Aquarius (f) x Aries(m)

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I felt like doing a one-shot so yeah
~enjoy ^^
I was standing in front her casket. She's gone. She dead. My eyes teared up. Why? we were supposed to get married, start a family, be happy together. Why did it have to happen now? I looked at her peaceful figure. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was leo. "Sorry for your loss." His face looked troubled. Sagittarius looked sad as well. A childhood friend taken from his life right in front of him  libra was try to comfort scorpio who was crying from losing the first friend to accept her. Everyone was sad. Sagittarius stood next to her casket. Sagittarius started his speech. "Today we come to see the passing of our friend. A strong willed kind hearted person. A rebel. Even though we lost her she is still in our heart's in a way. Aquarius always put us before us. She pushed through her pain. Aquarius could anything she wanted but she had a breaking point. Though we've cried we have to move on. Aquarius wants us to be happy so good bye". Sagittarius walked away into the mourning crowd. I walked up her casket. I turned to the crowd. "When I dated Aquarius i was happy. She was always so happy. I asked her to marry me. My proposal lit up her heart. But now-" I couldn't do this without crying. "But now...but now..."
"Hi I'm Aquarius you must be aries". "Yeah". "Ive heard alot about you". "Ive heard a lot about you too". Aquarius smiled. "Let's be friends". "Sure I'd like that". Aquarius was always so close to me always helped me when I was sad and when I got in to tough spots. She was always there for me. Back in the 7th grade she told me she wanted to be a writer. During lunch brake and study hall she was nowhere to be found. The only place you'd find her was in the libray. Her career was writing. The year of eighth grade she won an award for best writter. I fell in love with Aquarius. So in the year of 2014 i asked her out. She didn't know what to say at first but she accepted and like that we began dating. Aquarius was always coming up with new stories to write. She came with funky characters. She was good at tradgy and romance. She was also into demons and angels. She was also really into anime. The year of 2016. She wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. She worked hard at her grades and reached for a 4.0 gpa. Finally she got what she wanted. The year 2020 she graduated. I was still her boyfriend but it was long distance since she lived in a dorm at TCU. Later in the year she transfered to SMU. after graduating she became a kindergarten teacher just like she wanted and became a writer. We finally met up back in summer of 2021. I proposed to her and she said yes. We moved in together. In the winter she got extremely sick but she was stubborn and went to work anyways. The week after it began to snow really hard. The doctor came to our house to cure her. She dided 3 days later in my arms.
End of flash back
I looked back at the crowd with swollen eyes and tears falling. Everyone looked at me shocked. After the funeral I decided to take a walk to clear my head. I went to Aquarius's favorite spot. I sat there and cried. Bystanders looked at me like I was wierd. But I didn't care. Aquarius was important to me. But I was happy that she was mine in the end.
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