Chaoter 46: Sisters

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Helga's pov

It pains my heart to see my sister so unhappy, she's getting worse by the day, the only thing keeping her sane is her friends, our family and her memory of Hiccup.

Whenever Astrid speaks of Hiccup, her eyes light up with excitement and longing, it's the only time I see admiration and love etched in her features.

Currently I was taming dragons, Chief Stoick allows all of us to tame our own dragons to use them for battle against our enemies, I've heard of the three hundred year conflict with the dragons but I wasn't born to see it.
Astrid stroked her dragons snout and the dragon nuzzled into her in admiration, I haven't found a dragon to tame yet, but I have a feeling I'll find one soon.

Astrid was no where to be seen in the village, and Snotlout was demanding everyone go look for her, I really wanted to bury my axe into that smug little cunts brain, he's already done some things to my sister that are unthinkable. I walk to the beaches and see Astrid with Stormfly. She looks it into the horizon, with a emotionless face, she hears the sand crunching underneath my boots and turns around, when she sees me she smiles and pats the sand next to her. "Sit." She commands, I don't question her and listen.

As I sit next to my sister, I place my hand on top of hers, she turns to look at me and I see tears swimming in her eyes, I pull her into a hug and she begins sobbing. "Shh, Astrid please, just talk to me. Don't bottle it in." I urge her, she sniffles and pulls back, her eyes are red and puffy and streams of tears continue to pour down her cheeks. "What is there to say Helga? I'm in a marriage with Snotlout that isn't even a fucking marriage.

And I'm haunted by my past transgressions, wondering if Hiccup has given up on us and moved on and who can blame him? Before you were born he was treated like a thrall and the village would have killed him at birth, but his father held back holding faith he'd be strong.

But he caused harm to the village though he was just trying to help and the village hated him even more because of it." Astrids face twisted with pain and regret, I pulled her closer to me and she rested her head on my shoulder. "I had the chance to help him Helga, many times when Snotlout and his shit eaters tortured him time and time again, but my ego and pride held me back. And nows he's gone, it's been fifteen years." She began crying again and hugged her close and kissed her hair. We just sat there, until I asked her. "Do you love him?"

Astrid looks at me, I raise both my eyebrows emphasizing my question. "Do you love Hiccup sister?" She looks back out on the horizon and nods. "I've always loved him." She whispered, I cup her cheeks and force her to look at me. "He will return. I cannot imagine the pain you're suffering my dear sister, but you must continue hold on to the hope that Hiccup will return." I reassured her.

Astrid smiled and hugged me with passion, she nuzzled into my neck. "Thank you Helga. I love you little sister." She whispered, I smiled and kissed her head and hugged her back tighter. "Your welcome Astrid, I love you too." We spend the next few hours comforting each other on the beach and enjoying the time we have away from the drama within the village.

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