Chapter 11: Alliance

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Alvins pov

It's been a year since the dragon raids have mysteriously stopped, not that I was complaining.

The dragons would rain hell on us until we'd have to retreat underground and wait until whatever food the dragons would gather and leave. Now the dragons raids are over, my attention was set on one island... Berk. I was once a friend to Stoick the Vast, I even viewed him as brother, until I was banished because of a disagreement with the man.

Now, I've set my sight toward Berk, but me and my outcasts aren't enough to capture the Hooligans land, so it's time to look for allies.

My first sight was toward the Hysteric tribe, led by Norbert the Nutjob, a strange name but his men are can prove well, they're all crazy but are warriors none the less. Next I turned to the Berserker tribe once led by Oswald the Agreeable, now led by his son Dagur the Deranged, along with his cousin Cutthroat, they required some persuasion, but after many days they agreed to join our cause. And finally we turned to the Lava Louts, we all know these guys hate Berk, so they joined us without question, we've now become one and our mission is to end Berk and those who aid Stoick and his people. We're all gathered at Outcast island to discuss our method of attack.

Finally I got everyone's attention:
"Gentleman, we know Berk and its allies will protect their homes, our goal is to raid our rivals and their trade routes. gradually wearing them out." Dagur twirling a knife in his hands and spoke out.

"Pray tell, how do you plan on doing this Alvin, we've not joined your so called 'alliance' only to be repeatedly defeated. We joined because we want to spill Berkian blood, can you deliver this to us? Or will this 'alliance' blow up in your face." The psychotic Berserker chieftain said.

Everyone in the room seemed to have agreed with Dagurs response. I nodded and smirked.
"Dagur, I assure you we won't fail, because we have the advantage of surprise, Berk and its allies are unaware that we've joined together as one. Once we attack Berk, we'll plunder its resources, and do the same to its allies, and we'll be remembered as the most ruthless Vikings in history! So gentlemen, do I have you interest now?" I asked with a toothy grin.
Norbert grunted in agreement, he stood up and all eyes turned toward him.

"What would you have us do?"  I smirked and pulled out a map of the whole Archipelago. "Our enemies rely on their ships and trading ports to send others to go to their allies and receive supplies, so, we're going to raid Berk, Meatheads, and Burglars and add their supplies to our own, eventually starving them out until they either go cannibalistic or they'll go mad from hunger." I smirk darkly, everyone had smirks and nodded.

"We're committed, let us see it done and drive our enemies into madness and hunger." The Hall burst with roars of approval and headed out.

Dagurs pov

At long last. We're finally mounting offense against Berk and her allies. A date well deserved.

I never liked Berk, everyone except little Hiccup, he was such an easy target. Though there was something about him, though he was scrawny and weak, he was strong on the inside, his will was almost unbreakable.

I've always seen that little runt as a brother at times, with Stoick and my father Oswald attending monthly meetings at times, Hiccup and I would go on fishing and hunting trips, I'd even use him as bait to draw out dragons.

"Dagur? Dagur... Dagur!!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my cousin Cutthroat. Cutthroat is the same height as me, a huge scar running down his left eye, and blood red hair, stubble on his cheeks and goatee on his chin. "What bothers you cousin?" I look at the man and sigh.

"I'm thinking about Stoicks boy Hiccup."
Cutthroat raised his eyebrow, uncertainty written all over his face. "Why the fuck are you thinking about that sickly little weakling?" Cutthroat also picked on the runt too, almost fed the toothpick to a pack of sharks on a fishing trip. "I remember good times picking on that little runt." I said with amusement laced in my voice.

Cutthroat smirked and chuckled. "He always was an easy target." We're on deck of our flagship 'The Mauler' overlooking our entire fleet, along with our allies."I'm ready for blood, and the death of every Berkian." Cutthroat snarled, murder laced in his voice. I smirk, as am I cousin, I'm ready to spill Berkian blood too.

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