Chapter 63: Hell unleashed

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Hiccups pov

This abomination was by far the biggest thing I've ever seen, bigger than even the Bewilderbeast, speaking of the alpha, we could really use mom and her dragons.

The beasts head than revealed it had two eyes, perhaps the Djinn were still making this beast back in the nest, yet now its ready to serve the side of evil. It's head had the coral like spikes coming off its head, and those same spikes running along its neck to its back, red veins running all along its body, this thing was looking at our fleet, and we could not afford it to leave this island.

"Focus your fire on that monstrosity!" I ordered, just like earlier, we bombarded that beast with all our artillery, its cries of pain could be heard every time a cannon, boulder or ballista would hit it. Smoke blocked our view of how badly we hurt this thing, but when the smoke, cleared, we saw that it had wings, surrounding itself in order to protect itself from our attack. Not good at all. Not only is this thing smart, but it has wings. Time to improvise.

"Sir, what now?" Everyone looked at me, and lucky for us, I have a plan. "Alright here's the plan, I want the best dragon riders by my side and try to take down that abomination, while the rest of you take on the Djinn ground forces. Let's get to work people!" I ordered and everyone ran to their stations and on the battlefield our army was engaging the Djinn.

I hopped on Toothless, and we shot up into the sky, flying toward this beast, we were a good distance away from it, because we have no idea what it's capable of yet, so we scanned its body for any flaw for us to exploit. There was none.

They couldn't risk moving in to close without knowing for sure there was a weakness on it. I ordered the dragon riders to open fire, with that said we unleashed a round of fire on the beast below us and when it made contact with it, it simply let out a grunt of annoyance and than unleashed flames of its own. "MOVE!!" I yelled, but it was to late, three of my dragon riders were completely consumed by the flames, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust falling from the sky.

My rage shoot through the roof, I'll drag this abomination to hell myself if must. Suddenly it roared so loudly that I cried out in pain, Toothless seemed disoriented, I than saw it about unleash a second round of that supercharged fire.

"TOOTHLESS!" I shout, and he dives just in time before a torrent of hell like flames shoot past us. Suddenly Toothless snarled I looked down to see a whole pack of flying Djinn. Perfect. "You! Carry word back to the fleet! We need more dragon riders!" I ordered one of the riders that survived the first round of fire. "At once Grand Inquisitor." He said before diving back toward the fleet. "Alright. Let's do this." I murmured as these flying Djinn, that I've named reapers are going to need to leave the picture.

They came at me with their mouths wide open to chomp down and their claws ready to sink into my flesh, Toothless fired three plasma blasts, knocking out group after group out of the air, yet they just kept coming.

Before a reaper can snatch me off of Toothless, a Nadder spine pierced it in the chest sending it falling, I turned around and smiled, Astrid and her dragon Stormfly, along with Fishlegs with Meatlug, Ruff and Tuff with Barf and Belch, Heather and Windshear and Helga on Hookfang. "Aren't you all a sight for sore eyes." I said, they all smiled at my humorous remark. "Let's focus on taking these demons out of the sky first, than you'll end that monstrosity." Helga said, we all nodded and got to work. Astrid was with me, Helga and Heather took left, Fishlegs and the twins took right, the Djinn reapers came at us in a gigantic flock, we blasted groups of them out of the sky, sending them to their deaths.

I switched Toothless's tail so that he has control, and with that I jumped at the nearest reaper and slashed its back, it screeched in agony, and I leapt off of it and jumped from reaper to reaper, hacking limbs off to decapitating them, I than threw my sword at the nearest reaper and the burning flame within the sword, cut through the flying beast like a hot knife with butter.

I fetched my sword and front flip off the reaper I killed and Toothless dove after me and I landed in his saddle and I switched his tail back to my control and we dove back up, Astrid and Stormfly had just finished with a group of reapers. "Took you long enough, I thought you'd never stop showing off." Astrid teased me, I smirked and looked down to the abomination below us, we than heard a voice.

"Hiccup Haddock! You've been a thorn in my side for far too long! Now witness as I kill your friends!" Down there, was Ghul, literally controlling that monster like a puppet. The beast than unleashed a fatal torrent of fire, it headed straight for our smaller ships, everyone on board jumped out and dove underwater just in time as the flames completely consumed the ships they were just on.

I frantically searched for a weakness on this thing, if we don't take this thing out, it'll destroy our entire fleet with hell like flames, suddenly I noticed something glistening on this beast, a fresh wound, and it was big, on the back of its neck, behind its coral like spikes. "Toothless, fire there." I pointed toward its wound, he nodded and fired a single bolt, when it made contact, this thing let out an ear piercing shriek, it turned toward us and released another torrent of flames, we took evasive action.

"Astrid! Take the other dragon riders back to the fleet, me and Toothless will finish this thing off." Of course she gave me a worried look before nodding and barking at the others to head back. "Alright Toothless, let's send one more monstrosity to a painful death." I said, he smirked and fired a super heated plasma blast at this thing, and if it was mad before, it sure as hell is now.

It raised itself up and snapped its gaping jaws at us, Toothless fired another superheated plasma bolt at its eye, blinding it from the right, it roared in agony. Being a warriors of the light, allowed me to gain feats that are almost inhumane, I stretched my hand toward the heavens and lightning crackled in the sky and then lightning landed in my palm, the electricity surging through my veins and I gripped my sword with both hands, fire and lightning combined creating something...impossible.

I switched Toothless's tail so he could fly by himself. "Ghul!! Now your war machine is no more!!" I roar as I leap off Toothless, the lightning surrounding me and I raised my sword as high as I could, and brought it down into the abominations head, piercing straight through its skull, I let out a war cry as the lightning comes down in full force, it surges through the body of the beast, all parts of its body that once pulsed and surged with seeping red, now crackled and burned in blue.

I dug my blade deeper into the beasts skull, it roars in agony as my blade embeds its righteous fury, the lightning increases tenfold, I'm strong, but lightning like that? It will surely kill me, so with that, I pull my blade out of this beast and dive off of it and land on Toothless, as always he catches me and we watch the gruesome aftermath. The lightning caused a chain reaction inside the beast and all its internal and eternal organs blew to pieces, the beast fell, a gigantic pool of thick crimson blood, the foul, metallic stench of the blood reaching the air as it burned my nostrils.

Astrids pov

What we'd all just witnessed was...unbelievable.

Hiccup drew lightning to strike that beast down, like Thor himself. Hiccup and Toothless landed on the deck of the dreadnaught, and were greeted with cheers, I gave Hiccup a tight hug and kiss. When we pulled apart we smiled.

"That was quite the show you two put on up there." I smirked, he chuckled and took a stray piece of hair dangling in my face and tucked it behind my ear. "That was warm up, Ghul is next. I need you and my army to hold off the horde out here, Ghul is mine." He said sternly, I smiled and nodded. "End this." I said, he pulled my hand up toward his mouth and gave it a kiss and than leapt off the ship and headed back out there, I shook my head while smiling.

That's my man.

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