Chapter 58: The Hidden

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Normal pov

There are many other tribes in the Archipelago, though not all of them are the warrior type. The Northlander Tribe for example, are traders that deal in furs, dragons and dragon eggs and the Northern Wanderers, they hate Vikings in general, due to the fact that their people were often abducted by Vikings to be used as slaves.
Hiccup recently made allies with the Defenders of the Wing, the inquisitors had set up a meeting with their queen Mala and told them of the threat on the horizon and that they needed their help, after some consideration the Defenders joined Hiccups alliance.

But there is one tribe that was spoken like a legend, this tribe hasn't made much appearance, they were like ghosts, appearing to chieftain gatherings only on very rare occasions. The Hidden are a clan of hunters, warriors and priests, they have special types of dragons called mounts because none of the dragons that live with don't have wings. They're tracking dragons, the perfect companion for a hunter, they deal in meat, furs, spices, coin and other merchandise.
The priests who live in the future are very skilled in fortune telling and describing premonitions.

Hiccup had heard stories of this tribe yet did not know if they were real or not, but what he's accomplished, the young man knew anything is possible. Today he'd pay the isolated clan a visit with his inquisitors and ask them if they wish to join their cause.

Hiccups pov

We traveled down a river leading toward our destination, according to Stoick.
My crew consisted of myself, Gothi, Azar, Juva and Amen, who is also Egyptian and his specialties are stealth, archery and tracking. We suddenly became engulfed in fog, Gothi tensed, I drew my sword and lit it so that we'd get light, my companions had their weapons at the ready in case of an ambush. After all about ten minutes, we exited the fog and the air cleared, what we saw shocked us. Mountains and grasslands stretching as far as we could see and we saw hunters on dragon mounts, they looked at us with curiosity, awe and suspicion, we nodded our heads at them and continued to move toward their main village.

As we made our way through the village the inhabitants followed us while their warriors led us to their leaders, we entered the village square and there waiting for us were the leaders of The Hidden.

The chief had a deer skull as a mask and its horns sticking out of the skull, he had black and maroon robes covering his lithe body, he had a staff in his hand that had teeth dangling off of it, next to the chief were two fat men draped in crimson and black robes and had face masks covering their faces.

"Ah yes, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, welcome to our lands, I'm Aros, chieftain of our village, I believed you have a question for me?" The chief asked, knowing he lives in a clan of fortune tellers, I get straight to business.
"Yes, we're here to warn you and your clan of an evil that will blot out the sun and devour all of man, but with my help, you all might stand a chance, I've fought the nightmare coming, they're called the Djinn, we've allied ourselves with almost every Viking and non Viking village in the Archipelago to help aid our cause, and if you're willing to fight to protect your people, your assistance will be much appreciated." I said, the village began talking among themselves, the chief lifted the skull above his face and and looked at me, his skin was a little wrinkly, he had facial tattoos on his chin and forehead, he came down toward me and extended his arm out to me, I grasped his forearm and we shook.

"Hiccup Haddock, you have our support, but if we're fighting against a supernatural army, we'll need every advantage, I'll summon my best hunter to give you and your people a tour. Eret!" Out of the crowd came a man who looked three to four years older than me and had a tan fur vest, dark blue pants and gray boots, he had bulky muscle and tattoos on his chin, and he had long black hair, tied behind his head.

"This is Eret son of Eret, he's my best hunter, he'll give you all a tour." I nodded and Eret led us around the village. Little children ran through the streets playing and laughing, there were women who were washing clothes, the hunters were talking to each other than running into the forests, with bows in hand, I have to admit, this village was very beautiful, the air was crisp, yet cool, the village was next to a mountain covered in snow and the temperature was cool so everyone here had winter gear equipped, yet it was light, not heavy.

"So, Haddock, was it? Where'd you get that beautiful sword of yours." Eret asked me, I grabbed it and activated the blades, and running them across the ground igniting the blades and lightning them on fire, he gasped and took a step back. "Oh this? I made this in Persia, obviously its ends activate the blades, on the hilt, it has zippleback gas bombs, they're the size of a berry but once hit upon impact they release its flammable gas." Eret hummed in fascination and asked if he could wield it, I gave it to him but told him to be careful, he inspected the craftsmanship in carved into my weapon, his mouth gaped in awe. "Your craftsmanship is extraordinary Haddock, obviously you have blacksmiths training, very well done." He praised me and handed back my sword, I nodded in thanks and smiled and fixated my weapon to my belt.

"Thank you my good man, it took me months to perfect this instrument of destruction and it's absolutely perfect in battle." I said, Eret laughed at how much in depth I was talking about my weapon, as we finished our tour, there was a question I had for Eret. "So, Eret, I have a question, how did you come here?" He took a deep breath and looked at me. "I wasn't part of this clan for long, I was a dragon hunter years prior under the command of a madman named Drago Bludvist, he had an obsession of making a dragon army. I abandoned his madness and decided living a life harming dragons is a life I don't want to live in, I love dragons, they spectacular creatures." I smiled put my hand on his shoulder, he looked at me. "Believe me, you made the right choice, now how would you like to help me save mankind from destruction?" I asked, he smiled and extended his arm out, I grasped his forearm. "Count me in." He said, I smiled and nodded.

Normal pov

Eret and Hiccup went in the woods hunting, and getting to know each other, the two of them suddenly heard a snap, they drew their weapons and hid behind a ridge line, they peaked over to see Djinn. They got to witness up close how the demons turned men into supernatural monsters, they noticed two foot soldier type Djinn that held a hunter in their claws, and they then saw a Djinn hovering a few feet from the ground, it began chanting in a language they've never heard of before and suddenly red smoke appeared, it almost appeared to have a mind of its own, finding its way into their victims nostrils.

The hunter began to shake violently, he then let out a bloodcurdling scream and the duo heard bones snapping and breaking, the hunters skin became pale and his veins were pulsing with a dark crimson, finally the hovering Djinn placed something into its victims mouth, black goo poured out of his skin, consuming him entirely, when the other Djinn turned their victim, they huddled close together and they vanished, in the blink of an eye.

Eret and Hiccup released a breath they hadn't realized they've been holding and looked at each other. "That's what we're dealing with." Hiccup said, Eret scoffed and shook his head, disbelief etched in his features.

Now that the Inquisitor has the advantage of numbers and resources, it's time to call a gathering of all the chieftains and discuss their next move.

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