Chapter 48: The return

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Astrids pov

Today marked the fifteen year celebration where all our allies gathered together to pay each other, and by doing so, we each give tribute in honor of the alliance Stoick helped forged, and the gathering itself was a much a needed distraction from life and my persistent ass for a husband.

I was currently at a table with Helga, Heather, Fishlegs, the twins, Thuggory and Camicazi along with some others in our age group.
We're eating, telling tales of bravery and honor, or just telling jokes, enjoying each others company.

The chieftains of all the tribes gathered are passing out their tributes to each other, and Snotlout was assigned to be by Stoicks side, when it was his time to become chief, my skin crawled at the thought of Snotlouts ego growing tenfold, demanding everyone to kiss his boots or something else ridiculous.

Stoick rose from his seat and raised his mug and grabbed everyone's attention, and everyone stopped talking to listen to what our great chief had to say.

"Friends, today marks fifteen years since our fruitful alliance, and I never thought I'd see the day where not only are we at peace with dragons, but with half of the Archipelago." We all roared in agreement, I smiled, hard to believe we've accomplished this, I redirect my attention to Stoick.

"Also marks the day my son, Hiccup left Berk." I brought my head down as did the others my age who wished Hiccup were still here. "When he left. It showed me how I not only failed my wife but also failed my son. That was the day I vowed if he ever returned, I'd treat him like a father should treat his child, with love and respect. Love, honor and respect your children, you won't have them forever, I made a mistake I'll truly regret. A chief protects his or her own, not just their own blood but their people too, we're Vikings!" Stoick pounded his beefy fist on his chest and the crowd grunted in agreement.

"We level forests, crush mountains, tame seas! Though if our way of life is threatened we stand as one and do what we always do, conquer." The whole Hall roared with cheers or agreement and everyone got back to the celebration.

The doors to Hall opened and everyone turned to see a figure draped in a tan cape, with jet black armor and helmet covering their face with horns  and behind this person, other figures in black and silver armor with masks that held anger or death imprinted on their faces.

Everyone stopped talking to look at these... strangers.

Hiccups pov

My heart was pounding in my chest, our fleet had dropped anchor on the far side of Berk and set up camp there and unloaded our supplies.
I told the rest of inquisitors I'd go alone but they insisted I'd at least bring acolytes, after some convincing, I agreed and we headed toward the village.

Once we walked the stairs leading to the Great Hall my pulse was racing, I had to get a grip, I was fearless, and this was ridiculous.
I opened the doors to the Hall and everyone stares at us, I take deep breathes, calming my nerves, today I just planned on revealing myself and request a meeting with Stoick, the other chieftains, Berk honor guard and elders.

"Who are you? You're not Vikings. What is your purpose here?" Stoick booms, some of the Vikings in the room draw their weapons, yet we remain calm.

"We mean you no harm, we're here to inform you of an evil that is soon to come to your home-" I begin, but than my idiot cousin shouts. "Whatever this 'evil' is, we'll destroy it, as Vikings." He said while pounding his fist into his chest, some in the Hall shouted in agreement.

I look directly at Stoick, gods my father, he looked old, the thing different about the man was the gray hairs in his beard and the spiked arm braces on his beefy forearms. His bulking frame was as big as I remember, though he didn't look like he believed me, of course.

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