Chapter 47: Welcome back

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Hiccups pov

After almost a month long journey from Persian waters, we finally reached the Barbaric Archipelago, I couldn't believe that I'm back here again. The place looked different, currently it was early morning and scent of fresh blood, smoke and flesh lingered in the air. It was most unpleasant, and nauseating, everyone on the dreadnaught brought their cloths to their noses to cover that and their mouths, as did the rest of our soldiers in our fleet.

We passed by many of the tribes I'm familiar with, yet it appeared none of its inhabitants were present and many of the buildings and nature were now ashes and smoke lingered in the air.

What's going on here?

"Inquisitor Haddock, you need to see this." The dreadnaught captain handed me a telescope and what I saw came to a surprise, the Outcast, Berserker, Lava lout, and Hysteric tribes, united as one.


"Order the fleet to prepare for battle, we're going to show these savages the fiery wrath of Persia." I hissed, the captain nodded and order his crew to ready all cannons and ballistas, as did the rest of our fleet, these tribes are the most ferocious, bloodthirsty and vile tribes in the Archipelago, guess I'd be doing Berk and it's neighbors a favor by taking them out.

Alvins pov

Our armada has been anchored near the Meathead tribe to try and cut off the trade between them and Berk, attempting to starve the enemy out.

Suddenly Savage, my second in command told me of an entire fleet on the horizon, with unknown sails, I took out my telescope and looked at the ships, then I saw a gigantic one, which looked like the command ship, it was armed to the teeth and looked like it could hold thousands of soldiers. "Sir, what kind of ships are those? It's unlike anything I've laid eyes upon." Savage said, speaking my exact thoughts, we will show these people Viking fury. I ran to middle of the ship and shouted orders to our armada.

"Men! Prepare yourselves! We've got company!"

The men got the catapults and ballistas ready, aimed at the unknown force. "FIRE!" I roared, and our armada launched everything we had.

Hiccups pov

The enemy unleashed its artillery at our fleet, as the catapults and ballistas came down, they didn't do anything but scratch the paint off the boats, we ordered our dragons to counter attack the catapults that almost sunk some of our ships, the ballistas just bounced off the ships, thanks to the gronckle iron.
We turned our ships to where all cannons were aimed at the enemy armada.

"Fire." I said with a grin on my face, their armada will get torn to pieces, with that all canons fired including ballistas.
Nearly every enemy ship was sunk, badly damaged or in pieces.

Dagurs pov

It's not possible. How can an entire fleet of ships withstand catapult and ballista artillery?! I looked around to see my crew, they had fear in their eyes.

The enemy rained down hell, obliterating our armada, I ran through the mayhem, splinters, men and supplies flying all over the place. The Hysterics ships had black powder on board their ships for us to make bombs, but if the enemy artillery hit their ships, we're all dead.

Yet we couldn't stop the inevitable outcome, the Hysterics ship got hit with precise accuracy, and the explosion destroyed anything near its blast radius, the force of the explosion itself sent nearby ships crashing into one another, men flying overboard and even getting impaled by huge pieces of splinters. We needed to get out of here!

"Cutthroat, order Vorg to get us the hell out of here!!" I yelled, he nodded and ran to the bridge, I looked over at the Outcast command ship, they looked at us for support. I scoffed at their pleas for aid, to fuck with Alvin, he could die here for all I care, I was not going to die in this bloodbath.

Our ships, what's left of them anyway, retreated and watched as the rest of the others ships sink to the depths or go up in flames, I released a shuddering breath, we're lucky to have made it out of there.

Alvins pov

Dagur and his cousin Cutthroat have pulled out and running like cowards, the enemies fleets came at us, and its biggest ship stopped next to our command ship, all the sudden an arrow pierced my leg and it hurt like hell! The razor end cutting through flesh and bone easily, I groaned in pain and fell to my knee, then men in black and silver landed on the ship with swords drawn, and another figure with a tan cape and black armor and a helmet covering his face, with horns coming out of it, I had to admit the figure looked intimidating.

I was about to draw my sword to cut the man down but I felt swords to my neck, two of the figures in black and silver retrained me. And the man with the tan cape came up to my face.

Hiccups pov

Alvin the treacherous, he looked uglier than ever, gray hairs splayed out his messy beard, his odor was revolting, he looked like he hasn't slept in days and his eyes twitching.

"What're you? Some kind of demon?" He asked me, I smirked underneath my helmet and brought my sword to his chin. "Something like that. How does it feel to have your entire alliance shattered?" I mocked him, he snarled at me and I saw his decaying teeth and his muscles tensing, I cringed under my mask.

"You'll pay for this." He hissed at me, I smirked, his face masking the fear that was slowly creeping in. I decided to put him out of his misery by shoving my sword in his throat and his eyes widened and he stared at me. "Enjoy hell Alvin." I said as I pulled my sword out of the Outcast chieftains throat and he fell down drowning in his own blood, I ordered my acolytes to execute the remaining Outcasts on the fallen ship.

We took down the Outcasts, Lava Louts and Hysterics, slaughtering them all, the only ones that remained are the Berserkers. We'll take them out soon enough, for now I ordered our fleet to return on course, setting sail to Berk, we just ended three of the most infamous Viking tribes in the Archipelago, one less problem to deal with.

Now that we've dealt with them, let's see how Berk handles it when we turn their whole world around.

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