reason for everything

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Afterschool leo ran into scorpio. "Hey scorpio are you going to the roof top"? "Yeah." "same". "Let's go"!
Aquarius went to the roof. "Hello aqua I saw you got my note". "Yeah I did". "Well goodbye". Gemini charged towards Aquarius with a kinfe in het hands. "STOP"! gemini gasped.
"STOP"! Sagittarius yelled and shielded Aquarius. Gemini stabbed Sagittarius in the stomach. She gasped. "S-Sagittarius". Sagittarius fell to the ground clutching his stomach. "SAGITTARIUS"! Aquarius ran over and hugged him with tears running down her face. Sagittarius looked at gemini with a pain filled face. "W-why are you doing this"? Gemini started crying. "You were the one behind thoes death threats getting pisces and Taurus to do you're dirty work. You said if Taurus helped you she would be libra's best friend but the flip side was if she didn't you would kill her. You said if pisces helped you you would keep her secret safe but if she didn't you would tell". Gemini cried harder. Aquarius buried her face in Sagittarius's shoulder. Leo and scorpio walked towards them. "It's not fair! It's not fair"! Gemini screamed. "It's not fair! You guys get everything you want! It's not fair!" "Gemini..." Sagittarius started. "Shut up"! She screamed. "Why do you all get what you want. I've been alone all this time"! Gemini fell to the ground crying. "Fine I'll kill the 4 of you Together". Gemini charged at them. Blood painted the roof. Gemini laughed. "Finally it's all over"!
Taurus and pisces were walking together. "Why were you helping gemini"? Pisces asked."I only did it because we were friends. I never hated scorpio and I never hated Aquarius. I didn't really want to be friends with libra. I was never was friends with her to began with. She's so fake but at least I don't hate her". Pisces nodded. "What about you"? "Don't tell anyone but I like leo. If I didn't help her she would tell everyone I was in love with him". Suddenly both of them heard screams. "Did you hear that"? "Yeah". Taurus and scorpio ran up onto the roof. Taurus and pisces saw gemini covered in blood with a blood covered knife and the roof covered in blood. They saw a motionless Sagittarius in the arms of Aquarius and leo and scorpio frozen by fear. "Call the police"! Aquarius yelled. Pisces pulled out her phone. "Touch one button and I'll slice you". Pisces trembled. Gemini started laughing. "Ugh wimp!" Taurus grabbed pisces phone. "Hello 911 we need help right away. The highschool on the west side if town." "BITCH"! Aquarius high kicked gemini. Gemini fell to the ground. The kinfe slid out of her hands.
The ambulance took Sagittarius to the hospital and gemini got arrested. The kinfe was stained with Sagittarius's blood and had gemini's finger prints on it. "This all happened a month before homecoming dam"? Leo said. Scorpio was crying. "I-I couldn't protect him. After all he dod for me"! Leo hugged her. "Why are you crying it's my fault"! Aquarius said then lowered her voice. "If only me a sagittarius never met, never kissed, never had any interaction then this wouldn't happen". Aquarius tried to keep her voice steady. "Aquarius this isn't anyone's fault. Sagittarius wanted to save you so he did what he wanted. Think about it. You were with him since the day you were born". Leo explained. "That's true".
"Sagittarius got stabbed how terrible". Libra said. "I'm sorry". Aries said. Aquarius sighed. "And he was innocent too". "He's still alive though right"? "He's in a coma right now". "For for real"? "No libra he's dead". Aquarius said sarcastically. Libra gasped. "NOOOOO"! Aquarius face palmed. "Well are you going to see him". Aries asked. "I'm not sure...I dunno. The sight of him is agonizing". Aquarius said. "I understand. "He was a very important person to you". Aries said. Aquarius felt her eyes well up. "I need to be alone". Aquarius got up and walked away. Aries and libra looked at each other confused. Aquarius went to the court yard and cried. Leo was walking by and saw Aquarius outside crying. Leo felt his heart sink. He went outside. "Aqua"? Aquarius looked up. "Are you okay"? Aquarius wiped her eyes. Leo sat next to her. "Hmm if it makes you feel any better he lived for a reason. Here think about it. You ap Sagittarius been together since forever. I doubt he'd want to die before seeing you". Aquarius stood up. "You're right. I'm going to see him". Aquarius ran off. "Wait now". Aquarius stopped and grab leo's arm. "Let's go together".
At the hospital
"He looks so peaceful". Aquarius said. Leo nodded. Sagittarius stirred and opened his eyes. "Where am I". "Omg Sagittarius you're okay I'm so happy"! "Who are you"? Aquarius gasped and started crying. "Oh I'm sorry did i make you sad"? "Yes yes you did". Aquarius wiped her tears. Sagittarius looked at leo. "Who are are you"? "I'm leo". Leo said looking at Aquarius. She goes to see him and she doesn't remember her. And after all he did for her. They were childhood friends.
Sagittarius looked around. "Um do you remember these"? Aquarius pulled out some rectangular flash cards. Sagittarius nodded. "I remember but..." tears escaped Aquarius's eyes. "Oh I'm sorry did I make you sad again"? "No you made me really happy".
"So...I'm sorry that happened". Leo said walking home with Aquarius. Aquarius's bangs covered her eyes. "Is everything all right". Aquarius hugged leo and cried into his chest. "Did you see the way he looked. Oh my god leo he looked terrible. He was so...". Leo stroked her hair. "I'm sorry."
"Good morning aqua". Scorpio said. "M-morning". "Is everything okay". "I went to go see him". "See who"? "S-Sagittarius". " he okay"? Aquarius shook her head. "He's forgotten everything and everyone one". Aquarius said but leaving out the part with the flashcards. "But he's awake at least". Scorpio said. Aquarius slapped her in the face. Scorpio was shocked and was about to get back at Aquarius but saw her face. It was filled tears. "SAGITTARIUS FORGET ME! HE FORGET EVERYONE! AND ALL YOU CARE IS THAT HE WOKE UP! YOU'RE TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!"
"Aquarius calm down". "WILL CALMING DOWN BRING BACK HIS MEMORIES WILL HITTING YOU BRING IT BACK! IF SO GET HIT 100 TIMES"! "wait Aquarius"! Aquarius was about hurt scorpio again. But someone caught her around the waist and grabbed her wrist. "That's enough". Leo said. "LET GO. LET GO OF ME"! Aquarius yelled. "Please calm yourself". Aquarius took deep breaths and calmed.
"I feel bad for Aquarius now". Scorpio said. "She must of really loved Sagittarius". "She grew up with him". Leo said. "True but...". "You know Sagittarius told me a story". Scorpio looked at leo confused. "Wanna hear"? "Sure". "Sagittarius was always there for Aquarius and when Aquarius started dating Aries he wasn't okay it. He opposed it. But he relized that he couldn't keep Aquarius from doing what she wants". Scorpio laughed. "I see". "There must of been a good reason why Sagittarius lost his memories". Leo said. "And there must be a good reason why gemini wanted to kill aqua but killed Sagittarius instead and purposely hurts him". "We'll have to find thoes reasons out but until then let's pray for sag".
That's the end of this chapter. How was it. Comment and vote and I love you all.

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