Chapter 15: Egyptian life

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Hiccups pov

Nearly a week has past since I became the imperial Inquisitor of Persia, and deemed worthy by Artemisia. Darius summoned me to the throne room, when I entered he was sitting on his throne and his council surrounding him along with the prince and princess. I bowed down to my king, he then ordered me to rise which I did.

"Young Haddock your first mission has begun, you're to travel to Egypt and aid its pharaoh, they're on the brink of civil war with a rebel army, and have asked us for assistance, you and a clutch of Acolytes will accompany you on your mission."

I nodded in understanding, my first mission for the Persian empire, a great honor and responsibility.

"When do I leave sire?" Darius wasted no time in sparing me with detail. "You're to leave at dawn." I bowed down yet and again and bid the king a goodbye before retiring to my quarters to pack up for my mission. Toothless and Blue were nuzzling each other and purred.

I smiled, Toothless deserves to be happy, and I'm glad he found a potential mate, it's healthy for him to bond with one of his own species. After I finished packing, I was introduced to the Persian acolytes. Roughly around 6'3 inches tall, in black and silver armor, their face masks tell of different emotions, some of anger, hate, and death. I'd say I was quite impressed with this lot, at least I'm not by myself this time. One of the acolytes around 5'9 came up to me and removed its mask.

Only to reveal a beautiful face of a girl around my age, 15 years old. "Inquisitor, my name is Azar, I lead these acolytes, and we've been ordered to follow your every command." She bowed her head as did the rest of the acolytes around me.

I nodded and gave them my first command. "Prepare to move out, pack what you need yet pack lightly, I would not have us fall behind schedule." With that being said, the acolytes and I mounted our dragons, and soared off into the sky and by the gods we'd reach our destination, Cairo Egypt.

Nearly a week of sand, heat and near death encounters with snakes that try to kill you in your sleep. But we've reached our destination, Cairo.

I marveled at the sight, an empire that to rival Darius's. Statues that seemed to have reached up to the heavens, architecture and craftsmanship unlike anything I've ever seen. And the dragons here were almost that of the ones I've seen in Persia, yet behavioral traits are different.

The acolytes and myself landed in front of the royal palace and carrying the Persian banner, the pharaohs royal guard escorted us to him. The palace was massive, the stonework and colors, were extraordinarily well made, the palace was filled with guards, council man, concubines, and magicians/ sorcerers. The great pharaoh and his wife sat on their thrones and as we approached them we bowed down to them.

"Rise my friends."

As we rose back to our feet the pharaoh rode from his seat and came down to our level, he inspected us from head to toe and nodded in approval.

"You're the Inquisitor Darius spoke of?" I looked at the pharaoh and nodded to him, he than returned to his seat, and gave a chuckle. "Welcome, to the jewel of the world, Egypt holds great opportunity, and I trust you'll inform Darius of the great Rameses I hosted his Inquisitor and acolytes well with untold pleasures, while in return you aid us in crushing this civil war." We all nodded and I spoke for all my fellow comrades. "Great pharaoh, gratitude for gifting us with such gifts, and you'll not be disappointed, we'll not fail you or your great empire." The whole court clapped in approval of my promise to end this war, and the promise of becoming stronger allies for both Persia and Egypt.

As a reward, pharaoh invited me and my acolytes to join him in watching imperial belly dancers, they were draped in black, gold and crimson, their performance was most impressive. We were treated like gods that evening, our cup filled with the sweetest and richest wines I've ever tasted, the foods were incredible, full of spices and flavor, though these things are pleasures, I have a duty and a mission here, and I'll be damned if I let myself fall astray from my task.

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