Chapter 27: Bloodlust

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Dagurs pov

The morning air smelled of fire, smoke and fresh blood. Our first attack against Berk and its allies was about to begin, and I craved it. Alvin giving moving speeches about how we're the reasons Vikings are feared, and that only strongest will rule the Archipelago, and I agree, but once we lay waste to Berk and those who support them, I'll put a sword in Alvins back.

"Dagur." I turn around to see Cutthroat and commander Vorg walk up to me. "Alvin has ordered that we lead the first phase of attack, bombarding them with catapults and ballistas." Said an eager Vorg, I begin giggling like a child receiving a toy, I'm going to enjoy this.

"Berserkers! Today is the day we've craved for! Today is the day we bathe in a sea of the blood of our enemies blood, we're one of the most ferocious tribes in the whole fucking Archipelago! And we will teach Berk and its allies that we are the might of the Alliance!"

Dagur roared to his men and they all shouted in agreement, swords and spears raised up high.

Normal pov

"Load the catapults and arm ballistas!" The deranged chief barked. The Berserkers got to their stations and their fleet sharp to the teeth, ready to decimate Berks defenses.

"Sir we're in rage of Berk!" Commander Vorg stated obviously. Dagur face palmed himself and groaned in annoyance. "I can see that!!" He snarled at his commanders obvious statement.

Just a few more miles and they'd be in Berks range to begin their bombardment.
Dagur began cackling as well as Cutthroat and then he inhaled the air, and exhaled loudly.
"Nothing like the smell of fresh blood in the morning." Dagur giggled to himself.

Astrids pov

I began my early morning route along the wall that overlooked the harbor, I recently joined Berks honor guard, I did it mostly to increase and sharpen my combat skills and it keeps me sane.

I noticed something in the horizon, I pulled out my handheld telescope and my blood nearly froze solid, the ships sails had Skrills on them.

The Berserkers.

I picked up the horn that informs the village we're in danger and blew it with all my might. Within minutes warriors poured out of there homes and rushed to where I was.

Stoick came up to me. "We heard the horn, what is it lass?" He asked. I handed him the telescope, and told him to look where I was pointing.

"Why in the name of Odin are the Berserker tribe coming at us?" He asked with disbelief and confusion. The warriors around us began mumbling at each other, equally confused.
"I don't know chief, all I know is that they're coming toward our home with ramming speed, which means they're about to attack us." I said, the great chief hummed in agreement.

"Alright we split into three groups, I want group one manning ballistas, catapults and archers, group two you're to hold the line at the harbor, if they anchor their fleet, they'll no doubt come invade on longboats, and finally group three you are to protect our people if they break through our defenses, any questions? Good let's get to it then!" He barked, and everyone broke off to their posts.
"Astrid." I turned to see Stoick putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I want you to go with group three and help your parents protect those who can't fight, protect your sister." When he said that my pulse raced, there was no way in hell if let the Berserkers touch a hair on my sister, so I than nodded at the chief, he nodded back and he went down to the harbor, I than rushed over the village to where my family was.

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