Chapter 67: Gift from the gods

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Hiccups pov

It's been officially three months since the annihilation of the Djinn, and life couldn't be more perfect. Married to a woman whose very presence makes my world brighter than the sun itself, Astrid is truly a gift from the gods, and I'm blessed beyond belief. Stoick and Valka have picked up where they've left off, and I'm happy for them, their reunion warms my heart to see their love rekindled.

As midday sun rose high in the sky, I looked out toward the horizon, Amam, Ana, Azar, Juva and the rest of my army had returned to Persia, we've had our share of farewells, they knew me better than anyone, they knew that my heart craved to be here once more, so they respected my wish, and in reward I made Amam take my place as the grand inquisitor, I promised them that I'd return someday, but they said to take my time being chief and being a husband, than we'd have our reunion.

"What is my husband doing out here?" I turned around and smiled to see Astrid, I walked over to her and gave her a passion filled kiss, she smiled and kissed back, when we broke apart I pulled her into a hug, she sighed contently.

"I'm just thinking, nothing to worry about, my beloved wife." She giggled and we grasped each other's forearms. "I have a surprise for you." She said, I raised an eyebrow, my interest piqued. "Oh? Tell me Astrid, what is this surprise?" I asked, she smiled and placed my hand on her toned stomach, I had a questionable look on my face that is until it hit me.

I looked at Astrid, my eyes widen, her smile grew. "You're...?" She smiled and pecked my lips. "I'm pregnant Hiccup. You're going to be a father." She said excitedly, I laughed, and hugged her while spinning, she began laughing too and when I set her down I kissed her deeply. When we pulled apart I placed my hands on her stomach. "How long have known?" I asked, she smiled and stroked my cheek lovingly. "Only a few days, not sure if it's a boy or girl." She said with uncertainty.

I shook my head and gripped her shoulder. "I don't care if it's a boy or girl, as long as it's alive and healthy, that means, no drinking mead or anything that'll get you intoxicated or get into fights." She pouted playfully, but nodded. "And that, my beloved husband is why I love you, you're so caring and protective of our newest family member." I smiled and kissed Astrid on her forehead. "Would you have me any other way?" I smirked, she chuckled and grabbed my hand. "Come, let's go and share the good news." She said excitedly, I smiled and followed her back toward the village.

Normal pov

News of Astrids pregnancy spread like a wildfire, everyone came to congratulate the young chief and his wife, some even made them pies, smoked salmon with potatoes and other delicious foods. Hiccup gratefully accepted his people's generous gifts and promised he'd repay them all, yet they declined, telling him that his gratitude was good enough.

Hiccup and Astrid had invited all their friends and family to come join them for dinner at their home, which they gladly accepted, Hiccup had cooked Persian recipes and everyone was satisfied. After having dinner and good conversation, Hiccup brought desert, it was a cake, with cocoa sprinkled on it. "Alright everyone, help yourself, if dinner wasn't good enough, I promise you, this'll seal the deal." The young chief cut slices and passed it out to everyone gathered. Astrid took the first bite and she hummed contentedly, the cool, sweet and rich flavor of the cake satisfying her appetite.

Once everyone else began trying desert, they soon devoured it. "Mm, wow, Hiccup, this is REALLY good. Mind hooking me up with some more?" Tuffnut asked, everyone chuckled, and Hiccup gladly served him a second slice. "Odins beard Hiccup, that was without doubt the BEST food I've ever had." Stoick said, Valka giggled and kissed her husbands cheek, Hiccup smiled. "Ah, thanks dad, cooking was another skill I picked up in Persia, I figured it'd come in handy for family and friend gatherings like this." Everyone smiled, and Heather spoke up. "Well, if you serve food like this everyday, I might need to come over everyday." She teased, everyone laughed.

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