Chapter 29: Girl talk

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Astrid pov

I ran to the forest, tears streaming down my face, rage threatening to consume me.
I had to release it where none will get hurt.
And as soon as knew no one was around, I let out a bloodcurdling scream that scared off a flock terrible terrors.

Tightening the grip of my axe I lashed out.
I soon began hacking the closet tree near me imaging the splinters as Snotlout's blood; the tree itself was his smug little face. After I unleashed my anger, dropped my axe and fell on my knees, tears pouring out of my eyes, I began whimpering.

How could my own father force me into this marriage without my permission? I understand why he did it, I'm at the age where I need to look for a husband, but I don't want to. I want to become Berks finest warrior, a loving and caring sister to Helga, and I want to defend my home from Alvin and his alliance.

Those savage and vile tribes already demonstrated their might and I want to help defend my home from their wrath. But most of all, I wanted Hiccup. I wanted to start over and us picking up where we left our friendship, and maybe, even be my boyfriend.

That thought broke me and I and began sobbing, I felt weak for crying like an infant but crying makes me remember that I'm human and that I'm not invincible. What if Hiccup has moved on? What if he's already found himself a woman and is in love with her? Or what if he's forgotten me entirely, I wouldn't blame him though, I left him to fend off the wolves for years, I feel so weak. He has every reason to leave us behind, because we cast him aside.


I turn around to see both Heather and Ruffnut come up to me, slowly, obviously hearing and knowing I had a breakdown. They had looks of concern seeing that my eyes were puffy from crying and my breathing was still uneven thanks to my rage rekindling. "I suppose you both heard the news then?" I asked with frustration.

They both nodded, I exhaled and sat in ground, leaning against the tree I was hacking to pieces. Both girls sat next to me, trying to be as supportive as possible, which was well received. "You and Snotlout? Pfff! He's about to receive a fate far worse than anyone has ever endured, we all know you hate ego maniac, I'll bet you twelve chickens that he'll lose his balls within a week if he continues to press you." Ruffnut said encouragingly, already knowing I would give Snotlout hell, I chuckled lightly.

Normal pov

Astrid smiled sadly at Ruffnut, knowing that she's being supportive but still saddened that this fate has been placed on her shoulder. "What am I going to do you guys? Marriage should only happen between those who love each other, and I don't love Snotlout, not now or ever." She stated with a firm voice. Heather placed her hand on Astrids shoulder.
"Than don't love him Astrid, play the role of 'loving wife' but make it hard for him though, and pray to Odin that Hiccup will keep his word and return to Berk and you." She said with sincerity.

Astrid opened her arms wide enough, both Heather and Ruffnut gave Astrid the warmest hug by far. "Thanks you guys, I appreciate your encouragement, you're my best friends." She said, voice hoarse with tears. "Damn right we are Hofferson, and you better not forget it." Ruffnut said playfully, the other two females laughed at Ruffnuts remark.

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