Chapter 56: Should I know you?

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Hiccups pov

As the sun rose, Astrid and I spent the night on the other side of Berk making love, with our dragons protecting our privacy, thank the gods for them.

The sun forcing me to open my eyes, and I winced at the intense brightness but sat up none the less, I than looked at Astrid and smiled, beneath our sleeping roll she layed there, her blond hair splayed out over the sleeping roll, her skin radiating off the sunlight and the blanket hugging her body barely covering her breast.

I took the opportunity to take out my sketchbook and draw this goddess I call my girlfriend, everything about her is so perfect, her warrior heart, deadly skill with an axe and her drop dead beauty, she truly is a gift from Asgard, and she's all mine.

Astrid began to stir and I just finished sketching her, she awoke and she smiled at me and I smiled in return, I put my book down and climbed back into the roll with her, she sighed happily and we shared sweet kisses.

"Good morning beautiful." I whispered, she bit her lip and kissed my jawline and down my throat to my stomach. She stopped right at my aching cock.

Oh damn her and her teasing. "Good morning handsome." She purred as she stretched her lithe and toned body showing off its curves and beauty.

She smiled as I took in every inch of her body presented before me, she helped me up and we bathed together in a pool that's water was crystal clear and not to cold or warm but perfect.

After we bathed each other and ate, we packed up and headed back to the village. As flew back toward the village, we looked at each other and gave each other warm smiles, Astrid made a seductive pose and winked at me while riding on Stormfly and that revived my erection, she truly knows how to tease me.

"We're definitely doing that again." I said, she laughed and smiled. "Most definitely, so what's on your schedule today babe?" She asked me, I thought about it and than looked back at her. "I'm going to take Toothless on a real flight, he absolutely loves those, than back to the arena to train and than take you out for one hell of an adventure in bed." I said while smirking at her, she laughed, her eyes closed, happiness etched all over her face, the wind blowing her hair back, the sunlight literally making her glow made my heart beat faster.

"Sounds good babe, I'll catch you soon, but first bring your handsome ass over here so I can kiss you." She purred, I smiled and made Toothless fly backwards and gave Astrid a passionate kiss, she cupped my cheeks and poured her heart and love for me into this kiss, I smiled, and when we broke apart, I pecked her nose and she giggled and we parted ways for now.

For the next hour Toothless and I have been flying, the morning sun warming my skin as the cool winds blew by us. Toothless suddenly let out a low growl.

I looked to my right to see a figure in weird armor and a strange mask, I sat up quickly and noticed this being was standing on something but the clouds hid whatever this being was standing on.

Than the figure disappears, Toothless and I prepared ourselves for trouble, suddenly a massive dragon burst from the clouds forcing us to halt.

This dragon was bigger than Toothless, it had that figure on its back, the dragons body has a very muscular and sturdy build; mainly walking on two legs and his two bottom wings. The dragon's face has two long spines that branch off his nose and to the side with a "smashed" face, much like an owl's. On his back he has spikes that resemble the skrill's. It than revealed a second pair of wings, making it four, which were shaped like an X.

Toothless and this dragon snarled at each other until from behind us a dragon snatched me from the saddle and Toothless fell. "TOOTHLESS!!!!" I yell as he falls to the ocean below us. "HICCUP!!!" He screams via telepathy, I see him splash in the water below.

The figure and its dragon flew off with this dragon who had me in its claws.
"Hey! You left my dragon back there!! He can't fly on his own he'll drown!!" Do you hear me!" I roar in outrage. Yet this figure doesn't even bother turning around or even breathe a word, I than notice a mountain with large spikes of ice sticking out in all directions, was this a dragons nest? It had to be considering more dragons flew by our side and entered the mountain.

As soon as we entered, the dragon that kidnaped me let me go and a tucked and rolled and sprang to my feet. "Trust me, whoever you are, you have no idea who you're dealing with, release me and I might not kill you for leaving my dragon to die." I snarled, the dragons around me awoke and they all circled me, one advanced toward me, teeth bared, I than drew my modified sword and one activated one of its blades and lit of fire, the dragon halted and stared at my sword, I swung it in slow motions and the dragon followed its motions with its head and it's eyes, formally slits were round.

From behind, another dragon advanced toward me ready to attack, I activated the second blade in my sword and twirled my sword until it was but a blur, I than brought the blades to the stone floor beneath us and sparks were flying everywhere, both blades were in flames and burning brighter than the sun itself, lighting the whole cave we were in.

I saw the figure looking curiously, it's mask covering their face, unable for me to tell their emotion. I deactivated my blades and clipped my sword to my belt and stuck my hand out to the nearest dragon, it eyed me curiously and sniffed my hand, and pressed its snout to my palm, accepting that I was no threat.

The figure than approached me, I turned around and got into a fighting stance. "Who the hell are you?! Why did you kidnap me? Do you even understand what I'm saying?!" I was getting frustrated that this being wasn't talking, this beings staff than smacked the ground and, on either side of the staff were hooks, that also have holes that make sounds that were making sounds that apparently only the dragons can understand.

Every dragon in the room opened their mouths and lighted the room with their flames. At this same time, two dragons flew in carrying Toothless and threw him on the ground next to me. "Toothless! Oh I'm glad to see you bud! You ok?" Toothless nuzzled his face against mine. "I am, I see you've made friends." He stated as every dragon in the room, aside from the ones lighting the room were staring at us.

"Yeah, let's just focus on getting out of here first." I said to my scaly friend, the figure than approached us, Toothless got between me and this figure, snarling, warning them to back off, and with the wave of their hand, Toothless passed out on the floor, the being brought its hand toward my face, I backed away, but than I heard the being gasp, they than backed away breathing heavily. "Hiccup?" The being asked in shock, I didn't answer at first, but than the being ripped off the helmet revealing a woman.

She looked to be around her forties, and had the same color of hair I did and same piercing green eyes as me as well. "Could it be? After all these years? H-how is this possible?" The woman mumbled, I wanted answers right now, I swallowed thickly, heart pounding, it can't be. Can it? "Uh, should I know?" I asked, the woman's face dropped, sadness clearly visible in her features. "No. You were only a babe. But a mother never forgets." I gasped and backed away, my hand clutching my chest, my heart threatening to burst from my chest.

My mother? No, that's not possible! She's dead, at least, that's what everyone told me. She noticed my disbelief and shock, she nodded, but a small smile crept across her face. "Come." She said and ran, I than chased after her, Toothless, recovering from being passed out was right on my tail. This woman who claims to be my mother better provide me with the answers I seek, or I'll kill her myself.

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