Chapter 3: Great beyond

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As the sun rose on the horizon on Berk though, Stoick was wondering where Hiccup was.
The chief noticed a piece of paper on the table and curiosity strikes him, he picks it up and reads it.

"Dear Stoick, I've left this god forsaken rock, you've claimed to say that you "care" for me. But you treat me worse than anyone one on this island, you do nothing as Snotlout and the other teens beat me to a pulp, you look at me like I'm a plague, and not a human being.
You're not my father and I'm sure as Hel am not your son, if mom were here, she'd be disgusted by your actions, treating me worse than a slave.
You don't deserve the title of father.
Don't bother looking for me, because I'm long gone, I'm done living in a world hurt, rejection, bullies and humiliation.
Sorry I couldn't be the perfect Viking son you always wanted, but I'm different, always was and always will.
You'll wake up every morning regretting how you parented me and pray to Odin every night saying 'If only I'd treated him as a son should be treated'.
This is goodbye and I'm most likely never coming back.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III "

After Stoick read the note, his eyes watered with tears, hands shaking violently, knees wobbling and threatening to give out and fall to the ground, which he did.

The great chief wept, in a very long time, he wept that the only member of his family left him by his own free will. But what stung him the most is that he was right, he didn't deserve the title of father and that he didn't treat Hiccup like a son at all. He brought his hands to face and wiped his tears away and moaned. "Valka forgive me, I've failed our son." Stoick mourned the whole morning.

The news of Hiccups departure spread like a wild fire, many of the village felt sorry for Stoick that his only family left him, but most of the villagers just shrugged the news off, saying Hiccup was a coward for leaving. Snotlout Jorgenson was grinning ever since the chief read the note to the whole village, his weakling of a cousin was gone and he was next in line as heir to Berk, his lackeys also, Stefnir, Magnus, Bjorn and Brenda were also glad Hiccup was gone, celebrating with Snotlout and a handful of other villagers who despised the boy.

Astrid however was disgusted that most of the village celebrated Hiccups departure.
Fishlegs and surprisingly the twins decided that they would stay out of the celebration, because Fishlegs was furious that he once abandoned Hiccup to the bullies, and if he were still here, he'd beg for his forgiveness. For Ruff and Tuff, they humiliated and tortured Hiccup along side Snotlout and the older teens, they were ashamed of their actions and declined the invitation of the departure of the once called 'Useless' heir. Gobber too, missed the boy, he was like a son to him, and an excellent blacksmith. Business would be a very slow process without Hiccup to help him out, and when he heard about the celebration of Hiccups departure he was furious, he even refused to sharpen the weapons of those who were glad of the boys departure.

Astrid stood on a cliff over looking the horizon, she sat down, and inhaled the air.
As she exhaled the mid day air, her mind keep replaying the promise Hiccup have to her just before he left, "I promise I'll return to you Astrid".

"You better come back Haddock, I'm holding you to that." She murmured to herself, she already missed his goofy smile, his clumsiness and his sarcastic remarks.
After a good five minutes, she got up, and looked at the horizon one last time before going to the Great Hall for lunch.
"Be safe Hiccup." She whispered before retiring to the Hall.

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Hiccup and Toothless had been flying for about four hours now, and they made a quick stop to relieve themselves and then a quick snack break. The boy wanted to be far from Berk as possible, the only two people he'd miss are Gobber and Astrid.

Gobber was not only his mentor when it came to working in the forge, but he was also like father to him. A man who respected Hiccup for who he was, and would joke with him too, just treating the boy like a human being who has emotions. Astrid, he'd miss her the most.

They were good friends as children, but since her uncle Finn was defeated by the Flightmare, she was determined to bring the Hofferson clan back to glory, but the decision had its consequences.

For Astrid, she was respected, her duty was to become Berks finest shield maiden, and her popularity grew. But Hiccup was left to fend for himself. He became easy prey for Snotlout and the rest of his lackeys to physically and verbally abuse the boy. It hurt Astrid every time to watch as her old friend walk away looking like Hel every time he got beat into a pulp. She wished she could've helped him, but her father told her to leave him be, that he's 'Useless' and that she's worked to hard to let her reputation be crumbled by the Stoicks pathetic excuse of a son. Hiccup let a tear run down his eye just remembering how much pain his village caused him, just for being different.

Toothless sensed his riders change of attitude and let out a worried warble, Hiccup gave his reptilian friend a reassuring smile and scratched his head.

"Don't worry bud, I'm alright, as long as we stick together, we're unstoppable!"
Toothless gave his rider a smirk and lick him across the face. This was the start of a new chapter for the duo, they'd be venturing into the great unknown, and Hiccup was determined to not let his past haunt him.

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