Chapter 20: The gathering of chieftains

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Stoicks pov

It's that time again when all the Viking chiefs are to meet and discuss what is going on in our lands.

We met an ancient temple, from our ancestors from three hundred years past, it's sacred ground. As all the chiefs gathered, few weren't present, none the less, the gathering began. I rose from my seat and welcomed the chiefs.

"Fellow chieftains, thank you for attending, we have much to discuss, I'd like to bring up the fact the dragon raids have stopped, and Berk hasn't suffered another raid in a full year, have any of you suffered from a dragon raid since?"
Everyone in the room shook their heads, until one rose, and all eyes turned to him.

"None of us have suffered a raid, except for a few wild dragons here and there but, no, no real raid." Everyone murmured in agreement, and another rose.

"Now surviving the winters will be a whole lot easier without the dragons taking our livestock." Again the hall roared with chiefs and chieftess's in agreement. Until Stoick silenced the other chiefs, and got their attention.

"The only chiefs I've noticed that are absent are those of the Outcasts, Berserkers, Lava Louts, and Hysterics. This can't be a good sign, perhaps they've formed an alliance of some sort." The chiefs murmured among each other, until a chieftess broke the commotion.

"We Vikings usually don't gather under one banner, why would these tribes unite as one?" Boomed a chieftess.

"By the gods, these fucking tribes could lay waste to all of us, they're in fact the most fearsome tribes in the Archipelago." Mumbled another chief.

"What would you have us do Chief Stoick?"
All eyes turned toward Stoick as he sat on his chair, heavy in thoughts of how to handle the situation, finally after a full minute, he rose from his seat and spoke.

"It is highly uncommon for us to unite under one banner, yes, however what if it were Rome threatening to wipe our lands off the face of the world for their empire? What if the dragon raids continued, returning with a fiery vengeance? A chief protects his or her own, this is what our fathers our grandfathers and our great grandfathers taught the chiefs of the pasts and present, we're Vikings, the world we live in isn't easy, you do what you believe is right, for the good of your clan, all I'm asking is for you all to consider my offer of joining Berk and her allies to repeal the alliance led by no doubt Alvin the Treacherous and his horde of pig fuckers, should you join us we'll decimate this threat immediately and then live a true peace, now whose with me?" The chiefs spoke among each other, decision making in the process. Gobber walked up to Stoick.

"Nice speech old friend." Stoick chuckled and placed his hand on the old smiths shoulder.
"This is the only way we can achieve peace Gobber,  I just hope the other chieftains are of a similar mind, sometimes peace is achieved by cruel war." Gobber hummed in agreement, took a swig of his mead and then looked back at Stoick.

"I know you're also doing this for Hiccup too, he would've approved of your actions." Stoick smiled, for the first time in over a year, uplifted that Gobber encouraged him.

"Thank you my friend, I will make up for my sins for not raising my son as a true father should've." Before Gobber could reply the chieftains reached an answer.

"After much discussion, and swallowing our pride,we've decided to be allies with Berk and her chief, Stoick our men and lands are in your disposal." The rest of the chiefs nodded and bowed toward Stoick. The Berkian chief rose and spoke.

"Thank you my fellow brethren, after this is done you'll all be paid tribute for loyal service, each of you rewarded with as much livestock for the winters and enough coin to see your treasure overflow." The chieftains and chieftess agreed and thanked Stoick for the reward, and they all rose.

Stoick then rose from his seat and gave his first order. "Return to your homes, tomorrow we'll regroup on Berk soon to discuss our first move as allies against a Alvins horde of murders."

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