Chapter 1: Leaving

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Hiccups pov

As we land we all release a breath of relief. I've never seen a dragon that big before, and that thing ate another dragon whole.

"It's like a giant bee hive, they're the workers and that's their queen, it controls them." Astrid stated, as she slides off of Toothless and walks around in circles with a worried face.

"Hiccup, that thing is enormous, if your father finds the nest, they won't stand a chance." She's right, that monster could crush them no problem, I slide off Toothless and walk toward her.

"I know Astrid, but we can't let that monster to live either." I look at her with a stern look and she looks at me curiously, then it hit me, Toothless and I will kill it.

I look at Astrid and with determination plastered on my face. "Me and Toothless will go back and kill it." Astrid looks at me like I'm insane, which I kind of am due to the fact that I suggested to kill a dragon the size of a mountain.

"Hiccup, you can't do that, even with Toothless the odds don't add up in your favor." She stated.

'Thank you for summoning that up' I think sarcastically. "I'm well aware of that Astrid, but I can't just leave while the Archipelago is still raided by the dragons, so I'm gonna take the fight to the queen and end her tyranny so you can live in peace and blossom into the beautiful woman I know you'll become." I say blushing while rubbing the back of my neck.

Astrid blushes at my comment and looks away with a smile on her face, she looks back up at me and says, "Ok." She then punches me in shoulder, I look at her with a questionable look.

"That's for kidnapping me." She simply says, she then brushes some hair out of her face and grabs my tunic and plasters her lips to my cheek.

And my eyes widen with shock. Astrid Hofferson kissed me? It's a dream come true, even if it's only on the cheek. "That was for the amazing ride." She said nervously, her blush growing darker, then she pulled me into a hug that made me melt, she then whispered "This is for good luck." I hug her all the more tightly, hoping she'd never leave my arms, but eventually we pull apart.

I finish packing up all my supplies in my customized backpack and the other essentials on Toothless, I give my dragon a cod which he gladly accepted and eats it in one bite then gives me a gummy smile, I pat his head and walk back over to Astrid.

I give her one last hug which she gladly excepts, I nuzzle my face into her neck and she digs her fingers in my hair, I shiver at the contact, "I'll miss you Hiccup, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when Snotlout and his mongrels for friends hurt you, it's just that I was so focused on being a warrior, I should've defended my friend too." She finally says after pull apart, I smile sheepishly and say "I'll miss you too Astrid, and I forgive you." She smiles, glad I've accepted her apology. "I promise I'll return some day Astrid, I'll come back stronger then ever." I say with determination.

She then gives me one more goodbye kiss and with that me and Toothless take off into the dark night to slay this abomination, I look down at Astrid one more time, she waves at me and I return the gesture, then we vanish into the night, darkness cloaking us, as we return to the nest.

Astrids pov

I watched as Hiccup and Toothless blend into the darkness and leave Berk. I prayed to Odin that both dragon and rider would be successful in destroying the queen and end the raids once and for all.

As I made my way back to the village, I couldn't help but regret I didn't get to know Hiccup a little more, he's spent his entire life being pushed around by bullying, rejection and humiliation, yet despite it all he shrugged it off and pressed on.

I admire and respect that greatly.

Once I got home, and changed into my night gown, I look out the window toward the horizon with the moon light dancing in the water making it sparkle, I sit down on my bed and whisper.

"Be safe Hiccup."

With that I lay down and wrap my fur blanket around my body and let sleep consume me.

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