Chapter 16: Blast from the past

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Hiccups pov

Egypt had many cities, and these rebels could be inside anyone of these cities. Right now they hold the advantage, because they're invisible. I don't like that advantage. I've heard rumor that the rebels, have a massive snake they call the reaper, by far the largest thing to slither on the earth.


I've had enough experience with snakes, but this 'reaper' sounds like nightmare.

I awoke from my dreams to bathe myself, than get Toothless up too.

"Wake up bud we gotta get breakfast than start the day." Toothless groaned as if saying "five more minutes." After convincing that useless reptile to get up, we went to grab our food.


"Hiccup! Our scouts have spotted the rebels unleash the reaper, its heading our way!" As if the gods haven't pissed on me enough already. So much for breakfast. "Alright let's go!" I climb on Toothless and we head out to take this beast out.

As we made or way to the desert I saw it.
I gigantic snake, fangs the width of ships, its hulking body slithering straight toward us.
It's eyes were pitch black, like a void full of emptiness. I placed my hand on Toothless's head, getting him ready to take down this overgrown worm.

"Alright Toothless, let's get this over with."
Toothless fired three shots at the great serpent, getting its attention. The beast sprang to life and attempted to end us in one big bite, we flew out of its way in time. It's like the Red Death encounter.

I shook my head, I can't get distracted, not now, so I moved Toothless straight toward it. Toothless roared and fired three more shots, one hitting it directly in the eye.

The snake roared in agony, and than spat ropes after ropes of poison. "TOOTHLESS DIVE!!"
The poison touched my skin, I hissed in pain from its acidic impact, but shook it off. After nearly two hours off fighting this thing off, my patience had reached its limit. I scanned the snake for any signs of weakness.


A fresh wound on the top of his head.
I ordered Toothless to dive straight down. Wait.
Getting closer, I can see it preparing to snap its jaws at us. Wait.

I pull out my sword, and jump off of Toothless, and land on top of this serpents head, and stab the wound with my sword. The snakes pupils dilate and it shrieks in absolute pain, I keep stabbing and stabbing, blood spraying on my face. I than drove my sword so deep into its wound that I jumped off the serpent and cut its snout in half. I landed into the sand and the great reaper fell and soaked the earth with its blood.

Toothless came up to me and licked the blood off my face, and nuzzled into me.
I hug his neck, and catch my breath.
"Bud, let's go and get that breakfast now."
Toothless laughed.

Toothless and I had our fill of food, we began training and as I was slashing at a wooden dummy I saw Snotlout giving him a wicked smirk. "Hey Useless! You think just because you have a sword it makes you strong? Huh?" He taunted, I shook my head and continued slashing and stabbing at the dummy, I turned to see that Snotlout was gone, I then heard him whisper in my ear. "You will always be weak, you were never going to chief anyway, seriously you should've been killed the moment you hit your first winter." He spat.

I snarled, I looked at my arm and saw a burn mark with puss oozing out, I cringe in disgust. The poison. The great serpents poison must've have an hallucinate agent. I shake my head and continue training. I then start seeing every one of my bullies and tormentors.

"You're weak!"
"A talking fish one!"

I let out a primal cry and decapitate the dummies head clean off its shoulders while breathing heavily. My vision blurs and I feel dizzy. "T-Too-less." I moan out, my faithful friend responds immediately and roars as I go unconscious. I'm surrounded by darkness and my oppressors continuing with their venomous words.

"You're all not here!! This is just my head playing games!" I yell, dark chuckles fill my mind and I look to see Snotlout grab his war hammer and walks toward me. "Oh I'm very real Useless. I'm your executioner." He seethes out before he trips me over and brings down his hammer with hate filled cry.

I suddenly regain consciousness and bolt up covered in a thin sheet of sweat, I find myself in the healers chambers, the physician came up to me and explained that the great serpents poison caused me to have these hallucinations, he told me to take it easy and rest. I stare up at my ceiling and exhale. "The next time we meet again Snotlout. I'll show you I'm anything but useless." I murmur before drifting off to sleep.

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