Chapter 17: Abuskhau the rebel king

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Nearly a week after the defeat of the reaper, the rebels haven't been seen. The momentary peace gave Hiccup and the acolytes time to train, and sharpen their skills to deadly edge. Hiccup and Toothless were outside looking at the marvel of the Egyptian empire. In the last year and a half since he's lest Berk, the duo have never imagined life was so different in this part of the world, it was more adventure, advanced, and dangerous too. The things that could kill you in Egypt were poisonous snakes, crocodiles, the heat, sandstorms and many other things, but the two have learned how to deal with these kinds of threats in Persia.

"Beautiful isn't it?" The two turned around to see the pharaoh, they both bowed down to him, Rameses chuckled clearly amused with the great respect the servants of Persia showed him and his nation. "Rise my boy, rise." The great pharaoh commanded. Both boy and dragon rose, Hiccup then answered his earlier question. "Yes my pharaoh, your lands are most impressive, that to rival Persian soil itself." The pharaoh smirked, pride swelling up in his breast, the city of Thebes was located east of the Nile, and was one of largest cities throughout all of Egypt.

"Yes, our people wish to immortalize ourselves throughout history, for the many generations to come to remember us and know how we've lived life and what we do to survive."
Hiccup understood what the king was getting at, he himself hoped that one day that he'd not be faceless man forgotten by history. "A very fine way to be remembered my king, I myself wish tha-"

"MY KING!!!"

The trio turned to see one of the generals run up to them and bowed down then rose, let the air return to his lungs and said with urgency in his voice.

"My lord, Abuskhau and his traitorous army are advancing and have taken the city of the dead!!"

The pharaoh was beyond shocked, then his face turned hard as stone. "Order the army to prepare for battle, we go to the city of the dead, reclaim it, and put an end to that traitor and those who follow him." The general bowed down.

"Yes my lord, I'll see that the army is ready to advance."

Hiccup was curious, who was this Abuskhau, he decided to asked pharaoh to ease his mind.

"My king, who is this Abuskhau?" Pharaoh turned toward him and said with a little with pain in his voice. "Abuskhau was once my most trusted friend, we stood as brothers, until he craved power and the throne, until my father banished him and his followers who attempted a coup, he's now one of the leader of the rebels and believes he deserves the throne." I clench my fist, I made a promise to Darius that I'd service Egypt.

"Come my king, let us advance on these rebels and send them all to the afterlife to stand warning never again to cross the great Rameses." Pharaoh hummed in agreement. With that the three prepared for war.

Hiccups pov

A few hours later, the entire Egyptian army along with myself and the acolytes waited for the enemy. Suddenly we saw them. A sea of rebels, from chariots to foot soldiers, and archers. Luckily we have something they don't. Dragons.

All the acolytes rode monstrous nightmares, though the dragons physic was different from the nightmares in the Archipelago. Rameses gave a speech to his army to motivate them and to seize their balls and let them know they were the masters and the rebels are the slaves. Finally the war horn blew. And both sides let out a roar of battle cries and charged. Myself the the acolytes rained fire on the rebels, and we'd wipe out handfuls of them.

Screams of pain and death filled the air, bodies burned to a crisp and the air reeked of flesh.
The two armies clashed and the battle began.
The pharaohs chariot mowed rebels down until he had the rebel king in his sight. Abuskhau and his chariots charges straight to Rameses, I ordered Toothless to fire on the two chariots beside Abuskhau. Only the two kings remained.

Rameses pov

I had the traitor in my sight. The man I once loved as a friend, ally, and brother. Time seemed to slowed as our chariots drew closer to each other.

He grabbed a bow and arrow and started firing at me. I ducked out of the way and one of the arrow heads grazed my cheek.

I hiss in slight pain, yet shake it out, I draw a spear and as our chariots pass, I shove the spear straight in Abuskhaus' wheel. He gets hurled out of his chariot and plummets into the sand. I turn around and exit the chariot and draw my khopesh sword and walk slowly toward the traitor. He slowly gets up, covered in sand and cuts from the impact.
He looks at me and snarls, hate in his eyes, burning through my very soul.

He draws his own sword and we circle each other.

Finally Abuskhau breaks the silence between the two and screams in pure rage. "Your father thought I was unworthy to be your friend, your brother, yet after everything we've been through, you turned your back on me when I needed you the most!!" I remember the day my father Seti ordered his banishment. I shake my head as anger swells in my breast.

"Don't you blame this on me! I loved you like a brother, yet what you did was madness even for me! Your actions got you banished, not my father, or me, but you and you alone." Abuskhau charges toward me and our swords clash against each other and the field is littered with corpses, drenched in blood, brains and gore.

Nothing but war cries, the sound of metal clashing against one another rang out across the field.

I parried and blocked all of Abuskhaus' strikes, his rage took over and he was swigging like a mad man. I couldn't bear the sight of this any longer, so I decided to end this once and for all.
I knocked his sword out of his hand and hit him in the face with the base of my sword, leaving him unconscious. I kneels before him and place my hand on his shoulder. "You'll always be my brother Abuskhau, I'm doing this for your own good."

Hiccups pov

It seems as though Rameses has defeated the rebel king, the other rebels either ran away, or were executed on the spot.
I land Toothless next to Rameses and walk over to him. He looks over his shoulder, and turns to face me. "You fought well Haddock, you led my army to victory and crushed the rebels, you've just made Persia and Egypt a more powerful ally, you have my gratitude." He extended his arm out to me, and I grasp it as we shake forearms.

"What will happen to Abuskhau great pharaoh?"

He looked at the unconscious rebel and then looked back at me. "Death would be a mercy, we must ensure other conspirators that those who dare challenge me, will receive a fate far worse than death."

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