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Leo didn't know what to do with the sleeping Aquarius in his arms. His bleeding finger was long forgotten and the blood hit the floor. What? Why? Drunk? Yeah but... he picked up Aquarius and laid her down again and covered her. He went back down stairs to take care of the blood that hit the floor and covered his finger.
Aquarius woke up with an ear splitting head ache. The first thing she saw when she walked down stairs was a wine bottle and a glass then a broken glass in the recycling. What the hell happened? Her phone vibrated and she checked it.
Sagittarius: you okay?
Aquarius: yeah
Sagittarius: are you coming to school?
Aquarius: I head hurts a bit.
Sagittarius: oh ok then get some rest.
Aquarius: ok.
Aquarius sighed. Her phone vibrated Again.
Scorpio: what did you do last night?
Aquarius: what you talking about
Scorpio: leo texted me and told me you were drunk kissed him! Are you really that quick to move on like that slut libra!?
Aquarius: huh? I kissed leo?
Scorpio: don't play dumb!
Aquarius: I don't even know what happened last night. I mean I called leo and...shit!
Scorpio: that's what I thought!
Aquarius laid face first on the couch her face buried in one of the pillows.
Aquarius walked to school the next day and saw leo. She avoided him but she bumped into him instead. "Oh good morning aqua"! Leo said. Aquarius stepped back. "Leo what ever happened two nights ago didn't mean anything and I'm sorry so-" "It's cool". Leo said cutting her off. "Huh"? "It was an accident so I understand". "Oh I see". "Later aqua". Leo walked away. "Whaaaat"?
"Omg did you watch it last night"? "I was litterly crying"! Aquarius walked into class. Everyone stopped talking and looked at her. Aquarius stood at the front and was confused why everyone was staring at her. She walked to her seat next to aries like usual. Aries ingnored her exsitance. Well she expected that but why was everyone staring at her. The class ended and next was world geography. Aquarius sat infront of leo like usual. Leo tried to make small talk but pretty much left her alone for the rest of class and ignored her. Aquarius felt rejected by everyone. During study hall a group of girls came up to her. "Hey can we talk to you for a moment"? Aquarius stayed in her seat. The leader forcefully pulled her out of her seat dragging her behind the school.
"Hey slut how do explain this"? The girl held up a picture to Aquarius's face. It had a picture of leo's lower back pressed up against the counter and she was kissing him. Aquarius became helpless. No one would belive she got drunk. "Answer bitch"! " was an accident". "Really"? Aquarius nodded. "I don't fucking belive you"! "You have to"! The girl threw her against the brick wall. "Shut up slut"! The girls started to beat her up. Sagittarius was walking around campus when he saw Aquarius being beat up. He hid behind a wall and watched. "Let's get our boyfriends to rape her"! "Yeah"! Aquarius started crying. The girls left. Aquarius looked down. "Ow". She said calmly. "You okay"? She looked up. Sagittarius was holding out his hand. "I'm fine". Aquarius stood up and staggered back inside the school. "Hey wait". "You watched me get hurt instead of helping so I want to have no connection with you right this moment. Sagittarius watched as Aquarius held the wall to keep her balance.
Aquarius washed herself up in the shower area. Blue bruises covered her stomach. Her legs were covered in black bruises. Her cheek turned purple. She sighed and turned the shower off. She put her school uniform on and pulled her stockings all the way up and coverd her bruised cheek with a big bandaid. Whatever I did to leo must of been terrible for the whole school to hate me. Tears escaped her eyes hitting the sink infront of her. Aquarius removed her pocket knife from her school bag and cut her wrist one time. Blood fell into the sink.
"Aqua"! Aquarius saw scorpio running towards her. She smiled. "Hello Scorpio". "Wow what happened to your face"? "Nothing, I just fell". "Lier! Who hurt you! I'll kill them"! "No it's okay I'm fine". Scorpio frowned. 
Aquarius arrived home to see a certain blue haired male sleeping on her couch. She shook him. "Oh hi Aquarius". Aquarius walked up stairs. Sagittarius followed her. She slammed the door in Sagittarius's face. "What did thoes girls do Aquarius"? "Nothing! Leave"! Sagittarius knocked on the door. Aquarius opened it. Sagittarius tackled her to the bed. "Ugh get off me"! Sagittarius unbuttoned her school uniform. He looked at the bruises covering her body. Aquarius looked away. "Take off your stockings". Aquarius shook her head. Sagittarius pulled her stockings down. Aquarius closed her eyes. Sagittarius looked at the black bruises covering her legs. "Why didn't you tell me or someone"? Aquarius covered her eyes. "Because nobody would care". "What about your parents"? "My dad is dead my mom is overseas my step dad is a basterd I won't live with him. He cut me off." Sagittarius hugged her. "I hate when you hide your pain". Aquarius sat there unfazed. "Let go". "No"! "Sagittarius let go. You're hurting me". Sagittarius let go of her. Aquarius walked over too her dresser. She slipped off her uniform. Sagittarius's eyes widened at the bruises covering her back. He saw a deep slit in her wrist. "Aquarius"! "What"? "Your's..." "who cares". Aquarius put on a long black long sleeve shirt. She didn't put pants on though. (I mean it's her house). She left the room letting Sagittarius sit on her bed in guilt. I should've helped her. Why did I watch her get hurt? Sagittarius looked at his phone. He looked through the pictures that were sent to him. Because I was jealous. I already know she doesn't like me but yet I let my brain tell me otherwise and I let her get hurt.
That's all I'm going to do. Please vote and comment.

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