Chapter 69: Family

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Astrids pov

Five years have passed and the Archipelago has entered a new era of peace and my life was truly complete. Finnick was five years old and looks exactly like his father, yet Finnick has my warrior heart and his fathers natural ability to connect with dragons and people. Life has changed significantly, Fishlegs and Heather married each other a month after Finnicks birth, Ruffnut and Eret are dating each other and I've never seen the female Thorston so happy, Tuffnut is with a woman named Rain, she's from the Meathead tribe, she's every bit of crazy and wild like Tuff, my dear sister Helga and Gustav are really taking their relationship to the next level, but I'm happy for my sister, she deserves to be happy.

And Snotlout? Well he hasn't been with another woman, he really has changed, he and Hiccup balmed their grievous injuries and treat each other as family should, he apologized to me and even though he caused so much pain, I forgave him, everyone deserves a second chance.

My marriage with Hiccup was so strong, we trust each other on all things, and our love continues to blossom. I was pregnant once more, Hiccup couldn't contain his excitement, saying that my baby bump is beautiful, I just laugh, he really means that, I lost Hiccup for fifteen years, and I regretted pushing him away, and I swore I'd never do that again.

Hiccup and I sit down next to each other and watch the sunrise, I rest my head on his shoulder, he kisses my shoulder. "You know we're going to need to get the day started soon." I said, Hiccup sighed and nodded. "I know, but the village can wait a little longer, right now I marvel at the rise of a new day with my gorgeous wife." I smile, he may be chief, yet he always finds time for both the village and his family, he is left exhausted by days end, yet he pushes through.

Toothless and Blue come toward us and the Night Furies nuzzle Hiccup, he chuckles and scratches Toothless head. "Hey bud, don't think I've forgotten about you." Toothless gave his trademark gummy smile. "The villagers are asking for you Hiccup." Toothless said via telepathy, Hiccup exhaled and nodded, he rose to his feet, he extended his hand for me, I took it, and he immediately he pulled me into a passionate kiss, I moan as our lips meld perfectly and he cupped my cheeks, pouring his soul into the kiss.

When we brake apart, he looks into my eyes. "Sorry we couldn't spend more time together this morning." I smiled and shook my head, I than cup his cheeks. "Go. I'll see you shorty." He nods and pulls me into another sweet kiss, when we brake he climbs on Toothless's back and shoots toward the heavens toward the village.

Normal pov

Berk has prospered over the years, its alliance with the other Viking tribes have granted them enough food and supplies to survive winters and in return, Berk would repay their allies with coin or other treasures, from Hiccups personal treasures that he'd gained in his time in Persia. Dragons have inhabited Berk in the thousands, Hiccup ordered that the villagers build dragon houses and feeding stations, he even invented a sewage system, so they could get rid of dragon waste. More and more buildings were built on Berk, because life on the island was growing every day, it was a fruitful time for both Vikings and dragons. Since Astrid was pregnant, she was tasked to just take it easy, to much stress could affect the baby still in her womb.

So Astrid went to Great Hall and saw Hiccup and a handful of other men building a statue of Stoick, a gift so that Berk will always remember all the things the great Haddock had done for them when they were at war and now when they were at peace.

Hiccup grabbed a flask of water and took a sip, he than laid eyes on his pregnant wife, he made his way over to her. "Hello milady, how's your day so far?" Astrid smiled and took his hand to a table so they could sit down. "Ugh, you know since I'm pregnant I need to take it easy. But other than that? I'm doing good." Hiccup smiled and kissed her cheek, she sighed happily. "Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?" He asked, Astrid chuckled and nodded. "Actually yeah, can you please bring me a chicken leg and mutton?" Hiccup smiled and left to bring his wife her food.

By days end Hiccup and the villagers had set up new defense mechanisms in case something were to attack, yet it was unlikely. Astrid had slipped into a bath and sighed as the warm water and soapy bubbles surrounded her body, she sighed and washed herself, the houses on Berk had built in drains to get rid of used water, and there was an aqua system to pump clean and fresh water into the villagers baths if they needed to bathe.

After Astrid finished bathing she joined Hiccup in their bed and Hiccup pulled her close. "The gods have blessed us with another child, I bet you it's a girl." He whispered, she bit her lip while smiling and pecked his nose. "We'll see, but for now, I just want to hear your heart beating." She said as she laid her head on his toned chest, Hiccup smiled and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Astrid." He whispered, she kissed his chest and nuzzles into the crook of his neck. "Goodnight my love." With that the two hold each other, their bodies entwined and were soon consumed by sleep.

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