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Leo looked out the window of the plane. The sky looked like heaven. He decided to sleep but instead was distracted by what jason was looking at. Aquarius's instagram. He was liking all her photos. Leo grabbed Jason's phone. "Bruh stop being a perv. She's gonna block you if you're creeping on their". Jason sighed. During the plane flight leo was awoken by a crying baby behind him. Seriously could his manager not book first class? Leo was getting annoyed. The end of the flight finally came. Leo got off the plane. A hotel was booked and leo was ready to sleep. Once they reached the hotel leo crashed and the bed and his band went to explore the hotel. Jason went to watch the scenery. He watched the cherry blossoms. Suddenly he saw a flash of blue hair. He dismissed it thinking it was nothing. The blue hair person stopped infront of leo's hotel room. The figure somehow opened the door. The person walked over too the sleeping leo and smirked.
It was dinner time and the band returned to the room to get leo but when they got leo. "Where did he go"? Jason asked. The band members shurged their shoulders. "Let's start a search party. Dylan you search the bathrooms and the breakfast hall. Eric search the floors. I'll look inside the ballrooms and outside then let's all meet at the pool at the back of the hotel to see if leo is there. Got it"? The band members nodded and started searching.
Leo woke up in pitch black room. He looked around. His eyes adjusted but it was so dark nothing was visible. He sat up. "Hello leo". A small light lit up the room. There she was. That blue hair was unforgettable and thoes honey colored eyes were entrancing. "Elisia..." leo said. She smirked. "Why did you kidnap me"! Leo said with venom dripping in his voice. The girl got on top of leo and pushed him down on the bed and started drowning him in kisses. Leo tried to move but he was chained. Leo moved his head so her lips couldn't meet with his. The girl became unsatisfied so she started to kiss his neck. Leo squirmed uncomfortably. "STOP MOVING"! The girl yelled pulled out a knife and stabbing the part of the mattress next to his head. "You need to let me go"! Leo retorted back. "And how the hell did you chain me. How do you have this stuff"? The girl put the knife aginst his lips. "Shut up"! She said sternly. Leo shut his eyes tight in fear. The girl went back to kissing him.
The band met up at the pool. "Anything"? Jason asked. "No". Eric said. "Ditto". Dylan said. "FUCK"! Jason yelled kicking the brick wall. "Should we call police"? Eric asked. Jason's eyes widened. "No. I might know what happened".
"What would you like to eat for dinner leo"? Elisa said smirking. Leo didn't speak. Elisa went to the kitchen. As soon as she was out of sight he started tugging violently at the chains. "Bad boy you mustn't run away"! Leo saw elisia holding a tray of food. Elisia set the tray down and stabbed leo in the arm. Leo screamed out in pain. "How about a nickname"? Leo felt the kife go deeper into his flesh. The smell of blood started to fill the room. "One arm? That sounds pretty cool to me". Elisa said. "STOP"! Elisia pulled the knife out. Leo felt as if his shoulder would fall off.
"Wait if you knew that why didn't you say that"! Eric yelled. "I didn't think she would kidnap him"! Jason said in defense. "Well what did she look like"? "All I know is that she had blue hair. And some flower clips I think". "What about the eyes"? "Well I couldn't see. Her bangs covered them". "I see". Dylan sighed. "Well at least this information is not totally useless". Dylan explained. "Wait we can track his phone"! Jason said. "You son of a bitch. We could of found him Hours ago"! "Sorry. Let's go"!
Leo woke up to a pitch black place. "Morning". Leo tugged on the shackles. "Hey let me go"! he yelled. "Shut up"! She yelled stabing something deep into his arm. Leo screamed out in agony. He suddenly felt all energy draining from him. "Why is it dark"? Leo asked. "You're blindfolded". Leo laughed. "Is that so"? "Hungry"? "No. Not really. Whatever your giving me is probably poisoned". "Leo I wouldn't poison yiur food because I'm in love with you". "Can you take this blindfold off then"? "As if"! Elisia said getting irritated. "I'll make breakfast". Elisa left the room. Leo tugged at the shackles again. He eventually gave up and sighed. His phone started beeping. Leo couldn't see what was going on.
"Did you find him"? Eric asked. "Yeah he's close by". Jason said and followed where the dot was. The band stopped infront of an apartment complex. "He's here in this apartment complex". Jason said pointing to the building infront of them. "Do you know the door number"? Jason pressed picture. "Shit". Jason said. "What's wrong". "It's on the fourth floor". "Well get your lazy ass up there"! Eric yelled. "Ok ok I'm going". The band made it to the fourth floor. "Ok the number is 435". They stopped at room number 435. They knocked on the apartment door. A girl with blue hair opened the door with a smile plastered on her face. "Hello how can I help you boys"? Elisa asked sweetly. "Hey we're part of leo's band and-" everything went black.
"Ugh my head". Jason said. His head was throbing. He was trying to massage his head but his hands were tired behind his back. He started struggling. He looked around the room. It was filled with boxes. Everything was dusty. He saw a ladder that led upstairs. "Where am I"?
Eric woke up in a different room he was tied to a bed. He tried moving but the ropes held him in place tightly. "What the hell! SOMEBODY HELP"! eric tried to break free but he couldn't even lift his body because the ropes held him down.
Dylan woke up in a dark room. He examined the room. It looked like a torture room. Weapons hung from the wall swaying back and forth. Hos mouth was duct tape so all that was heard was muffled screaming.
This is amazing! Not only do I have leo but I have the whole band! This is amazing just splendid". Elisa squealed.
That it. I wouldn't make saving leo so easy because that's no fun. Please vote and comment.

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