Chapter 37: Daddy problems

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Normal pov

To say Astrid Hofferson was pissed, was a great understatement, she was enraged.
Because of the wedding contracts between the Jorgenson and Hofferson clans, Snotlout was to accompany Astrid on a daily basis to get to know his soon to be wedded wife.
Of course Astrid gave him a hard time, nearly killing him on several occasions due to his dim witted intellect and choice of actions and words.

Garth Hofferson, Astrids father saw how miserable and angry Astrid was becoming, she blames him for arranging this contract without her knowledge and the result is his own daughter pushing him away. Not only did he now see that Snotlout didn't treat his eldest daughter with respect and an equal, he wanted to kill the boy himself, but he could not.

Garth's pov

I sat in the dining room of our home, sipping on mead while having a bowl of chicken stew.
I only want what's best for my family, my wife and daughters are everything I have left in this life, and I'll be damned straight to Helheim if I disappoint them.

I now see the error of my choice, Astrid, my first born daughter, engaged with that smug little brat Snotlout, he's no man, he's a boy who won't stop until he gets what he wants.

I should've let the decision in my daughters hand, to choose who she wants to pour her heart to, and I believe she would've chose Stoicks boy Hiccup.
In the past I would've rejected the idea, but now I think he'd be perfect with my daughter, the son of the chief himself, she be set for the rest of her life.
If only.

My wife Freyja entered and kissed the top of my head, I hummed in acknowledgment and she pour herself mead and sat with me.
"She'll open up to you eventually my love, be patient, she's just angry right now." She advised me, I'm ever great full that Odin provided me with such a woman to call wife.
"I made a choice that's divided her trust Freyja, I don't know if she'll be forgiving me any time soon." I said with much sadness, I hated seeing my daughter like this, we hand to make sure she didn't bash the Jorgenson boys skull in, as much as I wanted her to.

She grasped my hand and squeezed it to get my attention." Have faith husband, she'll seek you out for comfort and advise, she always has." She said with reassurance. I smiled sadly and nodded.

Snotlout's pov

I don't get it, I'm one the best looking, strongest and fiercest warriors of the younger generation of our tribe, but that doesn't seem like that's enough for Astrid.

She still thinks Hiccup will return, I hope not.
That sickly little weakling doesn't deserve a woman like Astrid, he always found new ways to piss off the tribe with his nerdy little inventions that blew up in his face and earned the disappointment of both his father and the tribe.

Ah, but such things are of the past, I would now gaze at the glorious future, having Astrid by my side and soon to be given title of wife.

Hiccup never had a chance with her, I don't know what she saw in him. I was sitting with Astrid and the rest of the teens on the island while everyone else had their conversations, I wrapped my arm around Astrid, and I felt her tense, why does she have to be so defensive?

"Babe, we are to be married soon, why aren't you treating me like a man? I deserve your love and respect, what's holding you back? Surely not thinking of Hiccup? He never stood a chance with you. But me, hehe, I'm twice the man Hiccup was, oh but wait, he never was one, ahaha!!" I ended up cackling with hysterical laughter, some of the teens at our table laughed with me, while others gave me disgusted looks.

Astrid knocked my arm around her shoulder and grabbed her dagger and stabbed the top of my hand. My eyes widened and I screamed in pain, she grabbed a fistful of my tunic and pulled me to her face.

"You're not a man Snotlout, you're nothing but a selfish brat who gives no shit to anyone but yourself, we may be betrothed but don't think for a second that I love you, because I'll make your life with me a living nightmare." She snarled at me, twisting the knife creating more pain.

I whimpered in agony of her blade in my hand, thick blood oozing out of the wound and spreading on the table, she twisted the dagger and I yelled as I felt the pain intensify.

"Hiccup was your family and you treated him worse than a slave, your very being disgusts me, press me again on what I want or who I could think of in this life, and I promise you, I'll splatter your brains on the fucking ground." She snarled at me and removed the dagger out of my hand and getting up to leave the Hall,  I cried out and quickly wrapt the wound in a piece of cloth.

"You crazy bitch!" I yelled, groaning in anger and pain.

She turned around and spat on the ground as if saying 'fuck yourself' she proceeded out the door with her friends in tow behind her.
I leave the Hall to go to Gothi and get my hand taken care of, I will break Astrid Hofferson and make her submit to me, sooner or later.

Astrids pov

That arrogant, seaweed slurping fuckboy!! How dare he, assuming to believe that I belong to him and that Hiccup never had a chance with me. I was so angry I could barely breathe.
"Hey Astrid?" I turned around to see Heather, Fishlegs and the twins approached slowly knowing not to provoke me more than I already was. I appreciated that, my anger slowly disappeared with the mere presence of my friends.

"Don't let the words of that fool anger you Astrid, you need to just play along for now, the village will begin to question Spitelout why his son is being rudely treated by his betrothed. I'm not saying to open up to him but just act like you're beginning to open feeling for him, unless the Jorgenson clan to disgrace your family saying that their daughter is incapable of being reasonable." Heather advised me with worry.

I sighed in frustration, why is this so frustrating? Why are the decisions of a woman matter little in the presence of men?
"We'll always be there for you Astrid, just ask and we've got your back." Fishlegs said confidently, and the twins nodded and smiled at me.

I smiled and opened my arms for them to enter, we all gathered around for a group hug.
At days end I entered my home to see my father with his face in his hands, I became worried sat next to him.

"Father?" I asked with concern, he looked at me with tears in his eyes, my father barely cried, only if it was extreme.

"Astrid, I'm sorry, for placing this burden on your shoulders, I wanted nothing more than to see you set for life, but I should've trusted you, you're one of the greatest warriors in our tribe, 'The Pride of Berk'. You've never disappointed me, but now I've disappointed you, pairing you up with that fucking child Snotlout, he has no respect for you as a woman or warrior, he sees you as a piece of meat and a trophy, it makes me furious. I am to blame, and me alone for this choice, we can always look for another, it's not late to change your mind my dear daughter." He said, regret written all over his face.

I was speechless, I just pulled my father for a hug.

"Dad, I don't want to disgrace this families honor after working so hard to restore it after uncle Finns death, you did what you believed was right, I can never hate you, I just needed to let out my anger before coming to reason with you again. I forgive you, I love you dad." I felt tears of my own streaming down my face.
He returned my hug and held me with affection.

"I love you too, my little warrior." I smiled at that old nickname he gave me when I was but a child. We made amends that night, closing the distance between us.

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