Chapter 33: The sea serpent

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Sinbads pov

We've been caught in this storm for hours and the conditions were getting worse.
The winds were blowing violently, the thunder crackling down threatening to strike down any in its destructive path, and the waves were crashing against the ship with the intention to flip us over and send us all to a watery grave.

The rain pelted down on us all as we made sure the ship was in shape and everything wouldn't go to hell. "Sinbad, the storm is getting worse by the minute, what do we do?" Kale yelled over the howling winds and booming of the thunder. I suddenly saw a small opening of light in the horizon.

Finally, the gods grant us fucking favor.

"Steer the ship toward the horizon Kale, I see an opening of light, we'll probably be out of the storm by than. "Aye captain!" He yelled, and continue steering the ship toward the light.
Why can't anything be simple?

Normal pov

As the ship kept advancing toward the light, unknown by the crew on board, stirred a beast.
It's hulking length slithered toward the surface to investigate this mysterious object above its territory.

It gave the object a nudge with its snout and slithered ahead of it in an attempt to cut it off from advancing further. It then charged at the ship hitting it harder. The object swayed in all directions.

Finally, after investigating, the great serpent decided to show itself, so its hulking length emerged from the water and looked at the object, seeing movement on it, its mind said that its food and meant to be devoured.

Hiccups pov

The ship was being knocked around violently, at first I thought it was because of the crashing waves.

But no, gods no. Suddenly, from the crushing depths emerged a great serpent, its scales were black and some of its scales were glowing blue.
It's eyes were nothing but a void, no thought of showing us mercy, only its animal instincts telling it to kill us. If this ship falls, so does a large majority of the Persian empire due to their suffering of hunger. I could not allow this to happen. The crew looked horrified by this great beast, and I couldn't blame them, yet action had to be taken before it threatens to sink us to the depths.

I grab Sinbad by the arm and pull him toward me where he could hear me. "Sinbad, you get that grain to Persia no matter the cost, Toothless and I are going to get its attention away from you, you just get out of here!" I yelled over the hollowing winds.

He nodded and barked orders for his men to return to their posts, I hopped on Toothless and took off into the sky, the serpent must've seen us depart the ship, because it now began to follow us. 'That's right follow us you overgrown worm.' Toothless spoke via telepathy. Unexpectedly this serpent breathed out blue fire, the temperature of the heat licked my skin, causing me to hiss in slight pain.

This thing must be a part dragon too. Possibly a Slitherwing dragon, it must've found a wave to evolve into a Tital Class dragon. Great, this just made things all the more difficult. Not only can this thing retreat into the depths and camouflage itself almost perfectly, but it's an evolved dragon.


"Toothless, we're gonna have to play this smart bud, if his fire hits your prosthetic tail, we'll end up in that things stomach." I shudder at the nauseating possibility of this happening. 'Then let's hit this thing with everything we've got and give your pirate friends time to return to Persia with that cargo.' Toothless says. He's right, even if we're unable to kill this thing we need to slow it down to keeps its attention away from Sinbad's ship.

The beast raises to our level and stares at us, it snarls, as does Toothless, a message telling this thing to back off. It suddenly descends back to the depths. My blood freezes in my veins, if this thing makes it to the sea floor and then shoots up, it can take us out in one go.

"Toothless we need to get higher." I say with urgency. He nodded, already thinking the same thing as me, so we go even higher, until the dark clouds make us almost invisible.

The rain comes down harder, feeling as though we're being pelted by hail. Suddenly lightning strikes and nearly hits Toothless. His prosthetic to be more accurate. If that lightning hits his tail, we're dead.

Why can't anything be fucking simple?

The beast returns to surface looking for us, I tell Toothless to fire its first shot at it, he fires the first plasma blast, and gets a direct hit to the head. The beast shrieks in agony, retreating yet again.The scales, they offer camouflage yes, but they also may not be thick enough to withstand super heated shots from a dragon. The storm was getting worse, and if this thing didn't kill us, the lightning could cripple us and we'd end up frying to a crisp.

"Toothless let's head away from the storm, we can't let your prosthetic be struck by the lightning." I shout over the increased ferocity of the storm. He nods and we retreat toward the light.

Suddenly the beast returns and nearly ends us, if I hadn't spoken sooner.

"DIVE TOOTHLESS!!" I scream.

We avoid its snapping jaws at the last second, and head toward the water, it quickly follows.

I hear it about to breath fire again, Toothless heats up his own and tells me to turn around.
As we do Toothless let's loose a deadly shot.
This high concentrated plasma blast must have super heated tenfold because its impact blew the beasts throats open.
Blood and gore spilling everywhere as it crashes into the sea, and sinks to a watery grave.

"Toothless, you never fail to amaze me." I say with pride. He gives me dragon version of a chuckle and we return toward Sinbad's ship. As we anchor back in Persia, we just saved a mighty empire from suffering a nation wide epidemic, and we were showered in wealth and praise. I couldn't help but pity the creature we killed, if was part serpent and dragon. The crushing depths are filled with giants and mystery, I'd again visit the seas to see with my own eyes what else lurks down below.

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