love myself or you

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Leo looked at Aquarius. "Maybe that's a question you should ask yourself". Leo said. They walked through the hallway of the movie theater. They found their movie and handed in their tickets. "Hey I'll get popcorn k"? Leo said. "Ok oh not too much butter". "Ok". Aquarius sighed. Her phone buzzed. "Ugh who is it"?
Sagittarius: aquarius I want to ask you a question?
What part does he not get? Im not intersted! Aquarius turned her phone off. Leo came back with popcorn. "You're okay with sharing right"? "Yeah".
The movie ended. "So how was it"? Leo asked as they left the movie theater. "It was pretty good". "I'm glad you liked it". Leo was driving. His phone was ringing. "Hey someone's calling you". "Answer it". "But it's the studio". "It's fine". Aquarius answered it. "Hello"? "Hello who is this"? "Um I'm leo's friend he can't answer he's driving". "PUT IT ON SPEAKER". "O-okay". Aquarius pressed speaker. "LEO WHY CAN'T YOU ANSWER"? Leo was startled by the voice he almost had an accident. "I'm driving but what's up"? The manager sighed. "Come to the studio Tomorrow and plus pack I've booked a plane ticket for you and your band to Japan. I've already told the others". "What you should've told me ahead of time". "It's next week you'll be fine. By the way you need to release your 4th album". Leo sighed. "Ok". "Great goodbye". "Wow you're going to Japan"! Leo looked uninterested. "I don't want to go". "Come lighten up it will be fun"! Aquarius said. "Good luck in Japan"! Aquarius said. Leo sighed.
Leo woke up at 6:00am to the sound of his phone. "Hello"? He said groggy. "Hey leo can we hang out today"? Utau asked. "No I'm sorry. I'm busy". "Oh what's so important"? "My manager is being a bitch and wants me to record today". "How about tomorrow"? "No I'm busy this week". "Next week"? "No I'll be in Japan". "Oh um okay". "Sorry utau". "No it's fine". She hung up. Leo got out of bed. Once you wake leo up he can't fall asleep again. Leo got dressed and headed for coffee. He ordered his coffee and waited for it to be made. He went through his phone when a chair was pulled out in front of him. Leo looked up. "Hey remember me"? Leo looked up at the girl. That blue hair and honey colored eyes. "Elisia"? "Omg! You do"! Leo smiled weakly. That kiss ran threw his mind. "Leo"! The employee said. Leo grabbed his coffee he walked out. The girl grabbed him. "Wait". Leo looked at her. "What"? "How about you break up with utau and date me"? Leo ripped his hand out of elisia's grip. "Listen elisia. I already have someone I love so if you could please leave me alone"! Leo headed off to the studio. Elisia chuckled. "I'll get leo no matter what it takes. I will make him mine". Elisa said under a smirk.
Leo arrived at the studio. A girl with long red hair that reached below her butt gasped. "Leo you're late"! She grabbed leo's wrist and dragged him to the recording room. The manager had a pissed face. "Why are you late"? "Sorry sir it won't happen again". "Ok let's get to recording". Leo stepped in the room and began his recording.
"I'm useless and lazy
I'm stupid and crazy
It's always no
It's never maybe
i'm tangled and twisted
Broken, conflicted
I'm such a nervous wreck
you can see it in my eyes
No we can't be saved
Unless we love someone
We love someone
If I could live
(if I could live)
with no regrets
(with no regrets)
If I never fell in love
If I never gave my best
or if I never rant
(never rant)
and if I never cried
If I never lost someone
or had to say goodbye
I'd never feel alive
I'm over suspicious
I'm heartless and vicious
you know I'm such a wreck
You can see it in my eyes
I'm burning my bridges
I'm jealously gifted
lacking common sense
dry of confidence
No we can't be saved
Unless we love someone
We love someone
If I could live
(if I could live)
with no regrets
(with no regrets)
If I never fell in love
If I never gave my best
or if I never rant
(never rant)
and if I never cried
If I never lost someone
or had to say goodbye
I'd never feel alive
For all that I've said
For all that I've done
Gotta make it right
Correct my wrongs
Because I can't live
if I haven't lost
but I'll get you back
at any cost
You know I had it all
pushed you away
I sat in stone
when I should've behaved
and I'm so sorry
Please forgive me
If I could live
With no regrets
If I never fell in love
If I never gave my best
or if I never rant
and If I never cried
If I never lost someone
or had to say goodbye
I'd never feel alive
I'd never feel alive".
Utau was suspicious of her boyfriend's behavior this morning so decided to go the recording studio. She saw leo singing. She smiled but then she saw a girl with long red hair touch leo's shoulder. Why is this girl touching my man!?  Leo was smiling. The sound was inaudible so she couldn't hear what the lady was saying to leo. Leo took out his phone and started typing something on his phone while smiling. Utau walked out of the studio and waited for leo to exit so she could confront him. "Good job leo". The red haired girl said. "Thank you". leo said smiling. Leo began texting his band members. The red haired girl handed leo the Japan ticket. "On Sunday we expect to see you here at 3:00am". "Ok". Leo left the studio only to bump into utau. "Utau? What are you doing here"? Leo said confused. "Who was that red haired girl! She touched you! I saw her"! "Oh her she's my manager's assistant. She handed me my ticket to Japan". Leo held out his ticket. "Who were you texting"? "My band". "Y-you have a band"? "Yeah". "Who! What gender"! "Boys". Utau sighed but then blushed red. Omg I yelled at him for nothing. I'm so embarrassed. "Leo I'm so sorry. I'm rea-" leo cut her off with a passionate kiss. Utau's eyes widened but she then closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Leo pulled away. Utau pressed her lips against his again not wanting the kiss to end. Leo pulled her waist making the kiss deeper.
Sunday rolled around. Leo was at the airport with his band members. He was bording the plane when, "LEO"! Leo turned around and saw utau running up to him. She hugged him and kissed him. "Good luck in Japan". Leo smiled. "Thank you". Leo waved. Utau watched the plane take off though the window.
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