Chapter 13: Artemisia

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In the palace, a woman, who appears to be in her early twenties walks down the hall, her height is 5'8, her hair was jet black, as well as her armor.

She was quite beautiful too, for one so ferocious, this is no slave, maid or concubine, but one of Persias finest naval commanders.
Her name is Artemisia. Once a whore on a slave ship, and left for dead in the Persian streets.

But now...

She's devoted her life to Persia and to king Darius, for the Persians took her from the slums and clothed, fed and trained her in the arts of the sword and of battle. The commander walks toward a certain boy and his dragon.

Artemisias pov

The boy and his Night Fury are a most impressive pair, yet Darius has assigned me to continue the boys training, in that of the sword, battle, and strategy. I entered the training arena to find him hacking at a training dummy, I noted every swing he made. Good. Yet still can use improvement. His footwork is excellent.

This boy has come a long way from a sickly little thing, to a firm and strong adolescent. I walked over to him, when he noticed me he stopped, and nodded towards me, acknowledging my presence. "You're the one named Artemisia?" He asked with both concern and excitement. I smirked and answered him. "I am, young Haddock, I see you've improved you're training."

Hiccup looked around the arena, draining dummies body parts everywhere. He looked at me and a smile graced his lips. "Would you care to spar with me?" As if he read my mind, I drew my dual swords and readied myself in a battle stance. He than took his own position and we circled each other for a solid minute. And as quick as a serpent, he struck.
I blocked his first blow, yet he came at me again and again.

His strikes were most impressive, yet he leaves his flank open allowing me to strike back. I cut his side, and he hisses in pain. He ignores the cut and continues to press his attack. I block and parry everything he throws at me, he than trips me from underneath and I loose footing and tumble to the ground.

Hiccups pov

I pressed my attack and then seized my advantage to knock Artemisia off her feet. She hit the ground with a loud thud, her face twisted in pain. I lower my sword to her throat. "Yield." She sighs in defeat... for now.

I extend my arm, she accepts it and she's eye level to me. She smiles and gives me a kiss on the lips. I blush in surprise and embarrassment. She's amused by my shocked state. "Well done Haddock, you wield your sword with deadly purpose, you're now and truly an Inquisitor."

I'm speechless, I've passed the final test, face one of Persias finest and to be rewarded with such a title. Pride swells in my breast. I'm no longer useless. I am an imperial Inquisitor of Persia.

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