap a Capricorn said in sync. "I got libra". Cap said. Cap handed Libra and pink glittery bag. She opened it. She screamed. "OMG JUICY COUTURE PERFUME"! He gave one to pisces. Pisces opened hers. "This is adorable and bath set with a teddy bear shaped soap". Capricorn gave gemini her gift and gave one to pisces. Gemini detached herself from Sagittarius for a spilt second and went back to hugging him. "Thanks for the phone strap". Pisces looked at her gift.  "Wow a charm bracelet. Thank you Capricorn".  Next was Aquarius. She handed a gift to leo and one to pisces. Leo opened his gift. "Dam this stuff is expensive". Leo said pulling out a tie and a watch. Pisces opened hers. "Huh this is a cute penguin plushi". Last was her. "Right I had cancer". Pisces gave cancer her present. "A journal I like it". "I'm glad". After the party everyone headed home. Sagittarius detached himself from gemini and grabbed scorpio and made a run for it. He put scorpio in his car a started driving off. "What are you doing"? "I'm taking you to your present". They stopped at a deserted place that was lit up with so many multicolored lights. "Wow". Scorpio said in awe. "Let's go"! Sagittarius said. They got out of the car. Scorpio looked around. "This is amazing". Sagittarius hugged her from behind. "I'm glad you like it". Scorpio blushed. "Thank you".
Gah that took forever well i hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year

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