maybe just maybe it was you

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Warning this chapter contains mature content such as sex and drugs
Utau called a substitute driver and told him to bring them to a hotel. Once they got there utau got a room and brought leo to the room and laid him on the bed. Leo looked at her. "Hey leo would you like to take my clothes off"? Utau said in a drunk voice. Leo sat up a smirked. He smelled sick of alcohol. Utau undid leo's shirt and leo found her zipper.
Aquarius laid on her bed. Earlier she called leo and he didn't answer. She called Sagittarius as well but he didn't answer which was unusual. She decided to go to Sagittarius house and that was the worst mistake of her life.
At the hotel
Utau's dress was off but he under garments were still on. "Leo are you gonna finish"? Leo started to regain his senses. He was a still a little drunk. His cheeks were flushed as he looked to the side of the room. "I can't do this with you". "Why not"? "Your brother. What do you think he would do"? Utau rolled her eyes. "I don't give a fuck". Leo was rebuttoning his shirt but utau stopped him midway. She got on his lap. "Leo you're virgin right"? "Yeah so"? "Come on one night won't hurt". "And next thing you know comes a mistake". Leo pushed utau off and got off the bed. He picked up his jacket. Utau glared but then she smirked. She wrapped her arms around him. "Leo come on." "Utau no-". Leo was cut off when utau kissed him. "Don't be a coward lion". Leo tried to resist bit everytime she said something relating to him he wanted to prove her wrong.
Aquarius used the spare key Sagittarius gave her. She unlocked the door only to be met with the sounds she never thought she'd hear.
Leo pushed utau up against the wall. "Oh I'll show you. You don't know how aggressive I can be." Leo bit her ear. Utau wrapped her arms around leo's upper back. Leo let go of her and took his shirt off. Utau smirked as she looked at his body. "Oh wow you've got a really nice body". Leo Smirked at the compliment but his senses were off and on. He was getting confused. One minute he would be willing to do it the next he would not want to create a mistake. Utau knew what was happening do she decided to give him something. "Leo look here"! She blew a powder in his face. Leo looked at her as if he was unfazed. Did it work? "Strip yourself"? Leo did as told. Utau smirked. Omg it did! This is the best drug ever!
Sagittarius was ontop of scorpio. "H-hey maybe I should go to another room". Scorpio said. "No". Sagittarius replied with lust filling his eyes. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled down scorpio's skirt. Scorpio squirmed uncomfortably under Sagittarius. "This isn't a good idea"! He Chuckled creeply. He threw her clothes carelessly across the room exposing her in her undergarments. "Eeeeakk why did you take my clothes off?! Don't tell me you're going to..." Sagittarius nodded with a creepy smirk on his face. "Nooo please don't". Scorpio said teary-eyed. She tried to push him off but he was a stronger person which was kinda of disadvantage for scorpio since she is okay at physical activity. "SAGITTARIUS STOP IT! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS"! Scorpio yelled out in agony.
Utau laid on the bed as leo kissed her neck. She started to fake moaning sounds to turn leo on. Unfortunately that didn't work because leo caught it but the drug was still in effect so if she wanted leo to stick it inside her he would. That would totally hurt leo since he won't remember this when 24 hours are up. Utau looked at leo. "Go ahead". Leo did it.
Aquarius walked down the hall she heard pornagraphic sounds. She stopped in front of guest room. She was about to open the door. She was to afraid to open it. She rested her hand on the door knob. She closed her eyes and opened the door. She opened her eyes and she stepped back. "S-Sagittarius"? Sagittarius looked over at Aquarius and gasped. Aquarius's eyes landed on Scorpio who was crying. Aquarius's eyes watered. "Aquarius it's not what it looks like". Aquarius ran out of the room. Sagittarius got out of scorpio threw his clothes on and ran after Aquarius. He saw Aquarius running down the stairs of his apartment complex he grabbed her arm and truned her around to face him. "Let go of me"! She stuggled against Sagittarius grip. "LET GO"! He slammed Aquarius against the railing holding both sides to pin her in place. "Listen to me". "No I don't want to"! "Please. It was an accident I was drunk". "Ha ha very funny sag". "I'm telling the truth"! Aquarius slapped Sagittarius in the face. "shut up"! She pushed Sagittarius away from her. Sagittarius felt his cheek and stood in shock.
Leo awoke the next morning with an ear slipping headache. He sat up. His eyes adjusted to the surroundings. This isn't my room. He turned over a saw a naked utau next to him. I hope I didn't just do what I think I did. He looked under the covers. Shit. He got out of the bed and started getting dressed. Utau opened her eyes. "Leo what are you doing"? "I'm going home". "You're going to leave me"? "Call a taxi or your brother". Leo finished getting dressed grabbed his jacket and left. Utau sat in the bed.
Leo stumbled into his house as his hangover took over. He held the railing and walked up to his room. His back pocket vibrated. He checked his phone. It was a text from Aquarius. He opened it.
Aquarius: leo are you busy at all?
Leo: no but I have a total hangover
Aquarius: oh never mind
Leo: nah it's cool what's up?
Aquarius: can I come over?
Leo: sure but why
Aquarius: I need to discuss something with you
Aquarius came rather fast. Leo opened the door. "Where's your sister"? "A friends house". Aquarius crashed into his chest. Leo stumbled back. "A-aqua what's wrong"? "I saw it! I saw them do it. I know it was wrong but I hurt him and I can't bear to look at them. It wrong"! "Woah okay what's going on"? Aquarius cried in leo's chest. Leo tried to console her by running his fingers threw her hair but aquarius kept pouring her emotions out.
I know this ends abruptly but I mean I need to think of more ideas. So this is it. Please vote and comment.

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