Aquarius's sick day

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Aquarius woke up to the sound of her alarm. She felt a swelling in her throat. Aquarius Sighed and laid back down. How was she sick? A flash back ran through her mind. It went back to when she fell in the ocean trying to save Sagittarius. She mentally crused and made some oatmeal for breakfast and went back to bed.
"It's so hot"! Libra yelled laying face down on the desk. "It's only the last day of February". "Yeah but it's hot! Anyways where is your girlfriend"? "Sick I think". "How is she sick"? "Well remember when she saved Sagittarius and they both fell into the freezing cold water"? "Oh yeah". Leo sighed and walked out of the classroom and went to the vending machines. He saw Sagittarius sitting on one of the couches. "Hey Sagittarius what's up"? "Nothing. Where is your girlfriend". "I think she's sick". "Oh how". "Well she saved you". "Oh...well I can take care of her". "Are you sure? Shouldn't you stay away from her"? "Yeah but I'm very advanced in biology and I know what happens to the body when someone is sick". "Ok. I guess". Sagittarius smiled. "Thank you".
Sagittarius arrived at Aquarius's house. He knocked on the door. A small figure opened the door. Sagittarius saw Aquarius struggling to stand on her own. "What do you-achoo- what do you want"? Aquarius sneezed again and started coughing. "I'm going to take care of you". Aquarius looked at him her eyes hslf open. "Can I come in"? Aquarius moved aside for Sagittarius to enter. "I'm going to take a shower". Aquarius said. Sagittarius grabbed her waist. "That's not a good idea just go get some sleep". Sagittarius said. Aquarius sighed and walked upstairs. Sagittarius put some coughsyrup into the medicine cup an brought it up to Aquarius's room. "Hey aqua I brought some medicine so..." Aquarius seeing it ran out of the room. "Hey where are you going"!? "I hate liquidified medicine"! Aquarius said but the soreness in her throat hurt more when she yelled. It didn't sound very good either. Aquarius hid under the bed in one of the bedrooms. "Where did she go". Sagittarius said to himself. Sagittarius entered one of the bedrooms. He looked around. Aquarius covered her mouth. Sagittarius heard faint breathing under the bed. He smirked. "Oh I wonder where Aquarius's could be"? Sagittarius made a stomping sound. Aquarius sighed and got out from under the bed. Her eyes widened at Sagittarius standing in front of her. Sagittarius smirked at her. Aquarius tried to run but Sagittarius caught her by the waist picking her up and brought her to her bedroom and tried to give her the coughsyrup. Aquarius slapped it out of his hands. "That's it! I'm tying you down". He got on top of Aquarius pinning her to the bed. He undid his tie and put it around both of her wrists tying them together and tying it to the bed post. He went down stairs and refilled the cup with cough syrup. He tried to put it down Aquarius's thoart but aquarius kept moving her Face. He grabbed Aquarius chin and forced the medicine down her thoart. Aquarius started crying. Sagittarius was breathing heavily. "I finally did it. I forced it down her thoart". Sagittarius looked at Aquarius still crying. Sagittarius sighed. He got off her a reached his pocket pulling out some chocolate. "Here, to get the taste out". Aquarius looked at him. "Oh right you're tied". He untied Aquarius. Sagittarius gave her the chocolate and patted her head. "I'm going to make you soup now".
Aquarius was sleeping. Sagittarius poked her cheek. Aquarius opened her eyes. "Here soup". Aquarius opened her mouth. "Can't you feed youself"? Aquarius still had her mouth open. Sagittarius sighed and began feeding her. Aquarius jerked back. "Hot"? She nodded. "Sorry". Sagittarius blew on it. "Here". After that Aquarius went back to sleep. Sagittarius smiled and put the dish in the sink. He felt sleepy so he fell asleep on the couch. 30 minutes later he felt a comforter on top of him. He looked up at Aquarius and sat up. She down next to him. She wrapped the cover around them and laid her head on Sagittarius's shoulder. Sagittarius blushed. Aquarius patted his head. Sagittarius sighed knowing what she wanted. He spourted his cat ears and cat tail. Aquarius smiled and cuddled into him.
"What!? Oh my god! That's embarrassing! I'm sorry Sagittarius! That ment nothing". Sagittarius felt disappointed but laughed and patted her head. "It's okay". Aquarius hugged him. "Thanks for taking care of me though". "Yeah I'm glad it wasn't serve." Leo hugged Aquarius from behind. Sagittarius frowned and walked away. "Hey saggy why are you walking away"? Aquarius called. "Oh I thought you wanted to be alone with your boyfriend". Leo let go of Aquarius. "I don't care if you stay I was just hugging her". Sagittarius smiled. "No it's okay". Sagittarius walked down stairs. "Did you relize it"? Scorpio asked. "Yeah no matter what I can't be with her". "Took you long enough". "How about aries"? Scorpio sighed. "I can't get over someone I had my eye on for a while". Scorpio walked down the stairs and dissapeared around the corner.
Aquarius and leo sat on the roof top. "I feel bad for Sagittarius". "When do you not feel bad for him"? Leo said clearly annoyed. "Leo are you jealous"? Leo blushed. "N-no why would I be jealous"! Leo said crossing his arms. "You're such a child. Actually I think I got sag sick". "Really"? "Yeah I was sick with the flu all weekend so I think maybe he caught it."
Sagittarius was in class sneezing and coughing. "Are you okay"? "I'm fine". He felt his thort getting sore and a runny nose. "Dude if you're sick go home". Aries said. "No I'm fine". Sagittarius sneezed. "Dude you are not fine". "I'm completely okay". Looks like Aquarius gave you the flu". Libra said behind him smirking.
That's if for this chapter. Please vote and comment.

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