Chapter 65: Victory

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Astrids pov

As we continued fighting the Djinn outside, they continued to keep pouring out of that nest, until something happened. One moment they receive reinforcements and attempt to overpower us, but then they desicated and turned into bone, leaving nothing but dust. We all covered our faces, and once the winds blew over we all chuckled and the one I recognized as Amam, raised his hands high in the air gave a cry.

"Ahhh!!!" He roared and everyone else soon followed letting out cheers. That is until we heard the mountain rumbling and crashing, sides of the mountain exploded and lava poured out.

"BACK!! EVERYONE GET BACK!!" Stoick roared, like that we got clear off the debris and lava. I gasped as the mouth of the cave collapsed. Hiccup was still in there. "No." I whispered, my heart pounding and tears begin to form in my eyes. Valka, who'd  joined the battle with an army of dragons and the Bewilderbeast, gasped too, everyone stared at the caves entrance as smoke formed.

The battlefield was filled filled with a pin drop silence, that is until we heard coughing, a figure formed in the smoke, we squinted our eyes to get a better look, and as the morning sun rose, the sunlight shown down on Hiccup Haddock, who was alive and well. Everyone laughed and cheered, I gasped and ran to Hiccup as fast as my legs could carry me.

Hiccup pov

I barley made it out that nest in one piece, but luckily I made it out at the last second possible, and as the morning sun rose, I saw my fleet and army all alive and well, I even laid eyes on the Bewilderbeast, meaning mom is here. After stepping out of the smoke, cheers erupted and before I could think, Astrid tackled me with a bone crushing hug, I grunted and laughed. As we got up we gave each other a more intimate hug.

"Thank all the gods of Asgard that your safe, I thought I lost you again." She whispered, we pulled apart, grasping each others forearms, I smiled at her and gave her a deep and passionate kiss, which she gladly returned, burying her fingers in my hair, as we broke apart, I caressed her cheek lovingly. "It's going to take more than an avalanche of boulders and lava to keep me from your arms." I said to her, she laughed with tears running down her cheeks, I smiled and wiped her tears away and gave her another passionate kiss.

"Well, well, you made it out alive huh?" I broke apart from Astrids sweet lips, and smiled seeing Amam, Ana, Azar and Juva all smiling at me, I gave them a group hug while bursting out laughing. "Of course, I wasn't going to die like that, I'm going to die old and with the woman I love." I said while pointing at Astrid, she smiled while blushing.

"Hahaha!! Well done son!" Stoick said as he gave me his legendary hugs, that used to almost snap me in half, yet now, just caused me to grunt, and I laughed hugging him back. "Thanks dad." We pulled apart to see mom coming up to us as well.

"Hiccup, you never fail to amaze my dear boy." She said with pride, she pulled me into a warm hug which I gladly returned.

"I'm glad your here mom." I said, she smiled and caressed my cheek. "And here I'll stay, with you and your father." Stoick chuckled and pulled mom into a passionate kiss, I smiled at them, their reunion is well deserved.

Suddenly I got tackled from behind and was being covered in thick dragon saliva. "Ah! Toothless!!" I complained as he got off me, I got up and wiped his saliva off me. "You know that doesn't wash out." But my dragon simply gave a chuckle, I shook my head while smirking. "You did it Hiccup." Amam said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I shook my head. "No. We all did it. We united almost every tribe in the Archipelago to unite as one to vanquish the Djinn and we're victorious." I smiled and nod.

Everyone that came to greet came by my side. "Its you son, they all honor you." Stoick said, he raised his hand out for me to look at the army, I walked at the edge of the slope I stood upon, the army below us and dragons looked at me.

I drew my sword and lifted it high in the air, both man and dragon gave out roars that seemed to have shaken the very ground beneath us. I smiled, we've done the impossible and mankind lives to tell the tale of how we saved them.

Normal pov

As paying tribute to the fallen, the Persians help build pyres for the Vikings who fell in battle. They'd fought and bled together, whatever disagreements and quarrels they had before were mended, after paying their respects, they gathered whatever supplies they could to load back to the ships.

Hiccup and Astrid walked hand in hand, and they came up to Garth and Freyja, Helga came up to Astrid and Hiccup smiling before pulling them into a hug, which they returned.

"Congrats sis, looks like you and your man Haddock are getting married in a week." The two lovers laughed and thanked Helga, Hiccup than came up to Garth, and kneeled before him.

"Sir, Astrid told me of how my cousin rudely treated your daughter, but know this, your daughter is my heart, I can't live without her, she's an excellent warrior, student and dragon rider. I'm giving you my word, that I will love your daughter and provide for her." Garth knelt down as well and put his hand on Hiccups shoulder, when the young inquisitor looked at the eldest Hofferson, he was smiling, his long blond beard covering the smile itself, but the muscles in his cheek told him he was.

"My boy, Astrid has told us so much about you, you have my permission to wed my daughter. And I believe you'll treat my daughter like the rarest gem in the world. Live, love and I expect to have some nephews and nieces soon." The two men laughed and Hiccup and Garth grasped forearms and hugged.

When they broke apart, Hiccup came to Freyja. "Your heart and actions are so pure Hiccup, you're more than worthy to wed our daughter. Treat her well." She than pulled Hiccup into a hug, which he returned. "I will ma'am, count on it." They broke apart and Astrid wrapped her arm around Hiccups waist. "Well babe, looks like you've got my parents praise." She smiled, Hiccup grinned and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, I'll make you feel loved everyday, for the rest of your life Astrid, because that's what you deserve, to be loved, even when there might be times you reject me, I'll never give up on you." He said, Astrid smiled, a tear rolling down her cheek, he than pulled her into a passionate kiss, which she returned, when they broke apart, Astrid stroked Hiccups cheek.

"Thank you Hiccup, and I love you too, with all my heart." The two pulled each other into a living embrace. As the fleet made its way back to Berk, Hiccup stared at the sunset, he than heard heavy footsteps, he turned to see his dad, he than sat next to him.

"Hey dad." Hiccup said, Stoick smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hiccup, I know we've made up and I'm glad you've given me a second chance, but there's something I must ask of you, that might change your life." Stoick began, catching Hiccups attention. "You want me to take your place as chief so you can make up for lost time with mom?" He asked, Stoick almost seemed taken back by this.

"Yes. I know it's a lot to take in, but after twenty years apart from your mother, if you don't want it, that's fine, I was just..." Before Stoick could finish, Hiccup placed a hand on his fathers beefy one, the great chief turned to face his son.

"Dad, I'd be honored, you've made mistakes yes, but now you deserve to rekindle your love with mom." Stoick cried tears of joy, as father and son gave each other a warm embrace. "Thank you my son, I love you." Hiccup had always wanted to hear those words part from his fathers lips.

As a boy, when he was bullied and physically beaten, Stoick told him to suck it up and that Vikings don't cry, but hearing him saying it now? It warmed Hiccups heart. "Your welcome dad, I love you too, live your life with mom, enjoy her for as long as you two have left in this world." The two Haddocks pulled apart and smiled at each other, they spent the rest of the trip talking of each other's adventures and feats accomplished over the years, spending time together as father and son.

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